Savior Simulator

Chapter 989 Labyrinth Forest

Chapter 989 Labyrinth Forest

Ma Yun chanted a spell, waved a handful of fine sand mixed with flower petals, and cast a 3-ring spell "deep sleep" on a wounded werewolf.

The werewolf's spiritual will couldn't resist the invasion of magic power, he yawned a lot, fell straight on the ground and fell asleep, snoring dully.

They teamed up to destroy twelve werewolves, leaving only two alive.

After the battle, Jiang Feng helped Dimitri heal. Under the comfort of the divine energy, the wound on the lion's body stopped bleeding and healed quickly.

For some reason, the lycanthropy virus carried by werewolves is only effective against humanoids and giants, but cannot infect other species. At least Dimitri doesn't have to worry about going crazy on a full moon night.

Although the wounds on his body had healed, the lion held back his anger and took the initiative to undertake the task of torturing the captives and extorting confessions by torture.

Dimitri walked up to the sleeping werewolf, swung his front paws, and slapped the werewolf on the face, beating him into a pig's head in an instant.

The werewolf who had been beaten so badly in his sleep woke up with a cry, his eyes full of panic.

"Little wolf dog, if you don't want your throat to be bitten off, just tell me obediently, what bad things have you and your accomplices done?!"

Under the pressure of the lion, the werewolf trembled and told the truth.

Including him, thirteen members of this group of werewolves were originally human beings. They were forced to flee their hometown because of lycanthropy, and were gathered by the leader to form a thieves group.

They usually act in the form of humans, pretending to be hunters in the forest, and often take their prey to nearby villages to exchange daily necessities such as candles, salt, ropes, etc., and have a few drinks at the tavern in the village. face.

If you find a foreign traveler in the tavern, you will take the initiative to strike up a conversation, and offer to be a guide for the other party. For a small fee, you can guide the traveler through the maze-like forest safely.

It doesn't matter if travelers are defensive and refuse to hire them.

The werewolves were fully confident that these foreign fools would never be able to pass through the dense forest. After wandering in the forest for a few days and suffering enough, they would eventually return to the village to ask them for help.

At that time, the werewolves will pretend to be kind, lead the traveler into the woods, cooperate with their companions, and join forces to ambush the traveler, and take the property after killing people, even the corpse, even the skin and bones. clean, leaving no trace of criminal evidence.

"Why do you dare to conclude that foreign travelers will never be able to get out of this forest?" Gao Fei interjected.

"Because... this forest is enchanted, no matter which direction you go, you will always return to the starting point, which is a waste of effort." The werewolf replied humbly, "That's why it's called the 'Maze Forest'."

Gao Fei looked at Ma Yun suspiciously.

Ma Yun nodded slightly, and said to him through the astrolabe: "There are indeed strong magic fluctuations in the depths of the dense forest, and most of them have set up an enchantment to prevent outsiders from breaking in."

"So you can lead us through this maze forest?" Jiang Feng stared at the werewolf.

"Well..." The werewolf's eyes rolled around, "I can try..."

"You're lying!" Lion Dimitri roared, scaring the werewolf almost to the point of peeing his pants.

"Lion, Lord Lion, the little ones don't dare to lie..."

"Bullshit! You want to play us, there's no way! You kid is 100% lying! Ms. Mage, how about letting me screw this liar's head off?"

"Don't worry, my friend." Ma Yun comforted the impatient lion, "We can bring this guy back to the camp and let Nick interrogate him. No one can lie in front of the judge."

Hearing the word "Judger", the werewolf immediately changed his face, his eyes could not hide his frustration.

Looks like this guy has some sense and knows what "Judger" means.

"Okay, well, good lords and ladies, let me tell the truth... In fact, my partner and I are lying, we are not capable of leading travelers through the labyrinth forest, in fact, even we ourselves Don’t dare to enter the depths of the forest, or you will definitely get lost.”

"Hmph! I knew it would be like this!" Lion puffed out his chest triumphantly, "I can see through this kind of trick at a glance!"

"You guys have accumulated a lot of money by killing people and stealing goods over the years. Tell me honestly, where do you hide all this ill-gotten wealth?" Jiang Nvxia asked the werewolf with a half-smile.

"Our treasure..." the werewolf turned his head to look at the cave in the bushes, "it's all hidden in that cave, but only by reciting the correct spell can the big stone blocking the cave be opened."

"What bullshit spells, no need at all! Look at me!"

The lion rushed to the cave full of confidence, trying to move the stone blocking the door with brute force, but he couldn't move even the slightest effort, so he had to give up embarrassingly.

"Only our boss knows the spell to open the cave." Before the lion forced a confession, the werewolf confessed wisely.

"Your boss, is that big guy?"

Ma Yun turned her head to look at the dying ogre who was trampled under the sand golem, with suspicion in her eyes.

"This guy doesn't look like he can cast spells."

"That ogre is just a thug next to the boss, of course he doesn't know the spell." The werewolf's testimony confirmed Ma Yun's guess.

The ogre lost its way in the labyrinth forest, wandered around for several days but couldn't find the exit, collapsed in the forest from hunger, and happened to be met by werewolf bandits.

The boss of the werewolves was a low-level warlock. When he saw this starving ogre, he suddenly had a whim and bit him twice, trying to see if the ogre could be infected with the lycanthropy virus.

This impromptu experiment received satisfactory results. The ogre was actually infected with the virus and mutated into a beast-like ogre.

The werewolf boss subdued this powerful monster, and the strength of the bandit group was also greatly enhanced.

However, the lycanthropy ogre's brain is very stupid. It only thinks about eating all day long, and it can't do anything other than be a thug.

"I thought the lycanthrope ogre was the leader of the werewolf gang, so he left him alive..."

Ma Yun waved her hand in disappointment, and ordered the sand golem to strangle the beast-like ogre that had lost its use value.

As for the real leader of the werewolf gang, he was killed by Toto's "fireball technique" a long time ago, and his charred corpse transformed back into a human form. Who can tell that he is the leader of the gang?
"Although our boss is not good at fighting, he has a clever mind. He came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be a guide to lure and kill travelers..." the werewolf captive said humbly.

(End of this chapter)

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