Savior Simulator

Chapter 405 Painted Skin

Chapter 405 Painted Skin
"Bah! I'm not a junk collector, I just pick up everything at home!" Jiang Nvxia raised her eyebrows at first, and then suddenly smirked, "Actually, I really picked up a 'big trash', do you want to know it is what?"

Gao Fei heard that she was setting him a trap, so he didn't continue, put the human skin into the storage space of the astrolabe, and called Ma Tao and Wang Daqing to search for Hong Debiao.

The upstairs and downstairs were searched thoroughly, but no trace of Hong Debiao was found, nor was there a dark room or secret passage.

At this time, Jin Zhijian called to inform them that the operation over there was over, and Hong Debiao's gangsters were wiped out. Unfortunately, Wu Xianyun, who was kidnapped, was not found.

Gao Fei briefly explained the situation on his side, and agreed to meet Jin Zhijian and the others at the door of the church.

As soon as he went down the third floor, the astrolabe notified that he had received a new email.

Gao Fei opened it and saw that it was indeed an analysis report from the laboratory.

The human skin that was sent just now is not a simple activated object, it belongs to a small undead creature, the "skin kite subspecies".

Gao Fei has never even seen a "leather kite", let alone any subspecies.

However, Vinda's laboratory named that piece of human skin "Painted Skin", which was very much in his mind.


The hunting method of the painted skin is similar to the "Dark Curtain Beast" that Gao Fei has seen in the game. It is attached to the living creature to suck blood, and it can also completely peel off the opponent's skin and imitate it to replace it.

When the painted skin completely dominates the body and mind of the host, it can openly act as the host.

Painted Skin sucks the host's blood dry, and can still control its corpse's activities, just like when it was alive.

It wasn't until the host's body began to rot that it couldn't hide the abnormality in the crowd, so Huapi had no choice but to give up the puppet, quietly flew away, and looked for the next victim.

Judging from Huapi's habits, the combination of her and an undead creature like a corpse can be called a perfect match.

If Hong Debiao didn't mind the rotting corpse hidden under this beautiful skin, he might really regard her as a truly loving partner.

It's a pity that Gao Fei didn't understand the physiological structure of the painted skin and the corpse demon, and the analysis report of the Vader laboratory didn't cover the details of this aspect. At present, there is no way to know that Hong Debiao and his empress are only in a spiritual relationship, or they can also behave like normal men and women. That's how a husband and wife relationship happens.

After cleaning up the monsters inside the light building, everyone received experience rewards from the astrolabe one after another.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing teamed up to rescue six voodoo maids, and each gained 600 experience points.

The will-o'-the-wisps that Jiang Feng shot and killed on the second floor, and the corpses that he killed on the third floor, both had a challenge level of level 3, providing a total of 1400 experience points.

Gao Fei used the "Frost Star Magic Wand" to bombard and kill two voodoo maids, plus one ghost fire and one painted skin, for a total of 1550 experience points.

The Gaofei team also reported the new species of painted skin, and all members received an additional 1350 experience point reward.

The group of four went downstairs and returned to the campus, and saw Jin Zhijian and the police officers escorting a group of handcuffed, dejected men out of the church and into a van.

Gao Fei went over to inquire about it, and learned that the roundup was indeed a great success as he had predicted in advance.

The key members of Hong Debiao's evil cult criminal gang, including the eight princes he entrusted, were all arrested.

Unfortunately, Jin Zhijian failed to find Wu Xianyun who was kidnapped by Hong Debiao in the church.

Gao Fei also briefly described the situation on his side.

Knowing that Hong Debiao, the bandit leader, had not been captured, Jin Zhijian's face was a little heavy.

After some interrogation, all the leaders of the cult who were arrested confessed honestly.

Based on their confessions, Gao Fei learned that Hong Debiao had left the den as early as yesterday afternoon.

In addition to Wu Xianyun who was coerced, the companions also included two bronze corpses and three iron corpses that Hong Debiao personally refined.

Hong Debiao did not reveal his plan to his subordinates.

But people have seen him driving a truck on the road. Besides the group of zombies, there are also a lot of digging tools in the truck. From this, it can be seen that this guy is probably back to his old job of tomb robbery.

Hong Debiao kidnapped archaeologist Wu Xianyun precisely to coerce him into helping him identify cultural relics excavated from ancient tombs.

The problem now is that no one can tell which ancient tomb Hong Debiao is going to rob.

In Mulan Township, there are many ancient tombs.

From the Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, no less than a hundred Jurchen nobles were buried here.

If all the ancient tombs were searched, it would take at least a week.

The clues were cut off at this point, and seeing that the sky had already darkened, everyone had to retreat to the police station first, and try to hunt down Hong Debiao tomorrow.

After a simple dinner, Jin Zhijian went back to interrogate Hong Debiao's henchmen overnight, hoping to dig out more valuable clues from them.

Gao Fei and the others were not in the mood to go out for a walk, so they returned to the hotel to upgrade their career levels.

Ma Tao currently has 14250 experience points, which is enough for him to upgrade his main profession "Tiangong Special Police" to level 6, and he still has 6750 experience points left.

After the upgrade, a new free attribute point was added, together with the two points obtained before, Ma Tao added all of them to perception, making the perception attribute reach 1 points.

Wang Daqing's experience points today are only 200 points less than Ma Tao's. He first upgraded the special police to level 6, and added the new free attribute to his charm.

The remaining experience points are enough for him to upgrade the main sub-professional paladin from level 3 to level 5, and increase the channeling effect to 2d6. "Lay on Hands" comes with a special effect of "detoxification", and awakened the paladin's signature passive ability " Courage shines".


Aura of Courage: As long as the paladin is awake, he can continuously radiate a supernatural aura within 30 feet around him, making himself and all allies in the area immune to fear.


The paladin who has been promoted to two levels in a row has also added two new 1-level magic spells.Wang Daqing chose "protect against evil" and "command a duel".


Protection from evil: Lasts 1 minute/level; subject has +2 defense and saving throws against evil creatures; is immune to "possession" by demons and evil spirits, and has advantage on Will saves against enchanting effects.


"Forcing a duel" is actually the "taunt" of a berserker, forcing the target who failed the will save to come and attack him.

Both magic spells are very useful.

Needless to say, "forced duel" is a must-have magic skill for pulling monsters in MT.

"Protection from Evil" is even more helpful to Gao Fei and others' current tasks.

We all know that, with very few exceptions, the undead are all of the evil alignment.Among them, incorporeal ghosts are mostly good at possessing living people, which is commonly known as "borrowing corpses and returning souls".

"Protection from evil" can block ghost possession, and when fighting undead creatures, it can also gain defense and immunity bonuses, which is suitable for dealing with Hong Debiao and the wraiths he summons.

(End of this chapter)

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