Escape to Farmland

Chapter 324 The premise of mobilizing natural forces

Chapter 324 The premise of mobilizing natural forces (Second watch for support

"Didn't you say that starting today, I will be given special training?"

The main reason is that Xia Huan couldn't settle down for a while when he came to a brand new environment.

"Don't worry, rest well first, then you will have enough energy to face the training."

Xia Quan smiled gently, "It's been a busy day, isn't Xiao Huan feeling tired?"


Xia Huan pursed his lips and blinked his eyes.

I'm embarrassed to say what's in my heart.

"Are you too excited to sleep?"

Seeing his appearance, Xia Quan guessed some possibility, and said with a smile, "How about this, my sister will accompany you and tell you a bedtime story."

"What's a bedtime story?"

It was the first time Xia Huan heard such a new word, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's a little story told by parents when children are going to bed."

She bent down to pick him up and walked to the second bedroom, explaining patiently, "Our parents are gone, so my sister will tell you a bedtime story, okay?"


Hearing her mention of her parents, the little guy's eyes dimmed, but he obediently agreed.

"So nice."

Feeling the loss in the child's heart, Xia Quan deliberately ignored this emotion and diverted his attention.

Soothed by Xia Quan's bedtime story, the child soon fell asleep.

Listening to his even breathing, Xia Quan's voice gradually lowered.

He didn't get up and leave his room until he confirmed that his brother had slept soundly.

After coming out of his younger brother's room, Xia Quan didn't go back to the master bedroom to rest directly, but turned around and left the treasure house, returning to reality.

She wanted to try out the means of mastering the power of nature that she had just obtained.

The first time he went out after ten o'clock in the evening, Xia Quan realized that the night in the village was like this.

There was silence between heaven and earth, not even the chirping of insects could be heard.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is full of stars, it can be seen that tomorrow will still be sunny.

Take a deep breath of air with the fragrance of bamboo leaves, and let it out slowly.

Xia Quan began to mobilize the water elements between heaven and earth according to the usage method obtained after absorbing those basic elements.

It's a pity that after mobilizing for a long time, only a trace of water flowed out of my hands.

In order not to waste the water she mobilized, she took a wooden basin from the kitchen and prepared it.

Hearing the sound of rain-like running water, Xia Quan felt a sense of helplessness in his heart.

"It seems that I think too simple."

She muttered softly, "I thought that if I obtained the method of using natural power, I would be able to interrupt this drought."

"Unexpectedly, if you really want to use it freely, you need to practice a lot."

"My lord, you can be content."

Beidou's voice interrupted her emotion, "You just got such power, you can mobilize water for your own use, it's already great."

"Besides, what is a force of nature?"

It explained speechlessly and helplessly, "Of course there is enough water in the world to be used by you."

"You don't really think that with such power, you can conjure water out of thin air?"

Xia Quan: "..." So embarrassing.

She hadn't thought of that.

Beidou didn't pay attention to the embarrassment of his host.

It continued: "If you are trying to mobilize a large amount of water power when the natural world is extremely short of water, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"What consequences?"

At this time, Xia Quan was not stubborn.

As a person engaged in scientific research, it is the most basic ability to ask and learn when you don't understand.

She doesn't mind being taught by her own system.

Anything is fine as long as it makes sense.

"As a result, you and everything around you get dehydrated and die from dehydration."

(End of this chapter)

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