Chapter 324
The scarecrow got up, untied the cable, tied it to a big tree by the river, and built a rope bridge in this way.

Ma Yun took the other end of the cable from Jiang Feng, climbed up the pine tree at the head of the bridge, and tied it at a height of about three meters above the ground, making sure that the knot on her side was higher than the knot on the other side, so that the rope bridge was inclined across the bridge. over the cliff,

Then, Ma Yun used the artificer skills to make a set of simple pulleys with leather and the iron neck guard she removed from the activated armor, and the pulleys were also tied with ropes.

After getting ready, Ma Yun held the handles on both sides of the pulley with both hands, and slid along the downward-sloping rope bridge to the opposite bank.

The moment she landed, she landed safely with the soft scarecrow as a cushion.

Jiang Feng saw that Ma Yun had leaped over the cliff smoothly, so he pulled the rope connected to the pulley and pulled the pulley back from the opposite bank. He followed Ma Yun's example and slid along the rope bridge.

Next was Nick the Tin Woodman, who also slid past without any risk.

On the Broken Bridge, Goofy and Dimitri the Lion are left.

Dimitri was terrified, claiming that he had "a disease that kills his four feet off the ground" and refused to go on the rope bridge.

"If you don't go up quickly, I'll kick you into the river and feed you bastard!" Gao Fei said angrily.

His threat worked, and Dimitri, the coward, mustered his courage, gripped the pulley with his front paws, and slid over with his eyes closed.

When approaching the shore, the cable suddenly broke!

The lion's body was suspended in the air, lost its support, screamed in fright, and stomped its hooves!
Fortunately, they still landed on the opposite bank by virtue of inertia, bumped into the scarecrow, hugged each other, and rolled far away!

"Oh my god! I'm scared to death!"

Ma Yun clutched her heart, her face turned pale, and it took her a while to calm down, planning to rebuild the rope bridge.

On the other side of the river, Gao Fei waved at her.

"Don't bother, I have my own way to get there."

Today is the last chance to switch the "magic mask". Goofy changed the thief's mask into a druid's mask, turned into an eagle, spread his wings and flew to the opposite side of the river, landed in the air, and changed back into a human form.

At the same time, Ma Yun received a system prompt:
"You have reached the milestone of the plot in this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

Ma Yun's artificer has been upgraded to level 4, HP +4, attribute +1, and has also comprehended a new professional ability "Activation Skill".


Activation Skill: Starting from level 4, the 2nd level "Secondary Activation Art" is added to your spell book, which can be cast without prior memory.

Level 2 "Less Animation" (Change School): Range 100 feet + 10 feet/casting level, activate objects whose length, width, and height do not exceed 4 feet, making them temporarily become construct creatures, lasting 1 minute/ level; the caster can telepathically communicate with the animated item and spend Concentration to remotely control it.


"Secondary activation" is the starting point of the activation series of spells, and there are many derivative branches, such as "activation weapon", "activation shield" and "activation rope", all of which belong to the specific application of this spell.

The activated items created by magic are only temporary constructs, which have no intelligence attributes and cannot act autonomously.

While activating the item, the caster can implant a concise and clear command, such as "protect me", "guard the gate", "patrol around the house" and so on.

"Living objects" cannot understand commands that are too complex, nor can they execute commands that require autonomous judgment-for example, "choose the most beautiful girl from the classroom".

"Activation items" don't know what beauty and ugliness are, so how can they pick the "most beautiful girl"?
This kind of order is very unreasonable!
If the caster insists on "activating objects" to perform complex tasks, or to act according to their own will, it is not enough to rely on pre-implanted instructions, and the activated construct can only be controlled in real time through telepathy.

In this case, let the activated construct select the most beautiful girl, in fact, the caster instills his own aesthetic standards into the construct through telepathy, so that it can choose beauty according to his own standards, in essence, he is When making choices, constructs are nothing more than tools to run errands.

It should be noted that although controlling the construct through telepathy is more flexible than pre-implanting instructions, it consumes more energy of the caster-you must maintain concentration during the remote control, once the concentration is interrupted, the construct will lose control .

"Great!" Ma Yun rubbed her hands excitedly, "After learning the activation technique, I can create my own construct!"

"Xiaoyun, what kind of construct do you plan to make?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"I've thought about it a long time ago! First use the materials at hand to make a 'volley sword', and then go to the system store to buy a tower shield, which can be activated into a 'dancing sky shield' during battle!"

Ma Yun excitedly opened the storage space of the astrolabe, took out the refined long sword recovered from the "activated armor", spent 5 points of magic power, cast a "secondary activation technique" on the long sword, and implanted the preset command by the way :

"Protect your creator!"

The long sword shone with magical aura, floated up in the air, and slowly floated around Miss Mage, like a planet orbiting the sun.

Next, Ma Yun asked Gao Fei and Jiang Feng to help test it.

The results showed that the "volley sword" had an activity radius of about 10 meters. In this area, as long as someone tried to attack Ma Yun, the "volley sword" would immediately counterattack and be chased and hacked by it.

"Volley Sword" is a magic weapon, with a base damage roll of 1d8. Ma Yun's intelligence correction is used to calculate the attack roll and damage bonus. Since this sword itself is a refined weapon, the extra +1 attack roll is quite powerful!

The default command is "protect the master", so the "volley sword" will not take the initiative to stay away from the master.

If Ma Yun needs the "volley sword" to fly 10 meters (30 feet) away to cut people, she can only switch to the telekinesis mode and stay focused.

The furthest attack radius of the "Volley Sword" is the maximum range of the "Secondary Activation Technique".

With Ma Yun's current spellcasting level, she can remotely control the "volley sword" as far as 140 feet away to attack the enemy.

"Wow! Xiaoyun, this sword of yours is so powerful! It's like the 'Flying Sword' in Xianxia novels. With a single thought, you can fly a hundred feet away to take someone's head." Jiang Feng's eyes were full of envy.

"This 'volley sword' is not bad, but unfortunately it can only be activated for a few minutes. It would be even better if it could be activated permanently like Nick and Vita." Gao Fei said.

"Permanent activation is not impossible, but you have to pay more!"

Ma Yun opened the system store and pointed to the light blue crystal on the counter to show Gao Fei.

"This thing is called a magic crystal. It is the most important enchanting material and industrial magic energy in the world of Vales. Its status is equivalent to coal + oil in the era of our Blue Star Industrial Revolution!"

(End of this chapter)

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