Savior Simulator

Chapter 604 Water and Electricity

Chapter 604 Water and Electricity

Hashim did not want to be in this passive position, so he took off his robe and threw it on the ground.

The duel field was extremely muddy, and the sackcloth robe was soon soaked by the stagnant water.

Hashim picked up the mud-stained robe, twisted it into a twist, shook his hand, and stretched it straight.

The wet cloth was infused with true energy, like a hard long stick, it stuck on the ground like this, and could not fall down.

Hashim jumped onto the top of the stick and stood on one foot, like a vigorous water bird.

The five-foot-long cloth stick acts as a buffer zone between Hashim and the surface, and is also equivalent to a probe, allowing him to sense the tremors from the ground through the moisture absorbed by the cloth stick, and then predict in advance Adversary's attack attempt.

The silent confrontation lasted for several minutes, and the audience on the sidelines were already too nervous to breathe. Hashim standing on the cloth stick still closed his eyes and remained motionless, like a sculpture.

As for Gao Fei who was hiding deep underground, no one could see him, and it was impossible to guess how much patience he had left.

The stalemate between the two sides seems to continue until the end of the world.

Just when the audience was waiting impatiently, the ground suddenly flew up with mud and sand, and a big hand made of rock and soil stuck out.

Hashim calmly opened his eyes, mobilized his true energy, and slammed down with his palm!
The corrugated palm bombarded the ground, the area where Gao Fei lived was impacted, cracks appeared on the thick arms of the earth element, and the sand peeled off.

When he was hiding underground, Gao Fei had already switched the "priest mask" to "berserker mask", turned on "fury", and his strength and physique attributes were +4 each.

Including the gain provided by "Giant Enlargement", in the form of a large earth element, his attributes become:
力量27(变巨+2/狂暴+4), 敏捷7(变巨-1),体质21(狂暴+4),智力12,感知19,魅力14
Higher physical attributes also piled up life points.

After deducting half of the damage offset by "Intuitive Dodge", Gao Fei gave Hashim a slap, and his health bar only dropped by 1/3, so it's not a big problem!
Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's moves, Gao Fei grabbed Hashem's cloth stick.

This move greatly exceeded Hashim's expectations.

He didn't understand why the precious close-up opportunity obtained by the opponent's injury was so easily wasted?

Even if the opponent took away the cloth stick, Hashim broke a branch at random, and it could still serve as a support for the foothold. What's the point of doing so?
Questions circled in the monk's mind until a strong electric current came from the soles of his feet!

Gao Fei's hand holding the cloth stick was wearing the "Electric Shock Ring" seized from Levante.

After activating the magic power stored in the ring, the high-voltage current immediately travels up the wet cloth, causing 12 points of electric shock damage to Hashim who is standing barefoot on top of the cloth stick!
Compared with the electric shock damage, what frightened Hashim even more was that the paralysis caused by the electric shock was being transmitted through the soles of the feet and spreading to the whole body.

While his body was not completely numb, he leapt forward as far as he could, trying to stay away from his opponent.

"You can't run away!"

Gao Fei sneered and started "sprinting", striding after him.

An earth elemental moves only 20 feet.

Under normal circumstances, even if Gao Fei turned on "Sprint" and doubled his speed, he still couldn't catch up with the monk.

However, Hashim's legs and feet became numb after being electrocuted, and he was unable to run at full speed, and Gao Fei soon overtook him.

Stretched out a pair of giant palms, hugged him tightly.

That night in the Jiangjia Martial Arts Hall, Gao Fei had already proved in actual combat that close-handed grapples are the best way to fight against agility monks.

This time, he applied his combat experience in reality to the game, and he also received miraculous results!

In the form of a large earth element, Goofy's strength attribute is 14 points higher than Hashem's, and the size difference also adds an additional 4 points to the grapple check.

Once caught by him, it is impossible for Hashem to escape!
Gao Fei exerted all his strength to suppress the desperately struggling monk, activated the "Electric Shock Ring" again, and ruthlessly applied electric shocks to him.

Throat lock + electric shock paralysis is an excellent combination, disintegrating the opponent's will to resist in the most efficient way.

After just two rounds, Hashim was tortured to death by this sumptuous "electrotherapy feast".

Gao Fei confirmed that the opponent had lost his resistance, so he stopped attacking.

Hashim is just a laborer who gets paid to work, and has no personal grievances with him, so there is no need to kill him.

Goofy changed back to human form, switched out the "priest mask", and helped Hashem heal by the way.

After receiving the treatment, Hashim quickly regained consciousness, stood up, and bowed gratefully to Gao Fei.

The three referees on the sidelines unanimously declared Gao Fei the winner.

The moment she heard the verdict, Miss Lisa cheered happily.

Umberto, Claire and Mario smiled at each other, and they were all pleased with Gao Fei's performance in overcoming the predicament.

Mrs. Jones breathed a long sigh of relief. After the tension was relieved, she hugged her son with tears in her eyes and murmured a prayer, thanking the benevolent gods and the dueling agent she hired for helping her preserve her husband's inheritance.

David Fuller looked extremely ugly.

Like a defeated rooster, he left the duel field with his entourage in despair.

Goofy returned to the sidelines to accept Mrs. Jones' thanks and reward, as well as congratulations from relatives and friends.

At the same time, he received a system prompt:

"Congratulations on reaching the milestone of this chapter's plot, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

Defeating the formidable foe Hashim, the Ripple Monk, Goofy's Mimic rose to level 6 with +7 health and an attribute point.

Goofy adds attribute points to Charisma, making it 20.

If necessary, you can also use the imitator's special ability "Attribute Replacement" to replace these 20 points with other attributes.

The imitator has been upgraded to level 6, and his spellcasting ability has also improved.

From now on, "Warlock Mask" and "Mage Mask" can each obtain a 2-level spell. The former needs to be imitated, while the latter needs to be copied and learned.

In Gao Fei's spell book, there are several 2nd-level spells copied from Ma Yun, which are finally ready to be used.

As the imitator's level increases, some "magic masks" also develop new functions.

For example, "thief mask", the sneak attack roll becomes 3d6.

"Priest mask", channel energy 3d6.

"The Poet's Mask" has a new "Delusion Song", which can be combined with the "Ecstasy Song" to instigate the fascinated creatures to kill each other.

Gao Fei's magic pet, "Eye of the Ball" Pearl, has also been upgraded to a level with his master, and his Hit Dice has been increased to 6HD, HP+5, Charisma +1, and Natural Defense +1.

The reward profession for this chapter is "Ripple Sect Monk".

After three months, Gao Fei finally made up for the regret of falling on Turtleman Island, and obtained the martial arts inheritance of "Ripple Sect".

Comparing Sunflame Monk and Ripple Monk comprehensively, the former is slightly better.

However, in water or humid and foggy environments, the Ripple Monk is strengthened, and his strength will surpass that of the Sunflame Monk.

(End of this chapter)

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