Savior Simulator

Chapter 897 Taming the Fire Angel

Chapter 897 Taming the Fire Angel

Of course, the red dragon with wide wings can fly faster than the crane angel with short wings.

Angel Crane felt the chilling Longwei coming from behind, and hurriedly turned his head to spit fireballs.

Gao Fei sneered, and rushed towards the fireball. At the same time, he spent an astrolabe energy to activate "energy replacement" and change the dragon's breath attribute.

The fireball hit the red dragon's back, and the violent burst of flames made Gao Fei feel a comfortable warmth, as if he had taken a hot bath.

Spreading his wings and flying out of the blazing airspace, Gao Fei took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth to spew out a white cold current, which instantly froze the crane angel in front of him into an ice block, rolling and falling down.

Gao Fei retracted his wings and accelerated his dive.

Before the crane angel touched the ground and was smashed to pieces, he caught it and landed slowly on the lake beach.

Jiang Feng also turned into a red dragon form. Holding the dying fire angel in his dragon claws, he followed her boyfriend to fly away from the pumice fortress and landed on the beach by the lake.

The battle by the lake just ended.

Tang Ning, Pep, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing teamed up to wipe out all the fire salamanders that came ashore.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng turned back into human form and joined their teammates.

Ma Yun took out the syringe, drew a tube of blood from the fire angel and the crane angel, and sent it to the Vader laboratory.

The Fire Angel was sent directly to Tianji Station, and was detained in the ecological zone that simulated the fire elemental plane, while the Crane Angel stayed and would use it later.

After everyone finished cleaning the battlefield, the analysis report from the laboratory was sent back.

Under normal circumstances, the challenge level of a level 10 fire salamander warlock is level 6. After taking the hero medicine, the fire angel will be promoted to level 9, with 114 health points. Including the 4 points of constitution and 4 points of agility raised by the hero medicine, all attributes Yes: Strength 13, Dexterity 17, Constitution 20, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 16, Charisma 24.

As Gao Fei guessed, the hero medicine also significantly enhanced the fire angel's ability to cast spells. In addition to the blood of the fire system, an additional awakening of the 1st ring "shield" and "healing"; Lost Step", 2-ring "flying" and "dispel", 3-ring "any door" and "charm monster".

Crane Angel's challenge level is level 8, HP 186, after taking the hero potion, strength, agility and constitution each +4, attributes become: strength 28, agility 19, constitution 24, intelligence 4, perception 15, charisma 13.

Ordinary mutant crane camels, such as the turkey, are large creatures.

The Crane Angel is not stronger than the turkey under normal circumstances, but the cells are stimulated during drug use, the body swells to a super-large size, and the feathers and skin become extraordinarily tough, which is equivalent to natural armor +4, and regains the already degraded body. Flying ability, but it is clumsy to fly.

In terms of expertise, in addition to the various talents that other mutant crane camels also have, Crane Angel is also good at "proficient jumping", "proficient dash", "combat reflexes" and "tit for tooth".

Ordinary mutated crane camels are immune to fire damage and can breathe fire. Crane Angel has evolved in both aspects, can absorb fire damage and transform it into its own vitality, and the range and damage of fire breathing have also been greatly enhanced.

Crane Angel has three flame-breathing modes: a 60-foot cone, a 120-foot line, and the most powerful mode—a ball of fire blasted thousands of feet away, with a blast radius of 20 feet.

The damage is 12d6 regardless of which flame-breathing mode is used.

For capturing Fire Angel and Crane Angel, the average SWAT team will reward 8900 experience points.

In addition, according to the number of fire salamanders killed in the battle and the supporting role they played, they will also receive corresponding experience rewards.

After this campaign, except for Ma Tao, Jiang Feng, and Tang Ning, whose ranks remained unchanged, the ranks of the other special police officers were all raised.

Qi Tian spent 20000 experience points to upgrade the Tiangong special police to level 13, proficiency in correction and freedom of expertise +1 each.

Unless there is a chance to subdue thugs stronger than Crocodile Angel or Spider Angel, there is no need for the sub-profession "Beast Tamer" to continue to upgrade.

Comrade Lao Wang worked steadily and steadily, promoted to level 15 special police, learned "free reset", free specialty +1.

Xiao Ma raised the Tiangong special police to level 11 and added a free specialty.

After accumulating enough experience points in the future, she plans to upgrade Artificer to level 11, meeting the conditions for learning 5-level magic.

In the days to come, she will stick to the rhythm of alternately improving the main profession and the sub-class, which is also the most suitable upgrade route for mages.

After Crane Angel stopped taking the drug, the challenge level dropped from level 8 to level 5, and it can be domesticated into a natural partner.

Brother Pep spent all the experience points he had accumulated in one go, and his main job and sub-job were upgraded by 1 level each.

Now he is a level 10 special police officer and a level 10 beast man, who happens to be able to tame the Crane Angel whose level has degraded after stopping the drug, and sign a "natural contract" with him.

Gao Fei asked Ma Tao to heal Crane Angel's leg injury, and gave the bottle of hero medicine seized from Fire Angel to Brother Pep-feed Crane Angel with a pill, and he would be able to return to his peak state immediately.

Pep didn't get the legendary specialty "Nature's Bond", so he could only bring a natural partner.

Now that there is a crane angel, he has to break the contract with the turkey.

The fire-breathing dog was not allowed to regain his freedom, and he took the female crane and camel rescued in Razor Valley to live and fly together, and they became a happy and happy fairy couple.

Gao Fei got 15300 experience points in this campaign, again the highest in the team.

After deducting the cost of upgrading the Law Thief, there are 23400 experience points left. Save it first, and when you save 40000 points in the future, you can upgrade the Tiangong Special Police to level 18.

The night is coming to an end, and the morning light is faint.

The special police team rested for a day by the steam lake, took a tour of the volcanic scenery by the way, and took pictures as souvenirs.

Two days later, Gao Fei and his entourage left the steam lake, rode a mutated crane and camel instead, crossed the volcanic belt, and headed to the penultimate coordinate on the "Arc of Mutations" - Ash Swamp.

In the southern part of Parian Island, the delta plain formed by the Frye River and the Digul River and other rivers is slowly sinking. This area is low and flat, with extensive swamps, and it is one of the largest swamps in the world. one.

After three days of riding, Gao Fei and others arrived at the edge of the wetland, and what lay before the eyes of the special police officers was the vast expanse of Wang Yang Zeguo.

From here, hiking has become impossible, and even the long legs of the crane angels cannot detect the depth of the swamp.

Gao Fei and his teammates jumped off the back of the bird and sent six mutant crane camels, including the turkey, to the Tianji station. The mutant crane camels will live in an ecological reserve that simulates the rainforest climate and enjoy the peace without being disturbed Life.

Pep took out the magic catamaran, placed it on the water, chanted a spell, and enlarged it as a means of transportation across the swamp.

Not long after boarding the ship, Tangning received an email.

"Judas has sent a letter to inform us of bad news." Tangning looked stern.

(End of this chapter)

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