Savior Simulator

Chapter 3 The Prince in the Tower

Chapter 3 The Prince in the Tower
Current mod: Prince's Revenge
Story Stage: World of Vales/New World/East Coast of Jotunheim

Start Time: Early Summer of 1453 in the Holy Light Calendar

story background:

The ambitious frost giant lord "Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmir led an army of giants and orcs to cross the Jotunheim Glacier, invade the eastern plains, and conquer the aborigines of the Asa tribe in this land The "Olaf tribe" forced the captured Asa people to build a fortress as a bridgehead for sending troops to conquer other human forces.

Germir killed most of the nobles of the Olaf tribe, leaving only the tribal prince Basaka Olaf, who was imprisoned in a high tower standing on the corner of the coastal cliff.

The Ice Tower Warlock was not in a hurry to kill Prince Barsaka, but wanted to find out from him the whereabouts of an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the royal family of Olaf.

This artifact is called "St. Olaf's Axe". It is said that it is a weapon used by St. Olaf, the leader of the Jotunheim barbarian tribe more than 300 years ago.

The barbarian hero finally died in a battle against the invasion of the frost giants. The battle ax, an artifact that killed countless enemies during his lifetime, was also buried in the mausoleum of the king as a funeral object in accordance with the customs of the Asa people.

The Asa people in Jotunheim believe in this prophecy: When the frost giants cross the glacier and start another war, the successor of King St. Olaf will also emerge as the times require, holding up the holy ax and leading the Asa tribes to unite as one , to jointly fight against the aggressors from the West.

The ice tower warlock scoffed at this prophecy, but he also knew that St. Olaf's battle ax was indeed the nemesis of the frost giants, so he had to guard against it.

In order to prevent hidden dangers, Germil tried to find out where the tomb of King St. Olaf was located from Basaka's mouth, grab the holy ax before the so-called "savior", and try to destroy this artifact, so as to prevent future troubles.

While imprisoned, Barsaka was hypnotized by the spell of the Ice Tower Warlock, and despite his best efforts to resist, he managed to confide a few words.

These clues did not satisfy the evil warlock, who threatened to hang him if he did not give a clear account of the holy ax before dawn!

It was almost dawn, and the barbarian prince Basaka Olaf, who was in prison, thought that his life was running out, and his desire for revenge was about to come to naught. In desperation, he had no choice but to pray to the gods to save him, to guide him to escape from the prison, and to grab the Mir retrieved the artifact before and liberated the people who were forced into slavery.


This ends the introduction of the background of the story, and the astrolabe sent a system prompt: Novice teaching · trance mode.

The so-called "sentence" is that Goofy, as a player, manipulates the character of Barsaka Olaf to take risks and fight.

Barsaka, of course, didn't realize that he was just a character in the game, and thought that the gods answered his prayers, and the Holy Spirit descended on him, guiding him to escape from the prison.

The astrolabe provides Goofy with two modes of operation.

First of all, as the "god" in the game, Goofy can use the "God's perspective" to control his "chosen people", that is, the barbarian brother Basaka, and fight in a "turn-based" way, which is a bit like war chess. RPG games.

In addition, Gao Fei can also rely on Basaka, as if controlling his own body, experience the game plot from the No.1 perspective, and the battle becomes a more real-time system. If Basaka is injured in the battle, Gao Fei will also experience Feeling the same pain, like a perfectly realistic somatosensory game.

No.1 said that the experience of the game perspective is more realistic, but the operation is also more difficult. Gao Fei is still a novice, and he feels that it is better to be safe, so he chose the God perspective.

The astrolabe is not equipped with a mouse or handle, so Gao Fei can remotely control Basaka to act according to his own wishes as long as he has a thought.

Gao Fei first tried the basic movement operations, and then followed the system prompts to call up the status bar of Basaka to check the various attributes of this barbarian man.


Barsaka Olaf (Berserker Level 1)
chaotic neutral, humanoid

Proficiencies (modifier +2): Armor (light/medium/shield); weapons (simple/martial); tools (navigation); saving throws (fort); skills (athletics, tame, intimidate)

Status: Wounded (HP halved), level 1 exhausted (attribute check disadvantage)
Life: 8/16
Speed: 30 feet (walking)

Defense: 12 (Agility +2 Dodge)

Melee: Fist +6 (deals 1d4+4 bludgeoning damage)


Saving Throw: Fort +6
Skills: Athletics +6, Taming +4, Intimidate +4
Senses: Passive Perception 12
Special Abilities: Inner Vision Arcana (check your status), Fighting Style (when wielding a two-handed weapon, attack rolls take advantage)
Special Attack: Berserk (7 times/day - launch with bonus action, strength and physique attributes +4; defense -2, will save double rolls to choose the best, lasts 9 minutes; after the rampage, increase 1 level to exhaustion)

The "proficiency" of a character in the game refers to which weapons, armors, tools, immunity types and skill checks he is good at.

For proficiency items, 1st-level characters receive a +2 modifier.

As the level increases, the proficiency correction value will also increase in stages.

The letter "d" in the status bar represents dice with various sides, which is used to reflect the randomness of the game.

For example, "1d4" refers to casting a four-sided dice, and the randomly cast points are between 1 and 4.

If a test has an "advantage", it means rolling two [-]-sided dice and taking the larger number;

There is another key data, which is "attribute modification".

In this fantasy world, the average value of the six attributes of ordinary people is 10 points.Subtract 10 points from a character's attribute, divide by 2, and round down to get the corrected value of the attribute.

In Barsaka's status bar, the number in brackets after the attribute value is the corresponding attribute modification.

Data such as "attribute modifiers" are needed to calculate magic and physical attack hit rates, skill and immunity checks, health points and the number of times special abilities are used, and so on.

For example, to calculate the attack hit rate, that is, "attack roll", first roll a twenty-sided die, and then add strength modifiers, proficiency bonuses, and other bonuses.

Barsaka's strength attribute is 18 points, and the strength modifier is +4.

Prisoners have no weapons, but fortunately, Basaka has received fighting training since childhood, and he can get proficiency correction (+2) even in bare-handed fighting.

The total of the two is +6, plus the random points obtained by rolling twenty-sided dice, the total is not lower than the enemy's defense level, and the opponent can be hit.

(End of this chapter)

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