Savior Simulator

Chapter 469 Decisive Battle in Germir

Chapter 469 Decisive Battle in Germir
The consequence of doing this is that Eve's arms will also penetrate into the area filled with acid mist.

Fortunately, earth elementals are naturally immune to acid damage, and they are not hindered by contact with acid mist.

Among the four people who sneaked into the ice tower, only Jiang Feng did not clash with the Qingbing Golem.

As early as when Gao Fei smashed open the door of the laboratory with an axe, Jiang Feng took a piece of enchanted dragon scale that Sonia quietly handed over to her, transformed into a spirit body, sneaked into the laboratory through the wall, and carried out a special mission.

Germel's private laboratory is almost the size of a football field. The floor is a thick layer of ice, and the vertical height between the floor and the ceiling is at least 30 meters.

In this unusually wide underground hall, the most eye-catching facility is a row of huge green ice coffins lined up against the wall.

Among the six ice coffins on the left, all of them are sealed with white dragons.

Judging from the air bubbles coming out of their muzzles, these white dragons are still alive and dormant.

There are also six ice coffins filled with culture fluid on the right side of the hall, and naked frost giants are lying inside.

Between the two rows of ice coffins, there is a device similar to a large operating table, on which lies a sleeping frost giant. Pale dragon scales are attached to the naked skin, showing the characteristics of a half-dragon.

"Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmir was standing in front of the operating table at this moment, holding a large syringe in his hand, about to inject some unknown liquid into the sleeping half-dragon frost giant.

Disturbed by the sudden sound of fighting, he had to suspend his work, turned his head to look at the broken door, and saw a red dragon carrying a huge ax break into his laboratory, with anger and surprise in his eyes.

"You are... Basaka Olaf? Damn! How did you appear here? Damn it, there must be a traitor!"

Taking advantage of Gelmir's attention being attracted by Gao Fei, Jiang Feng maintained his spirit form, walked around behind him, quietly transformed back into a real body, and threw out the dragon scale with a wave.

Germil heard movement behind him, and looked back subconsciously.

He saw a piece of bright dragon scale bursting in mid-air, and the burst of green light hurt his eyes.


Gelmir roared and blasted out a "ice cone".

However, Jiang Feng fled back to the spirit world long after the sneak attack was successful.

Germel's revenge failed, and he ran back to the operating table angrily, and stuck the syringe into the test subject's arm.

As the liquid medicine was injected into the body, the frost giant on the operating table trembled violently, and the signs of dragon transformation on its body became more and more obvious.

There are dragon horns on the forehead, and dragon wings spread out on the back.

In a blink of an eye, the newborn half-dragon frost giant woke up.

Gelmir first blesses himself with "see through invisibility", and then blesses the half-dragon frost giant with the same spell, ordering him to hunt down the assassin lurking in the laboratory.

This half-dragon frost giant even awakened the talent of "White Dragon Bloodline Warlock". Seeing Jiang Feng in spirit form, he raised his hand and blasted a blue-to-purple force field shock wave!

"Magic Energy Explosion" passed by.

Jiang Feng wiped off his cold sweat, knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore, he simply changed back to his physical form, and raised his hand to fight back with a "Rainbow Jet".

Both the half-dragon frost giant and Gelmir were shrouded in colorful light cones, but their situations were completely different.

The half-dragon frost giant was hit by a red beam, taking 112 points of fire damage and being blinded.

Gelmir seemed to be blessed with some kind of protective spell. The moment the yellow light beam hit him, it reversed and struck Jiang Feng herself with lightning and thunder. The electricity made her go numb and lost 50 HP!

Now Jiang Feng had to admit that Gao Fei was right.

It is best not to use tricks like "Rainbow Jet" to deal with big bosses.

"Let's leave this tough bone to the protagonist to deal with!"

After getting rid of the paralysis caused by the electric shock, Jiang Feng stopped trying to challenge Germir, picked up the eyebrow-level stick, and turned to deal with the half-dragon frost giant.

After entering the experiment hall, Gao Fei didn't attack Germir immediately, because there were more important things to do.

Taking advantage of Gelmir being entangled by Jiang Feng, he rushed straight to the ice coffin, took a deep breath, and then spewed out flames, destroying all the ice coffins that housed the white dragon and the frost giant.

The test body in the coffin flowed out together with the culture fluid, and fell to the ground, wriggling slightly.

Attacking these creatures that are still in a semi-comatose state automatically triggers a critical strike.

For Gao Fei, a critical strike from the holy ax is equal to a one-hit kill!

Before they woke up, Gao Fei rushed forward with his holy axe, transformed into a "blade storm", and beheaded six half-dragon frost giants and six adult white dragons on the spot!
If these experimental subjects are not dealt with as soon as possible, when Gelmir draws out, he only needs to activate the mechanism on the wall to wake them up, release the ice coffin, help him drag the intruder, so as to escape from the laboratory, or call More subordinates came to besiege Gao Fei and others.

By then, the assassination attempt would be doomed to fail.

After solving the worries, Gao Fei can calmly observe the final boss Gelmir.

The outfit of this ice tower warlock is similar to when I first met him in Anxi Island. He is wearing a +4 mithril chain armor shirt, a "gorgeous belt" with all attributes +4 around his waist, and the platinum ring on his right ring finger , should be what Sonia called the "Fire Resistance Ring", making him immune to all fire damage.

There is also a scepter forged from fine gold hanging on Gelmir's waist. It seems to be a high-grade magic weapon, and the specific attributes cannot be identified yet.

Gelmir is a level 16 "Frost Warlock". Including the frost giant's racial talent and full-body equipment, the overall challenge level is as high as 19, which is one level higher than the White Dragon Queen Sonia Frostming!

Gelmir (Frost Giant/Frost Warlock 16)

Challenge Level: Level 19

NE, Large Giant (cold)

Speed: Walk 40 feet

Defense: 34 (natural +9, mail +8, agility +4, shield +4, size -1)
Attributes (Belt +4): Strength 38, Dexterity 18, Constitution 26, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 20, Charisma 29
Special Abilities: Cold subtype, immunity to sleep/poison/paralysis, ice sight, ice teleportation (seal), arcane sharpening; toughness, mental fitness, dexterity, skilled spellcaster, combat casting, counterspell , metamagic feats (strength/extend/delay/instantaneous), energy conversion (convert spells of other attributes into ice attributes), life magic conversion, spell resistance

Special Attacks power attack, cleave, ice form, frost burst (12/day), mana pool (638/day), spellcasting (CL 22, DC 25)


The investigation data provided by the astrolabe is relatively comprehensive, and the only regret is that the spells that Germil is good at cannot be seen.

This is also excusable.

After all, the opponent is the final boss of the entire module. If the player knows his details at first sight, this decisive battle will not be challenging.

(End of this chapter)

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