Savior Simulator

Chapter 757 Istna's Revenge

Chapter 757 Istna's Revenge

The mysterious man stopped opposite Ma Yun, and took off his cloak and hood with his backhand, revealing a gorgeous and gloomy face.

"Estna, it's you!" Ma Yun couldn't help exclaiming, "Why are you here?"

"Hehe...I came to Emerald City, of course, to settle accounts with you." The hag's daughter sneered, "Little village girl, I have been following you since you walked out of the hotel gate, but you didn't notice it at all. The low is terrible, this really disappoints me! It seems that in the past adventure days, you were protected by your companions too well."

Ma Yun's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help secretly regretting her previous impulsive willfulness. She should never have left her companions and ran out to do things alone.

"Little village girl, I heard that Master Oz invented a flying machine that can send you back to your hometown. Is it true?" Eastna asked.

"That's true, but—"

Before Ma Yun finished speaking, she was interrupted by Eastna.

"Since you can return to your hometown without resorting to the magic power of the silver shoes, why should you continue to occupy the property that should belong to me?"

The hag's daughter held out her hand, longing in her eyes.

"Give me back the silver shoes, this is the last chance!"

"Not yet." Ma Yun shook her head helplessly, "Whether the magic rocket can reach the world of Vales smoothly, Master Oz is not fully sure."

"Little village girl! I said this is the last chance. If you don't know how to flatter me, don't blame me for being rude!" Eastna said angrily.

Regardless of whether it is out of friendship or the strength gap between the two, Ma Yun does not want to single out with Eastna here.

Quickly using her brain, she suddenly had an idea.

"Little hag, I've come up with a good idea! Why don't you take the rocket with me, and if you get home, I'll return the silver shoes to you, and then ask Master Oz to send you back with the rocket."

"What kind of a good idea is this?!" Eastna raised her voice angrily, "You said that rockets are not safe, what if the rocket fails to reach the world of Vales, and instead takes us to the bottomless abyss or something? place, what should I do?"

"This..." Ma Yun was at a loss for words.

Before she could figure out how to appease Eastna, the fiery little hag had already fired a series of "magic missiles".

Ma Yun is now a level 8 artificer, Eastna has been promoted to a level 11 mage, plus the talent bonus of the night hag blood, the two sides are singled out, and Ma Yun is not her opponent yet.

If she is allowed to give full play to her skills and tactics and single out Eastna, it cannot be said that there is no hope of winning at all.

Unfortunately, at the moment of the conflict between the two sides, Ma Yun was forcibly released from the state of "spiritual descent", and could only watch helplessly as Dorothy was beaten badly by Eastna.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were also watching the duel.

Their mentality was more peaceful than Ma Yun's, and they soon realized that Eastna was only fierce on the surface, but she was merciful in her actions, otherwise she would have killed Dorothy, whose HP was less than 1/3 of her own.

The little hag, who had gained the upper hand, once again ordered Dorothy to hand over the silver shoes.

"Give me back the silver shoes, and I can save your life!"

Dorothy bit her lip stubbornly, refusing to give in.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, engines roared from the rocket launch site separated by a wall, and Eastna became a little impatient, and waved her "Lightning Beam".


A bolt of lightning tore through the dawn sky and hit the girl's chest.

Dorothy was knocked down under the wall by the lightning bolt, her face was pale and she fell into a coma.

"Hmph! Be honest now!"

Eastna walked towards the unconscious girl, intending to do it herself and take off the pair of silver shoes from her feet.

At this moment, an angry lion's roar suddenly came from behind, as well as hurried footsteps.

Dimitri the Lion, Vita the Scarecrow and Nick the Tin Woodman woke up in the morning and found that Dorothy was missing. Fearing that she would be kidnapped by the bad guys, they rushed out to look for her.

As soon as they got here, they heard the thunder of lightning, just in time to see Eastna cast a spell to knock Dorothy unconscious, and rushed to rescue their friends.

The lion, the scarecrow and the tin woodman teamed up to deal with Eastna, although with some difficulty, they managed to prevent her from approaching the unconscious Dorothy.

Not long after, the magnetic force on the mechanical dog Toto faded, he got rid of the suppression of the trash can, and ran back to join the battle against the little hag.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and many residents of Emerald City woke up early to watch the launch of the magic rocket.

Passing by here, seeing someone fighting, they all stopped to watch and discuss in low voices.

Eastna was entangled by lions, scarecrows, tin men, and mechanical dogs, and felt increasingly anxious and irritable.

Seeing more and more passers-by watching the excitement around, Master Oz may receive the news at any time and rush to the scene.

With this powerful mage joining the opponent, I'm afraid it will be his turn to be in bad luck.

The more Eastna thought about it, the more uneasy she became, so she had to give up snatching the silver shoes, and raised her hand to blast out a "magnetizing cone".

Poor Toto was magnetized again, and Nick was also affected by the strong magnetic field.

Attracted by the strong magnetic field, the mechanical dog and the tin woodman involuntarily move closer together and cannot be separated.

Eastna took the opportunity to break through the siege, raised her hand to hold the heart-shaped gemstone, and with a flash of silver light, she escaped into the spirit world and disappeared without a trace.

The Scarecrow and the Lion didn't care to chase the little hag, but hurried to the bottom of the wall and woke up Dorothy.

Miss Mage woke up, suddenly realized that it was getting late, and hurried to the rocket launch site.

It's a pity that I was a step late, and I hurried to catch up, but I still couldn't catch up in the end.

Looking at the Oz rocket, which sprayed out the blazing flame tail and had already flown ten thousand feet into the sky, Dorothy was deeply shocked and couldn't help crying.

Just when she was sad and disappointed, a ball of red light suddenly appeared in front of her.

With tears in her eyes, the girl held the ball of light.

This ball of light is the energy crystallization of the 3-ring "short message technique", and it is also a carrier for conveying words and words.

When Dorothy held the ball of light, she immediately heard the voice of Master Oz in the rocket, echoing in her mind.

"Go to Quedlin Township and find Glinda, the Southern Witch. Only she can help you go home!"

Master Oz's last advice revived a glimmer of hope in the girl's heart, which was almost overwhelmed by mourning.

Yes, this adventure is not over yet, she has to continue to find her way home!
At this time, the lion, the scarecrow and the tin woodman also rushed to the rocket launch site, and they were trying to comfort Dorothy, but found that the girl had wiped away her tears and cheered herself up.

"My friends, it's really a pity that I didn't get on the rocket. Fortunately, Master Oz pointed out another way home for me. Next, I plan to find Glinda."

(End of this chapter)

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