Savior Simulator

Chapter 608 Activating the Porcelain Statue

Chapter 608 Activating the Porcelain Statue
"Oh! God, it shouldn't be like this!" The lion wailed, holding his head, "Who will explain it for me? I really didn't mean it!"

"This kind of unlucky thing happened twice in a row. If you didn't mean it, it would be that the ceramic man was touching porcelain... Oh~ I like the word 'touching porcelain', and it couldn't be more appropriate here!" Nick shrugged.

Since the "curse of indifference" was removed, the Tin Woodman has obviously become much more talkative, just like the lion who removed the curse, from extreme cowardice to another extreme of carelessness and recklessness.

Ma Yun ran to the side of the lion and released two "restoration techniques" in succession to restore the two broken ceramic figures to new.

The scarecrow also ran over, gently lifted a repaired ceramic man up and straightened it.

"Thank you, Miss Gail, and Vita, it should be fine now!"

The lion wiped off his cold sweat, quickly helped up another restored ceramic figure, and said to the large group of activated ceramic figures approaching: "Look! Your compatriots have recovered, so there is no need for you to lose your temper with me." !"

As he spoke, he casually patted the ceramic man who had just been lifted up.


Dimitri was dumbfounded as he watched the ceramic figure slip through his fingertips and shatter into pieces on the ground again.

ah?This... isn't it? !
He didn't know whether to blame his own hands and feet, or whether he fell under the curse of bad luck after getting rid of the curse of cowardice.

The group of activated ceramic people didn't care about the excuses and remedies of the strangers at all, they waved their fists and beat the lion frantically.

Poor Dimitri lay on the ground with his head in his arms, and was beaten and kicked.

He thought he would bear it for a while, and when these activated ceramic men had beaten enough and calmed down, he would forgive himself for his unintentional mistake.

But the other party seemed to have no intention of stopping, like a fully wound clock pendulum, punching and beating the lion according to a fixed rhythm, relentlessly.

The lion couldn't bear it anymore, and finally jumped up with a roar, and fought back with its claws at the activated ceramic figure directly opposite.

The lion's claw slammed heavily on the smooth and hard ceramic, smashing two sunken cracks.

At the same time, Dimitri felt a sharp pain in his paws from the shock.

This made him even more impatient with his anger, and with a rage, he roared and rushed forward, using all his strength to push the wounded activated ceramic figure to the ground, trampling and biting.


Gao Fei put on the "Warlock Mask", chanted a mantra symbolizing "plant", and waved his hands to release the "Entanglement Technique", entangled all the activated ceramic figures on the street and prevented them from approaching Dimitri.

The animated ceramic figure that was being beaten by Dimitri crazily had large cobweb-like cracks on its body, and through the holes, it could be seen that it was solid.

What makes Gao Fei even more terrified is that the activated ceramic man is not only solid, but also reveals lifelike internal organs and bones in the body. Except for the texture of ceramics, it is no different from a living person in other aspects.

Gao Fei and Ma Yun exchanged glances.

Both of them had the same guess in their minds.

As a cheap and fragile low-level construct, the embryo material of the activated ceramic man really doesn't need to be so delicate.

For example, Scarecrow Vita, as well as activated armor, including Tin Woodman Nick, their embryonic materials are ordinary scarecrows and full-body plate armor.

Vita's stomach is stuffed with straw, while Nick is simply hollow, which not only saves construction costs, but also makes it lighter.

The same common sense of craftsmanship is not applicable to the activated ceramic figures in Fort Patra.

These ceramic people are not just empty shells, there are flesh, bones and viscera made of porcelain under the skin. Such meticulous craftsmanship will inevitably lead to a surge in costs, but will not bring any practical benefits. Is it meaningful to do so?

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Any mage with a sound mind would not waste energy on carefully carving the internal organs of ceramic figures... I am afraid that these ceramic figures are not just ceramic products."

Ma Yun hesitated to speak.

Gao Fei understood her intentions.

These overly realistic ceramic figures are probably not made of clay, and they were once living people with flesh and blood!
For unknown reasons, their flesh and blood were magically turned into ceramics, and a small part of them was given activation spells, and finally became activated ceramics.

Just as he was secretly guessing, there was a sudden roar beside him!
Turning his head to look, Gao Fei was surprised to see that the activated ceramic figure whose head was bitten off by a lion exploded by itself!
As if explosives were installed in the body, the shock wave generated at the moment of the explosion blasted the mighty lion into the air.

Countless sharp ceramic fragments splashed all over the sky!
The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow hurried forward, using their painless structures to block the flying ceramic shrapnel for Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun behind them.

When the explosion subsided, Vita shook off the tiles on his body, and called Nick to run to rescue Dimitri, dragging the bloody and reckless lion back.

Jiang Feng quickly performed "spontaneous medical treatment" to heal Dimitri and stop the bleeding.

Ma Yun also helped, carefully pulling out pieces of blood-stained ceramic debris from the lion's body.

"Oh, I was careless, I didn't flash! After all, who knew that the hateful ceramic man would explode by himself?" Dimitri moaned and lamented, "I broke two immovable ceramic figures before. Man, none of them exploded..."

"Not two, my forgetful friend, to be precise, before you were bombed, a total of three lifeless ceramic figures were smashed." Vita corrected in a scholarly tone, "Because one of the ceramic figures, successively Broken twice by you."

"I have to suspect that it may be a wrong decision to ask Master Oz to lift the 'curse of cowardice' for our friend Dimitri." The lesson from this is that carelessness is often worse than cowardice!"

"Coincidentally, dear Nick, I also don't think you should lift the curse!" The lion stroked the healing scar on his forehead and glared at the Tin Woodman resentfully, "Since you were lifted the 'curse of indifference' ’, become talkative and vitriolic, which is a more serious side effect than recklessness!”

"Then what about me?" The Scarecrow asked the two friends eagerly, "Did something change happen to me after I was lifted from the curse?"

The lion glanced at him and said lazily: "As for you, it seems that nothing has changed. Of course, I may be too careless to notice."

It is rare for Nick to reach a consensus with the lion: "Vita is still as weak as before, and only in front of the sparrows can he show some sense of existence."

"Ah... my two good friends, your evaluations of each other are too correct, and they are both profound insights!" Vita said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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