Savior Simulator

Chapter 628 The new director

Chapter 628 The new director

The professional ability "Emerald Sight" learned by rangers at level 4 is similar to "Mist Sight" and "Ice Sight", which is especially suitable for hunting in environments with rich vegetation.

It's a pity that the module "Rock City" is known from the name. The story stage is mainly concentrated in the city, and there are not many jungle adventure scenes for Martin to take advantage of his vision.

A level 4 ranger, also obtained the first 1st ring nature magic.

Martin chose the "giant technique".

This is a very pragmatic choice, especially for rangers.

When Martin blesses himself with the "Giant Enlargement Technique", his hounds can also share the spell effect, increasing their size by one level, their strength attribute +2, and their combat effectiveness significantly improved.

The hound "landlord" is upgraded simultaneously with Martin.

HP +8, Natural Defense +1, Strength +1 (19).

There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

The three candidate bonus feats are "Proficient Rush", "Precise Shot" and "Rapid Shot".

Both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had selected "Proficient in Collision" in other modules, and this specialty was not suitable for their current professions, so they should be excluded first.

"Precise Shot" and "Quick Shot" are both good.

After some discussion, both eventually settled on "quick fire."


Rapid Shot: A projectile weapon with an extra attack as a bonus action.


After learning this specialty, Jiang Feng could shoot twice per round.

Goofy does not currently have a long-range weapon in hand.

But he could borrow Martin's shotgun if necessary.

It is a little regretful that "Rapid Fire" is only applicable to "projection" weapons, and cannot make magic rays such as "Scorching Ray" fire twice.

But having said that, if you design a wand in the shape of a pistol, and pull the trigger, you can shoot a "burning ray". Does such a weapon meet the premise of "rapid fire"?

Gao Fei thinks that this idea can be tried.

He doesn't have the ability to make a "pistol wand" himself, but he can tell Ma Yun about this idea, and ask Comrade Artificer to help process a sample, maybe there will be surprises.

After finishing this chapter, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went offline together, and had a simple lunch in the rental house.

There are ready-made sausages, bacon and cured pork ribs at home, all made by Gao Fei's father himself.

The newly bought rice cooker is said to have the function of claypot rice.

Chef Gao tried it, and the result was mediocre, the rice was too charred and not crispy enough, but the taste was good.

Comrade Xiao Jiang was not picky. He ate a big bowl of claypot rice beautifully and hiccupped to express his satisfaction.

After taking a break after dinner and eating some fruit, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went online again and continued to advance the main plot of "Hong Kong Raiders".

At the beginning of this chapter, the perspective switches to the heroine.

Counting from the day when they teamed up to eliminate the spirit, one month has passed in the game.

Louise Quinn and Roger Wayne corresponded every two or three days.

The frequent exchange of letters brought the two young people closer together, and made Louise feel more and more in a dilemma.

She didn't want to hide from Rogge anymore, but she couldn't find a suitable opportunity to confess her true identity to him, and she was very conflicted.

Just then, she received an unexpected invitation.

The host who invited her to the dinner was John Lucas II, a well-known millionaire in Marina City and the second generation helm of Lucas Shipping Insurance Company.

This young and promising entrepreneur and banker has become the undisputed leader of Binhai City's shipping insurance industry at the age of 30, but behind the glamorous image, Mr. Lucas Jr. also has unknown troubles.

The purpose of inviting guests to this banquet is to completely solve a long-standing problem in the shipping insurance business.

The guest of honor at the Lucas family dinner, James Gordon, is also a recent celebrity in the coastal city.

The newly appointed chief of police is also in charge of anti-smuggling and anti-piracy businesses.

As soon as Director Gordon took office, he released news that he was going to start cracking down on organized crime in the city, especially focusing on cracking down on the "Blood Anchor Gang" who colluded with the "Raging Waves Pirates" and wantonly smuggled and sold stolen goods.

In fact, the reason why Mr. Gordon, who was known as iron and blood, was transferred to Binhai City by the top management of the empire was that he was expected to create a world here and change the current situation of rampant smuggling and pirates in the area.

After the news came out, none of the officials at all levels in Binhai City, including the gentry and celebrities, publicly supported the new director's drastic measures to crack down on organized crime.

People kept silent, which could be regarded as giving Mr. Gordon face.

In private, Haikou, which he boasted about, has become the laughing stock of people after dinner.

For an outsider like Mr. Gordon, who dares to attack pirates and gangsters before he is familiar with the ground, it is too ignorant.

The locals in Binhai City certainly know how deeply rooted the two chronic diseases of gangsters and pirates are.

As long as the smuggling business was thriving, the status of gangsters and pirates was virtually unassailable.

Binhai City is adjacent to the "Belt Canal". As a maritime transportation hub connecting the two oceans, it has a unique geographical advantage in industrial trade, and it has naturally become a distribution center for smuggling and selling stolen goods.

These objective factors determine the prosperity of the local black industry. How could it be possible to change the status quo because of a police chief who is overwhelmed?

In fact, there have been several police chiefs in the past, and even bureaucrats with higher status, who shouted beautiful slogans against pirates and gangs when they took office.

In the end, they failed to change the underground ecology of Binhai City. Instead, they were changed by the environment. They either gave up their original intentions and became more pragmatic, or simply joined forces with smuggling groups to make ill-gotten gains.

The society of Marina City did not think that James Gordon was fundamentally different from his predecessor.

In the atmosphere of waiting to see the jokes of the new director general, only John Lucas II broke the silence and took the lead in expressing his support for Director Gordon.

Inviting the director's family of four to attend the family dinner was his way of expressing his support.

In order to show his sincerity, and also to support the new director, Lucas Jr. distributed invitations widely, and all the celebrities in the city received invitations to the banquet.

Louise Quinn inherited her grandmother's title of nobility. Although she kept a low profile and seldom attended social events, she belonged to the upper-class circle in the city after all, so she received the invitation from little Lucas as a matter of course.

She had nothing to do that evening, so she went to Lucas's house for a dinner party.

Firstly, I want to relax, and secondly, I want to inquire about the latest gossip and gossip in the social world, and maybe I can help Rogge and Martin get business by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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