Savior Simulator

Chapter 385 Slam Dunk (for Subscription)

Chapter 385 Slam Dunk (for Subscription)

With these four elemental forms, after flying high, you can fly into the sky, escape from the ground, breathe in water, and walk in fire, and endless tactical changes are derived from this.

After checking the upgrade income, Gao Fei continued to organize the spoils.

Levant's "Electric Shock Ring" automatically generates 5 charges per day, which can be used to release 1 ring of magic "Electric Claw".

In addition to the conventional discharge method, the wearer of the ring can also conduct electrical energy through the metal weapon held in the hand, just like Levante demonstrated in the battle, which is quite convenient.

Gao Fei opened Levante's storage bag and found a stack of banknotes (gold pounds) issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Feizhen, which can be exchanged for 3000 gold coins or 3000 soft sister coins in the system store, which is also considered a sum Little windfall.

There is also a bottle of healing potion and five magic scrolls in the storage bag.

Gao Fei used the astrolabe to identify the spells. The spells transcribed on the five scrolls were 0-ring "flame arrow" and "stunning", and 1-ring "magic missile", "greasy spell" and... "fragile mark" "!"
Holy crap!

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Gao Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

In the afternoon, Ma Yun saw the abnormal combo of "Mark of Fragility" + "Magic Missile" in Ma Yun's mechanic module "The Wizard of Oz", and you sent me a scroll of "Mark of Fragility", which is too considerate Bar? !
"From now on, I will fly high, and I will only have salty reasons for the game design department of Tiangong! Loyalty is uncompromising, and the world can learn from it!"

In fact, besides "Mark of Fragility", "Dizzy" and "Grease" are also good field control spells, and Gao Fei can copy them into his spell book.

As for "Flame Arrow" and "Magic Missile", he has already learned it, so there is no need to copy it again.

After the excitement, Gao Fei encountered another happy trouble.

The magic copied from the scroll can only be cast through the "Mage Mask".

However, at the current stage, his "mage mask" can only memorize two 1st-level spells per day.

Before, he positioned the "mage mask" as a buff machine, and it was OK to memorize "mage armor" and "shield technique".

Now there are "fragile imprint" and "magic missile", which conflicts with the former "ecological niche".

Should we continue to stick to the positioning of the Buff machine, or should we transform into an output player?
It's really hard to have both.

After much deliberation, Gao Fei still couldn't make up his mind.

Let's put this question aside and make a choice according to specific needs.

The reward profession in this chapter is Levant's "Wind Elemental Warrior".

Choose one of three bonus feats: Cleave, Improved Jump, and Weapon Finesse.

Goofy is already familiar with the first two candidate specialties, so focus on the last one, "Weapon Proficiency".


Weapon Finesse: Dexterity weapons have advantage on attack rolls, and damage counts toward the proficiency modifier.


The so-called "agility" weapons refer to all weapons that rely on agility attributes to calculate attack rolls and damage bonuses.

This includes not only light-style melee weapons such as "rapiers", "scimitars" and "long whips", but also long-range shooting weapons such as bows and firearms.

Needless to say, Weapon Finesse is a pretty useful feat.

However, Gao Fei uses more and prefers "two-handed giant weapons (battle axe, scythe)" and "natural weapons (red dragon form)" in reality.

After repeated weighings, he finally reluctantly gave up, skipped "weapon proficiency" for the time being, and chose "proficient in jumping".

Goofy's imitator has learned "dexterous movements", and together with "proficient jumping", he can combine Levante's signature stunt "extreme jumping" - an easy leap, flying 20 meters high!

Gao Fei chose to "proficient in jumping", not just for jumping high and far.

"Proficient in Jumping" can also be combined with "Lion's Charge".

Goofy's imitator profession doesn't know "Lion's Charge", but it doesn't matter, he can use the "Druid Mask" to turn into a cat-like beast with its own "pounce", and this problem is perfectly solved.

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned gameplay in the game, more importantly... the specialty of "Proficient in Jumping" also has a wide range of uses in real life, it is really a magical skill!

Yes, Gao Fei couldn't help but want to go out and pretend.

Goofy exited the game and spent 10 minutes resetting the free attributes and free specialties.

3 free attributes, all added to agility.

Choose Dexterity and Improved Jump as free feats, and the other two are optional.

After the preparations were completed, Gao Fei teleported back to the rental house with the help of the astrolabe, dug out the dusty basketball from under the bed in the bedroom, picked it up and patted it a few times, feeling quite refreshed.

He originally wanted to invite Jiang Nvxia and Xiao Ma to play on the school basketball court, but they were still fighting on Turtle Island, so he couldn't decide for a while.

Gao Fei felt itchy, so he didn't wait for the two of them, and ran back to the university campus with the basketball in his arms.

Although Gao Fei is a "post-00", his taste in animation is closer to that of the "post-80s" and "post-90s". He belongs to the generation who grew up watching "Slam Dunk", and he once had a slam dunk dream in his heart .

For the past 20 years, his physical fitness has not allowed him to realize this dream. Until tonight, with the "Jump Mastery" feat obtained from the game world, the faded dream of his boyhood became alive again, within reach, and made him Can't wait to go to the stadium to try my skills.

Gao Fei originally wanted to put a cup in front of Jiang Feng and Ma Yun. After all, there were no girls on the sidelines to support him when he was playing basketball. It was like instant noodles without seasoning packets.

Helplessly, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun couldn't find time for the time being, and Gao Fei didn't want to scare strangers, so he wandered around the night-shrouded campus by himself and found the most remote golf course.

Taking advantage of no one around, Gao Fei walked into the court, first tried to dribble to familiarize himself with the feel, and then jumped high.

The basketball is easily poured into the basket.

Gao Fei floated to the ground, looked up at the trembling basket above his head, and felt extremely complicated. There was a great satisfaction of getting what he wanted, but also mixed with nostalgia and a touch of sadness for his childhood past.

At this moment, I really want to shout at the empty stadium:
"Coach, I want to play basketball!"

After being silent for a long time, Gao Fei grabbed the basketball with one hand and tried to slam dunk from the free throw line.

As if the "God of Basketball" Michael Jordan possessed himself, Gao Fei stepped on the free throw line and jumped up, chicly holding the ball with a tomahawk in one hand and dunking!

It turns out that slam dunk is so simple, as natural as breathing.

No, this is far from the potential of "Extreme Leap".

Gao Fei retreated holding the ball until it reached the three-point line.

There is no need to run up and accelerate, just step on the three-point line and take off directly, volley and fly!

The basketball was poured heavily into the basket.

(End of this chapter)

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