Savior Simulator

Chapter 304 Escape from the Resting Island

Chapter 304 Escape from the Resting Island

"They both took a step ahead, we're all fine, except for Uncle Joseph..." Gao Fei sighed and didn't say any more.

The halfling nodded sympathetically: "I have long guessed that Brother Joseph would have such a day, if he wanted to leave, he would have left long ago... For him, he will be buried in the tomb of King Olaf who has been guarding him all his life. It’s been rewarded as well.”

Goofy didn't make a sound.Recalling the sacrifice of the dwarf uncle, I feel more and more depressed.

"Your Highness, this is not the time to be sentimental, you have to cheer up!" the halfling encouraged Gao Fei seriously, "Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and we must escape from Anxi Island before being exposed!"

"Mr. Laurie, of course we want to leave, but our ship has been destroyed by frost giants, and we can't leave if we want to!"

Eve said depressedly.

"At this time, it's my turn to play a role as a local snake. Come with me."

The halfling turned and walked towards the stairs.

Gao Fei quickly checked the system prompts, and the main mission was indeed updated, requiring him to lead the team to escape from the resting island with Laurie.

Reassured now, he hurried after the halfling.

Laurie led Goofy and his party to leave from the back door of the tavern, entered a dirty and messy alley, made several turns, walked out for about 20 minutes, climbed over a low wall, and faced the choppy harbor.

"This is a trail dedicated to smugglers on the island. It happens to bypass the blockade of the frost giant and lead to a secret pier."

While introducing to everyone, Laurie continued to lead the way until he reached the rough trestle bridge.

A small boat was moored beside the trestle, and Laurie called everyone to board the boat and untie the cables.

Gao Fei was not idle either, using his proficiency in navigation tools to quickly raise the sails.

Al and Ush rowed the oars vigorously, making the boat slowly leave the anchorage and sail towards the west where the waters are more open.

This unremarkable small boat was mixed among the fishing boats leaving the port for fishing, and did not attract the attention of the frost giant.

When the boat was about to leave the port, Gao Fei stood on the side of the boat and saw the huge frost giant warship not far away. He suddenly had an idea and thought of a good idea, so he said to Laurie, "Keep rowing, I will leave Come back right away!"

"Wait first!" Sister Eve held his hand and asked with concern, "Brother Basaka, where are you going?"

"Do you still remember the Quar Feather Talisman we won from the Shahua pirates?"

Gao Fei took out a swan feather emitting a slight magical aura from the storage bag, and showed it to her.

"I'm going to swim in the water, sneak up to the frost giant's warship, and slap the feather talisman on the boat, so that the warship can't move for the next day, even if the frost giant finds us leaving the port by boat, It’s too late to catch up.”

Eve looked at the big ship on the opposite side. There were six frost giant sailors on the deck, and it was unknown how many enemies were in the cabin.

"Brother Basaka, your idea is very good, but it's too risky to swim there to place a feather talisman. Why don't you give this feather talisman to me, and I will complete this task for you."

Before Gao Fei could make up his mind, the druid girl went on to say, "I can turn into a waterfowl and fly over. Not only is it faster, but it also won't arouse the attention of the frost giant."

Gao Fei thought about it and thought it made sense, so he handed the talisman to Eve and told her to be more careful.

Eve used the Druid's signature ability "Wild Transformation" to turn into a seagull, picked up the Quar Feather Talisman and flew up, hovering over the Frost Giant's warship for several weeks, making sure that it did not attract the Frost Giant's attention. Landed in a secluded corner of the deck and pretended to preen his feathers.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to her, Eve quietly stuffed the Quar's Feather Talisman into the gap in the deck.

This is not the end, you must recite an activation spell, and the Quar Yu Talisman can play the role of fixing the hull.

Under normal circumstances, after druids become birds, they cannot chant spells because the structure of their vocal cords is different from that of humans.

However, Eve has already acquired a skill called "wild spellcasting". In the form of a beast, she can still chant spellcasting spells normally.

After successfully activating the Feather Talisman spell, Eve's incarnation of a seagull soars into the sky, returns to the fishing boat without any risk, and turns back into a human form.

"Eve, well done!"

Gao Fei praised the druid girl while holding her hand.

Unexpectedly, Eve was more excited than him, and fell into his arms, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him on the cheek.

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, secretly thankful that this chapter does not support the team formation mode, and Jiang Nuxia is not watching, otherwise he might overturn the jealous jar.

The fishing boat left the port slowly, its white sails were inflated by the sea wind, and it could sail at high speed without the help of oars.

Just when Gao Fei thought he had escaped the tiger's mouth and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a fixed plot seemed to be triggered, and the game screen suddenly switched to the dock.

General Schroeder returned to the pier with a group of frost giant warriors and reported to Gelmir. He confessed that he had searched all over the pier, but he still couldn't find any trace of Barsaka Olaf's party.

Gelmir frowned, turned and walked onto the gangway leading to the warship.

"Most of them have already left An'an Island. Let's search the waters outside the port."

"Okay, my lord Germel."

General Schroeder ordered the warship to pull anchor and set sail.

However, although the anchor was put away, the warship remained motionless on the sea.

This abnormal sign immediately aroused the vigilance of the frost giant sailors, and they hurried onto the deck to report to Germel and Schroeder.

"The boat can't move? How could there be such a strange thing!" General Schroeder was also puzzled.

Gelmir's face changed slightly, and he gestured hastily, bless himself with the 0-ring trick "Detect Magic", searched around the deck, and soon noticed the Quar's Feather Talisman hidden in the gap between the splints.


The ice tower warlock stomped his feet violently, and the deck trembled violently.

"Master Germel, what happened?" General Schroeder asked inexplicably.

Gelmier pointed at the Quaul Feather Talisman, his face gloomy like ice: "Look at what kind of idiots I raised. The enemy ran to the ship to play tricks, and you didn't even notice it!"

"My lord, is it this feather that fixes our ship on the sea and cannot move?"

General Schroeder squatted on the deck, trying to pull out the seemingly soft swan feathers, but he couldn't pull them out.

The ice tower warlock gave him a cold look, and said angrily: "Don't bother, Schroeder, this is a qull feather talisman with magical power, once it is activated, it cannot be dispelled."

"Uh...Master Germel, how long will the magic power of the feather talisman last?"

"All day!" the ice tower warlock replied, fighting back his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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