Chapter 486
The optional weapons of the Tiangong special police are not fixed, and can be exchanged in the armory as needed.

Gao Fei has the powerful melee weapon "Thunder King Tooth". The +1 battle ax he chose before is no longer useful, so he replaced it with a +1 magic crystal pistol.

With two guns in hand, he can preliminarily realize the "two-gun berserker" configuration that he had imagined before.

In order to match this tactic, Gao Fei made adjustments to both attributes and specialties.

Now his properties are configured as follows:
力量16/+1, 敏捷18/+4,体质16,智力14,感知14,魅力15
Of the five free feats, two slots must be reserved for the mythical feat "Energy Replacement" and the legendary feat "Flexible Rage".

With three vacancies left, Gao Fei chose "dexterous movement", "weapon proficiency" and "critical strike proficiency".

Dexterous Movement is a true "universal" feat that can be both a blessing and a gift.

It doesn't matter what class you are, what your build is, what your tactical style is, there's no harm in being faster.

What's more, Gao Fei now chooses dual guns as his weapon, instead of taking the shooter route, his speed is fast enough to "fly a kite" with the enemy at a long distance, and obtain ample shooting space.

"Weapon Proficiency" is an essential feat for agile shooters, and it provides strong support in terms of hit rate and damage bonus.

"Proficient in Critical Strike" can increase the critical strike rate of the pistol to 10%, and additionally double the critical strike damage.

A 10% crit rate is not high, but once a crit is hit, the damage will be multiplied by five times!
The basic damage dice of the pistol is 2d6, and the critical strike is 10d6. One shot can produce the destructive power of a "fireball"!
The super high return is worthy of Goofy configuring a specialty for this purpose.

Another way to increase the probability of critical strikes is to increase the frequency of attacks.

This is one of the reasons why Gao Fei chose to hold dual pistols.

Two shots per round, which is equivalent to a 20% critical strike rate.

In terms of sub-professions, both "Imitator" and "Dragon Warrior" can be paired with two guns to output powerful firepower.

If you choose "Imitator", the first magic mask must be "Berserker Mask", which can be combined with "Flexible Berserk" to increase agility and physical attributes by 4 points.

The second magic mask, "Mask of Thieves" is a good choice.

Teammates in the front row provide flanking attacks, and each shot can cause an additional 2d6 sneak attack damage.

In the runaway state, Goofy's attributes become:
The two-gun attack data is as follows:

Gao Fei has not obtained the "Dual Wielder" feat yet, the damage of the off-hand weapon cannot be modified by the agility attribute, but fortunately, it has little impact.

Another construction method is "Double Spear Dragon Warrior".

Goofy turns into a dragon and starts running rampant. The first three attributes are:


The attack panel becomes:

In this mode, there are fewer sneak attack damage dice, but higher agility brings higher hit and damage bonuses.

The size of the enchanted pistol increases with the body size, the base damage roll becomes 3d6, and the critical strike is 15d6!

On the basis of the above two basic construction schemes, it can be further strengthened.

For example, Gao Fei has already mastered the 1st ring of "Giant Enlargement" with the help of the "Assisted Learning System".

Before starting the fight, give yourself a shot of "Giant Growth", which can also increase the weapon damage dice by one level according to your body size.

For a super-large red dragon, the double-gun damage roll is 4d6. This is no longer a pistol, it is equivalent to holding two cannons!
It should be noted that before adding the "Giant Enlargement Technique", it is best to pile up all 5 points of free attributes on the Dexterity, so as to offset the 1 point of Dexterity penalty caused by the "Giant Enlargement Technique".

While Gao Fei was chatting with his teammates, the large screen in the center of the square flashed, and the figure of the station master emerged from it, explaining the precautions for this special mission.

Affected by the Silver Flash outbreak, serious supernatural disasters broke out in many places around the world.

Every disaster-stricken location must send a special police squadron to rush to help.

When Yao Guang mentioned the location of one of the missions, Gao Fei couldn't help being taken aback, and turned to look at Jiang Feng. Sure enough, he saw shock on his girlfriend's face.

Gao Fei's 13th Squadron is about to go to Jiang Feng's hometown to assist the local flood rescue.

After receiving the notification of the danger, Yaoguang tried to control the weather by casting spells to dispel the cumulonimbus cloud over the local area, but unfortunately he failed.

"Affected by the magic tide, the rainstorm also mutated into a supernatural disaster."

The stationmaster lady revealed helplessly.

"According to the detection by the magic satellite, we found many passages connecting to the 'Water Elemental Plane' in the cumulonimbus cloud over the disaster area."

"These nasty tunnels run through the barriers of the plane, just like the pipes on the flood control dam. They seem insignificant, but they are actually very harmful. They constantly guide the magic power of the water elemental plane and sprinkle it on the earth together with the torrential rain."

"Unfortunately, with the power of mortals, we can barely contain these tunnels, so that the flow of magic power and rainstorms will no longer surge, but they cannot be completely eliminated."

"Only when the rising period of this round of magic tide is over and the concentration of Blue Star's magic power drops, can these tunnels connecting to the water elemental plane be sealed by the celestial labyrinth."

(End of this chapter)

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