Savior Simulator

Chapter 58 Spiritual Body Guard

Chapter 58 Spiritual Body Guard
The moment Gao Fei stepped into the defensive area of ​​the "spiritual body guard", Gao Fei also felt that his legs were hard to move as if they were filled with lead, and at the same time he had to endure the erosion of countless spirits.

However, relying on his strong physique and the fanatical fighting spirit brought by "Rage", none of these negative states can stop him from continuing to charge!
Frightened by his desperate style of attack, Priestess Shahua hurriedly backed away, trying to distance herself from the berserker to make room for casting spells.

Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, and Gao Fei didn't give Shahua Priestess a chance to breathe, so he rushed up and chopped her flying with an axe.

The priestess screamed and fell into the sewage, her face was covered with blood, her concentration was interrupted, and the "spiritual body guard" collapsed.

"Muning, bite her!" Gao Fei yelled.

The Blinking Dog rushed up like a golden lightning bolt, biting the priestess' throat until she rolled her eyes and stopped twitching.

The brass gauntlets fell off the priestess' body and fell to Goofy's feet.He picked it up and looked at it. He ignored the identification for the time being, and put it in the storage bag casually.

After getting rid of the remaining pirates on the ship, Gao Fei returned to the bow of the ship the same way. When he saw the cannon by accident, he immediately thought of a good idea.

With the help of Basaka's own navigation knowledge, Gao Fei quickly mastered the usage of this cannon. Its structure is similar to the magic crystal rifle, and it is also an electromagnetic weapon. It does not need gunpowder and can be fired directly by loading shells.

Gao Fei aimed at Baron Shahua, who was directing his men to besiege Jiang Feng and the Wali people on the beach, and tried to fire a cannon.

The shell hit the beach, exploding a large fireball, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

The cannon was a bit far away, and it didn't hit any enemies, but Baron Shahua was so scared that his face turned pale. He looked back at the warship, but he couldn't see the figure of the priestess, only a tall and burly strange figure standing on the bow Next to the cannon, there was a big yellow dog at his feet.

Baron Shahua still didn't know what happened on the ship, but he would rather let Eve Valli go than lose the warship, so he quickly ordered his men to stay on the beach and fight, and ran back alone in a panic.

Gao Fei tried to fire another cannon, but still failed to hit Baron Sahua. He could only admit that his artillery skills were half-baked, and it was unlikely to hit the humanoid target flying at high speed on the beach. He simply dropped the cannon and took up the battle. Take the axe, jump off the warship with the flash dog, and stride onto the beach to meet the powerful enemy.

At the beginning of the fight, Gao Fei felt that although the Baron Shahua was high-level, he was only a chopper profession after all, unlike the priestess who had a variety of spells and tricks. He had never been afraid of anyone in the lineup with real knives and guns.

However, it was only when they fought that they realized that they had underestimated the pirate leader.

Baron Shahua not only has thick blood and high attack, but also has three-digit health, and what is even more frightening is that his defense is so strong that it is abnormal!
The hard scales covering the whole body provide 5 points of natural defense, 16 points of agility attribute bring +3 evasion correction, plus that set of +1 enchanted breastplate, the comprehensive defense level of Baron Sahua is as high as 25!

Since Gao Fei entered the game world, he has never seen such a hard "tin can". After turning on "Rage" and attacking with all his strength, an average of three axes hits one at most, let alone Mu Ning, even if he bites Baron Zhongshahua Can't break the defense either.

After being injured, Baron Sha Hua automatically entered the state of "Blood Rampage", his strength attribute was increased to 24 points the same as Gao Fei's, his eyes were covered with crazy bloodshot eyes, and the trident in his hand greeted him in a posture of dying together.

Gao Fei's attack power was on par with Baron Sha Hua's, and his defense power was far worse than that of the pirate leader. If they hurt each other like this, he would have to kneel if he couldn't last for 2 minutes.

Fortunately, whenever there is a crisis, Jiang Nvxia will always arrive in time.

When the level 5 Yangyan monk joined the siege, the situation on the battlefield immediately reversed.

Jiang Feng is not enough to match Baron Shahua in both offense and defense, but her light martial arts is just the nemesis of the Sahuagin clan. When the 20-foot "Daylight Barrier" is opened, Baron Shahua, who was still in Wushuang just now, immediately Withered, covered his face and howled in pain under the strong light.

Gao Fei took advantage of his eyes being blinded by the glare, stomped his feet and launched an "earth shock", the ground roared, and there seemed to be raging waves on the beach.

Baron Shahua was staggered by the shock wave from under his feet, and quickly put his trident on the ground, barely supporting himself without falling.

Jiang Feng saw the right time and swung the stick, the eyebrow-level stick hit Baron Shahua's leg, and launched the "proficient trip" on the occasion, and finally knocked him to the ground, fell on his back, and the barrel helmet on his head flew out far away.

Mu Ning threw himself on Baron Shahua, aiming at the neck that was not protected by the helmet, and bit down, the sharp canine teeth pierced the scales, and the blood was soaring.

The pirate leader wailed in pain and tried to push the flashing dog away. As soon as he raised his arm, it was snapped off by the sharp battle axe.

There was no mercy in Gao Fei's eyes, and he swung three axes in succession, cutting off all four of Baron Shahua's arms.

When Jiang Feng reminded him to stay alive for interrogation, Baron Sha Hua had lost too much blood and lost his breath.

Gao Fei put down his battle axe, released the "Rage", and gradually regained his composure. He took Jiang Feng and Mu Ning to the reef to help the Wali tribe eliminate the remaining pirates, and killed four people on the spot, leaving six wounded Sha Hua. All the murlocs were captured.

After the battle, the druid girl came out from behind the magic-built wall with two guards, and thanked Gao Fei and Jiang Feng gratefully. He heals.

Eve and his two bodyguards, Al and Ush, were from the Wali tribe, and both the Olaf tribe of Basaka belonged to the aborigines of the Jotunheim region.

In ancient times, the ancestors of these two tribes were the Aesirs who lived on the plateau of Asgard. Later, the Assirs were defeated in the conflict with the giants and were forced to flee their homeland and migrate to the coastal plains to settle. , Divided into many large and small Asa tribes.

The Olaf tribe and the Wali tribe belong to two indigenous tribes with great influence in the Jotunheim area. They have intermarried and formed alliances for generations, and their relationship has always been very friendly.

Basaka's fourth aunt married Eve's sixth uncle. In terms of kinship, the two were distant cousins, but they had never met before.Until both of them were out of luck and ended up on this unnamed deserted island by chance. Under the guidance of the goddess of fate, they met for the first time and talked about each other's life experiences.

While chatting, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were also taking a short break to restore their physical strength and the number of times they used their professional abilities, and relieve fatigue.

After the break, everyone cleaned the battlefield, searched for the pirate ship, and seized gold, silver and jewelry worth no less than 1000 gold coins, as well as weapons and equipment from the sahuagin.

(End of this chapter)

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