Savior Simulator

Chapter 66 Rescue the Caravan

Chapter 66 Rescue the Caravan
The most vulnerable link in the slave trade chain in Sevinia is now being corrupted by Noxos gangs, and General Rodriguez certainly cannot sit idly by.

From this perspective, the relationship between slave hunters and sand bandits is like the relationship between royal privateers and unlicensed pirates, colonial companies and smugglers. They are more keen to fight against competitors and maintain the existing legal order.

Because of this, General Rodriguez also recruited many mercenary teams with "slave hunting licenses" to fight side by side. In the eyes of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, this massive bandit suppression operation is quite The taste of "black eat black".

According to the battle plan formulated by Your Excellency the General, the Fort Iron Fist Corps is not in a hurry to challenge the powerful Noxus gangs head-on, and will first eliminate those weaker gangs, cut off Noxos' vassal wings, and then concentrate its forces to besiege Vierland. Town, the lair of the fire giant in one go!

This plan went very smoothly. For two weeks in a row, the Iron Fist army divided up and attacked, annihilating more than a dozen small and medium sand bandit gangs.

Somo, the fake "Baron Lopez", performed particularly well during this period. He led the troops to sweep across the Gobi, made illustrious military exploits, was rewarded by His Excellency the General, and was promoted to the rank of major.

Jiang Feng and Gao Fei did not personally participate in the above-mentioned battle, they were just explaining the background of the game.

When they were attached to Sumo and Basaka respectively and entered the main plot of this chapter, the troops were on their way back triumphantly.

This thousand-man regiment, led by General Rodriguez himself, marched to the bank of the Sunset River. It was getting late and the troops had just set up camp when suddenly there was a shout of killing in a sparse Populus euphratica forest a few miles away, mixed with The roar of the hyena.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng rode a camel, looked at each other, and guessed that this was a clue to the plot.

The scouts who explored the road in front rode Sha Juanchen and rushed over to report to His Excellency the General and the noble officers.

"Across the woods, a group of jackal bandits are besieging the caravan!"

Since there were robbers looting on the way, General Rodriguez of course couldn't sit idly by. He pulled out his saber and pointed forward. The army immediately charged, like billowing sand and dust, and surrounded the group of wolf men and bandits.

Gao Fei was at the forefront of the charge, swinging his battle axe, slaying the jackals who stood in his way.

The horrified expression of the enemy, the splashing blood, and the constant screams and wailing in his ears made him feel bloody and extremely exciting, and he experienced the thrill of "riding and hacking" personally. .

The battle lasted less than half an hour, and the gnolls and bandits were completely killed, and the trapped caravan was also rescued.

Surrounded by his attendants, the leader of the caravan walked through the bloody battlefield, came to the front of the position, and thanked His Excellency the General and the noble officers in person.

To everyone's surprise, the leader of the caravan turned out to be a young woman. The white burqa could not cover her graceful figure, and the head scarf and black veil covered her face, making her watery eyes even more charming and lovable.

After entering the camp, the leader of the caravan took off his veil, revealing a glamorous face with a little fear, which immediately attracted the attention of all the officers present like a magnet.

"This new npc's dress, figure and appearance are all similar to Cleopatra in the movie. The original artist of the game is likely to pick up the material directly, and use it after changing it."

Gao Fei told Jiang Feng in a private chat.

"It's so pretty, but unfortunately I can't appreciate this bitch-like type. It doesn't look like a real person." Jiang Feng suddenly asked a dangerous question, "Gao Fei, do men like this? A flirtatious woman?"

"I don't dare to represent all male compatriots. As far as my personal taste is concerned, the appreciation of this kind of hot stunner is limited to Two-dimensional. If it appears in reality, I can only stay away from it, so as not to eat fish and make a fishy body .”

"Hey! Is there a cat in the world that doesn't steal? I think you still have dirty thoughts in your heart!"

"I'm wronged! The conscience of heaven and earth, I'm telling the truth!"

While they were chatting and bickering in private, the glamorous young woman had already revealed her identity.The self-proclaimed name is Yesenia, and she comes from Media, a border trading city in the Kingdom of Fizhen. The family has been in business for generations, mainly engaged in the red wine business. It was a disaster at one point.

Yesenia thanked the officers for their life-saving grace, and by the way, asked the general to allow her to take back the goods looted by the jackals. As a token of gratitude, she was willing to donate half of the red wine to reward the brave soldiers who fought.

General Rodriguez was immediately fascinated by this beautiful and sensible woman, not only agreed to her request, but also invited Yesenia and her party to stay in the barracks for refuge in the name of ensuring the safety of the caravan. The troops set off in the morning and escorted them to Sevinia.

After a few words of politeness, Yesenia accepted the general's invitation, and then she offered to resign and left the headquarters twisting her sexy waist.

Including General Rodriguez, all the officers reluctantly watched the beautiful woman go away. After closing the door, they discussed enthusiastically the family of Yesenia's origin, guessed whether she was married and had children, and then reached an agreement. Wishful thinking consensus: This is a married young woman, but she is likely to be widowed, otherwise she would not be a businessman in public.

Based on this guess, the officers couldn't help but have many romantic and voluptuous associations with this pretty widow...

Jiang Feng couldn't stand this group of obsessive people, so he lowered his voice and said to Gao Fei, "Everyone is fascinated by that vixen. This is not a good sign. I suspect Yesenia has no good intentions."

Goofy agrees with her.

"As soon as Yesenia appeared on the stage, the plot ran in the direction of a beauty trick. From the perspective of the game script, if there is no conspiracy in it, it will be abnormal."

After thinking for a while, Gao Fei then said to her: "You are a major officer, and you have the title of baron. You should remind General Rodriguez to be careful of that seductive woman, and don't fall into her peachy trap."

Jiang Feng nodded, took a chance to drag His Excellency General to a secluded place, and expressed his concerns seriously.

However, General Rodriguez didn't take her advice seriously, and joked with a smile: "Brother Rubio, don't you mean that you are afraid that I will compete with you for the beauty's heart, and you deliberately say such alarmist words, trying to put I scare away from Mrs. Yesenia, so you can take advantage of it?"

"Haha! Brother Rubio, if you really have such an idea, give it up as soon as possible, I won't be fooled!"

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 700 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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