Savior Simulator

Chapter 285 Reinforcement

Chapter 285 Reinforcement
Of course, Gao Fei knew that his chances of winning were almost zero if he fought like this, and he couldn't think of any good solution for the time being, so he could only continue to draw the magic power of the "Fire Giant Armor" and shoot three fiery red beams one after another.

The reanimated corpse switched to "Rampage" mode, defense +8 agility correction, with an unbelievably fast movement, dodges all three "scorching rays" that are shot at the head.

At this moment, there was a clattering sound from the opposite side of the tomb passage, as if a giant in heavy armor was approaching.

Gao Fei naturally thought of General Schroeder, and then guessed that reinforcements from the Frost Giant's side had probably arrived, and couldn't help but secretly groaning.

However, in the next second, where the sound of heavy footsteps came, a bright electric light suddenly flashed across the tomb passage, directly blasting on the back of the reanimated corpse, interrupting his offensive.

This is... 3-ring "Lightning Beam"?
Gao Fei was secretly surprised.

General Schroeder doesn't know how to cast spells. The iron-clad giant walking from the tomb looks familiar. Could it be...

The reanimated corpse was hit by a "lightning beam". Although he activated his "wild intuition" in time to reduce the electric shock damage by half, he was almost knocked down.

What appeared in his field of vision was a construction giant made of steel, with the top of its head almost touching the ceiling of the tomb.

"Haha! Karl Olaf, although I don't know who woke you up from the coffin and turned you into such a ghost, but I am very happy to have the opportunity to beat you up with my own hands and express my grievances , to comfort my 200 years of wasted green years!"

Inside the constructing giant, came the angry voice of the dwarf artificer Joseph Cooper.

"Damn it! Uncle, you really caught up with the warrior!" Gao Fei was both surprised and delighted.

"Boy, what's so surprising about this, uncle, I always keep my word!" The dwarf's laughter came from the warforged cabin.

The reanimated corpse of King Olaf, under the attack of Goofy and the Warrior Warrior, realized that the situation was not good, first glanced at the red dragon incarnate by Goofy, then suddenly turned around and rushed towards the Warrior Warrior, as if he wanted to knock down the more-looking one first. for bulky opponents.

"Old ghost, you are asking for trouble! Try this!"

The dwarf artificer manipulated the war figurine to raise his right hand, a large mass of sticky jelly suddenly spewed out from the palm, and expanded into a spider web in the air, covering the head of the oncoming corpse.

The reanimated corpse that fell into the spider web struggled hard, trying to get rid of the sticky spider silk wrapped around its body.

Joseph Cooper opened the hatch, chanted spells with a sneer, pointed at the reanimated corpse, and created a large mass of dark and slippery grease under its feet.

Before the reanimated corpse could break free from the shackles of the spider web, it was trapped by the grease again, the soles of its feet slipped, and with a plop, it fell on its back.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei thought at first that the dwarf uncle was using the 1st ring "Grease", but soon he smelled the smell of asphalt from the oily mud on the ground, so he quickly took two steps back to avoid sticking to this flammable oil. of grease.

Sure enough, after Joseph Cooper cast the spell, he immediately manipulated the warforged to take off the long and thick cylindrical device slung across his back, like a large sprayer, aiming at the reanimated corpse still struggling in the cobwebs and grease Pull the trigger.

"Old ghost, try the flamethrower I invented!"

The cylindrical device sprayed out a 15-foot-long cone-shaped flame, instantly igniting the grease on the ground, and the blazing fire engulfed the reanimated corpse.

"You did a good job! Uncle Joseph, didn't you cast the 'greasy' technique just now?" Goofy asked the dwarf.

"'Grease' can't be ignited. This is an improved version of the 2-ring 'fuel technique'." The dwarf raised his beard proudly.

The resurrected corpse trapped in the sea of ​​fire still wanted to struggle to get out.

Across the blazing flames, Gao Fei saw the reincarnated corpse raised its head and grinned, as if it was about to roar, and suddenly remembered that this guy was good at "Battle Roar of Overlord", so he quickly raised his finger at the reincarnated corpse, intending to release "scorching rays" to prevent him from dying counterattack.

Before he could make a move, a ghostly figure suddenly stepped on the ceiling and flew towards him. He slammed a golden palm first, interrupting the roar of the reanimated corpse, knocking it back into the fire, and stopped struggling. .

The female heroine Jiang, who finally got rid of the shock, still remembered the account just now, and finally found a chance to take revenge on the resurrected corpse.

Gao Fei looked up at the monk hanging upside down from the ceiling, annoyed and funny.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, I have to criticize you. You lose the chain at the critical moment, and you are quick when grabbing the head. You will have to deduct your salary for this, you know?"

"Hey! It's not like I'm trying to slow things down. When I'm unlucky, drinking cold water will get stuck between my teeth. I'm helpless too!"

Jiang Feng smiled embarrassedly, turned over and jumped down.

"The four skeleton tauren in the tomb have been dealt with by Eve and Qi Tian. King Olaf's reanimated corpse has also been burned into charcoal. Now there is only one enemy of unknown origin left."

As she spoke, she looked warily at the steel giant opposite.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's not the enemy, but our friendly army!"

Gao Fei glanced at her angrily, walked around the fire scene, and walked up to the warrior warriors.

"Uncle Joseph, thank you for arriving in time and helping us a lot!"

"Haha! Little guy, don't need to say polite words, quickly call your little friends over, enter the cockpit of the war warrior, and I will take you to take a shortcut to the Holy Ax Hall!" The dwarf laughed.

"Okay, uncle!"

Gao Fei went back to the stone room and found Qi Tian, ​​Eve, Mu Ning, Ai Er and Wu Shi, and watched the warriors curiously.

The dwarf kicked open the hatch and threw a rope ladder, urging everyone to climb up quickly.

From the ground to the cabin door, it is about 3 meters high. Gao Fei was the first to climb up, followed by Eve.

Both Jiang Feng and Qi Tian were highly agile professionals. They didn't need a rope ladder. After a full run-up, they jumped up.

"Uncle, the cabin is too small!" The biggest brother Wu Shi curled up in a mess of pipelines, his face full of grievances, "Do we have to all squeeze here?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, big idiot! The space in the cabin is obviously spacious, and I don't feel crowded at all." Joseph Cooper sat in the large driver's seat, skillfully fiddled with the two sets of levers, and controlled the battle. The figurines walked deep into the tomb.

"You sit on such a big chair, of course you don't feel crowded, we are almost squeezed into pies!" Brother Al also joined the ranks of complaints.

"Impossible!" Uncle Joseph categorically denied Al and Ush's doubts, "The engine room I designed with my own hands has been carefully calculated in advance, and it is absolutely unmistakable!"

"The cabin of the War Forged is rated to carry eight people. There are seven people and a dog here, which fully meets the design standards! If you feel crowded, it may be a psychological problem, which I can't cure!"

(End of this chapter)

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