Savior Simulator

Chapter 924 The Body of the Rock

Chapter 924 The Body of the Rock
The night wind blew away the smoke and dust, and Peter van der Waal's bruised body was exposed in front of Gao Fei.

The white robe that was originally worn on his body was turned into ashes in the explosion, and the golden helmet on his head was also shattered, but there was not a trace of blood on this old monster.

His complexion is blue and white, shining under the moonlight, showing the texture of rocks, and he is chanting prayers like no one else.


"On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!"

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven!"


Peter van der Waal's prayer echoed in the night sky, and everyone who heard it trembled with fear.

The bomb exploded close to his face. Instead of killing him, it caused him to mutate again. His flesh and blood became like cold and hard ore. What is going on?

With doubts, Gao Fei stared at the second form of Peter van der Waals.

The old guy looks more and more like some kind of earth elemental creature.

Gao Fei himself often turns into the form of the earth element, and he is confident that he will not be mistaken.

Suddenly, he remembered that Peter van der Waal had two nicknames.

One is the "Pope", referring to his supreme position within the Order of the Holy Blood.

There is also a nickname... called "Rock"!
"Rock" Peter, does he really have an indestructible rock body?

With doubts, Gao Fei activated the spirit seal, and once again blasted Peter van der Waals with a "mind blast".

This time Peter van der Waal unexpectedly withstood the bombardment of the shock wave in his mind, his mind was clear, and his face remained normal.

Judging from his demeanor, he doesn't even need a will save for "Mind Blast", just like facing a breeze, don't worry about it.

Gao Fei's heart trembled.

It seems unfortunate that this old monster has really become an elemental creature that is immune to most negative states including "shock". Every inch of flesh and blood is as hard as a diamond, and even CL-20 bombs can't kill it. He, is this the true strength of "Rock" Peter?
So the question is, how did Peter get his "body of rock"?

Goofy first ruled out drug use.

Hero medicine is amazing, yes, but the power of medicine has a limit after all.

Peter's "Earth Domain" is basically the strongest superpower that hero medicine can develop, and it is unlikely to stimulate another superpower that is not inferior to the "Earth Domain".

What's more, "Earth Realm" belongs to the superpower of "manipulation system", while "Body of Rock" obviously belongs to the superpower of "transformation department". Can one take a hero medicine and develop superpowers of two different systems at the same time?
Among the thousands of drug-induced mutant files collected in Tiangong, there has never been such a precedent!
If Peter van der Waal's second superpower wasn't derived from the hero drug, what could it be?

Gao Fei suddenly remembered something.

Just this morning, Tangning revealed to all his teammates that "Judas" was actually "Queen of the Ants" Hitty, and also mentioned that Hitty had a very special physique.

She herself is a mutant who has been radiated by the silver flash and evolved independently. After taking the hero drug, she actually underwent a second evolution, and her original superpower was further strengthened.

This case of congenital variation + drug-induced secondary variation is very rare in humans.

On the contrary, after taking the medicine, the mutated monsters other than humans have a greater chance of undergoing a second mutation - the twelve angels of the Holy Blood Knights were born in this way.

Tangning was very envious of Hiti's special physique, and tried to take the hero medicine, but unfortunately she did not undergo a secondary mutation.

Probability is something that is sometimes counter-intuitive.

The probability of a person throwing a dice and rolling a 10 6 times in a row is very small, but no one can deny the possibility of such a possibility.

Since Hitty can mutate twice, Peter may also be in a similar situation:
The "rock body" was awakened through spontaneous mutation, and the "earth domain" was developed after secondary mutation after taking the hero medicine.

This sounds unrealistic, but besides this, Gao Fei can't think of any other more reasonable explanation for the time being.

A strong airflow blows head-on.

Peter used the supergravity field to accelerate himself, like a cannonball, hitting Goofy straight.

Peter's rock-hard head hit Gao Fei's chest, pierced through his wind elemental body, and flew out through his back.

In the elemental form, Gao Fei had no internal organs or nervous system. He was knocked almost to pieces and didn't feel any pain. He checked the status bar of the astrolabe and found that his life had dropped a lot.

He hurriedly turned his head and followed Peter's back.

Driven by 16 times the acceleration of gravity, Peter broke through the air and broke through Gao Fei's body. The next unlucky person was Wang Daqing, who was fighting against "Steel Nail" Philip.

Hearing the sound of breaking wind above his head, Wang Daqing hurriedly raised his shield to parry, but was knocked into the air by Peter, and he rolled and fell to the corner of the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Peter continued flying at high speed.

Under the propulsion of 16 times the acceleration of gravity, the "rock body" carries more kinetic energy every second than the previous second, and the increase in destructive power is even more terrifying.

Amidst the roar, gravel splashed!
Peter directly smashed through a bunker with a heavy machine gun, and buried Qi Tian alive in the ruins while hiding in the bunker and sniping coldly.

The crocodile angel sensed that his master was in danger, turned around and flicked his tail in a hurry, and fired a high-pressure water cannon at Peter.

Peter ran into the water bomb!
Water splash.

The body of the rock broke through the water bomb, knocked over the crocodile angel, and fled away.

Watching Peter van der Waals rampage, Gao Fei knew in his heart that his wind elemental form was no longer enough to fight against a powerful enemy who was both "earth domain" and "rock body".

It's time to start the second transformation and change to a more powerful fighting form!

Goofy restarted "Wild Transformation", changing from an air element to a fire element.

The four elements of water, fire, wind, and earth are of the same level, considering all attributes, the fire element is the weakest category.

Goofy transforms into a fire elemental form, and the spell gain, free attributes, and expertise configuration remain unchanged. Compared with the wind elemental form, the agility attribute is reduced by 4 points, and the flying ability is also lost.

Fortunately, the level 7 "imitator" comes with a "master of disguise", which is a non-consumable "transformation technique". Gao Fei can gain the flying ability of the latter after transforming into a wind element in the form of a fire element.

At this moment, Gao Fei has turned into a fiery human-shaped fire tornado, which looks really majestic.

However, compared with before the transformation, the actual combat effectiveness of the wind and fire giant form has not improved, but has been slightly weakened in agility, dodge, hit and damage data.

(End of this chapter)

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