Savior Simulator

Chapter 21 Zombie Siege

Chapter 21 Zombie Siege
"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Gao Fei nodded at Jiang Feng, and manipulated Basaka to stride towards the exit of the corridor.

Using a big stick as a spear, he stabbed hard at the zombie in the front. With a muffled bang, he sent it flying backwards, knocking down another zombie behind him.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, three more zombies rushed towards him with rusty scimitars. Gao Fei had no choice but to hold up his huge stick and hastily parried.

Basaka holds a torch in his left hand and can only wield a big stick with one hand. He can't play the fighting style he is good at. He has no advantage in attack rolls, and the damage roll of the big stick has also been weakened from 1D8 to 1D6. It is very unpleasant to fight with hands tied.

Gao Fei was aware of this problem, and issued a mental command to ask Basaka to stick the torch in the decayed bulkhead so that he could hold the stick with both hands. At the same time, he could also use the narrow aisle of the ship to cover each other back to back with Somo, resisting the two sides of the aisle. A large group of zombies pouring in from the side.

Considering that there may be other more powerful monsters besides zombies in the depths of the cabin, Gao Fei has some reservations, and is not in a hurry to go berserk, and only wants to prevent the zombies from approaching as much as possible.

Behind him, Jiang Feng showed a completely different fighting style. Under the light of the torch, the short sword dragged arcs of cold light, constantly stabbing the zombies, and the moment the sword was drawn, rotting blood splattered.

Even more formidable than swordsmanship is her boxing skill, almost every move can fail, and a seemingly random three punches and two kicks can kill a zombie sailor with "strong" talent.

The battle in the corridor lasted less than 2 minutes, and Jiang Feng eliminated all five zombies, leaving himself unscathed.

Gao Fei overlooked the battlefield from the perspective of God, and saw that Jiang Feng's monk had already dealt with the enemies behind him, and turned around to assist Basaka. Just as his tense nerves relaxed, there was a sudden roar of breaking wind from across the corridor!
Before he could react, a hatchet had already flown in front of him, and with a swish, it cut off the torch that was stuck obliquely on the bulkhead.

Half of the torch fell on the deck, dying, and the light in the corridor also turned dim.

With a flash of silver light, another throwing ax was thrown, and this time it went straight to Basaka's chest!
Fortunately, Jiang Feng's monk arrived in time, waved his hand and cast "Blocking Missile" to bounce back the flying axe, chopping down a zombie.

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat, knowing that the big boss behind the group of zombies was about to appear, so he didn't hold back any more, and immediately went berserk.

The barbarian prince roared, his eyes were bloodshot, and his rapidly expanding muscles seemed about to explode. He swung a big stick with both hands and beat them crazily.

A chilling sneer came from the end of the corridor, and a figure exuding a gloomy cold air stepped over the fallen zombies and approached Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

This man was wearing inlaid leather armor, a navy cloak, and a three-cornered hat. He was dressed like a captain, holding a tomahawk with a cold light. He is also undead.

"That guy is Captain Cos? It turns out that he has also turned into a zombie." Jiang Feng stared at the new undead with vigilance.

Goofy shook his head slightly, vaguely feeling that Captain Kos was different from other sailors transformed into zombies.

Ordinary zombies don't have the intelligence attribute, they can only hunt and kill living things by instinct, but judging from Captain Kos' facial expression and the sinister sneer just now, it seems that he has retained the intelligence of his life.

Gao Fei adopts God's perspective in the game. The advantage is that he can have an overview of the whole situation, and the bystanders can clearly see it. It is not without disadvantages.

For example, at this moment, Goofy was distracted from investigating Captain Kos and didn't take care of controlling Basaka for a while. This reckless man who turned on the rampage acted on instinct, roaring as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and rushed towards Captain Kos, swinging a big stick Crazy beating!
Captain Kos, who had transformed into an undead creature, stood there and let Basaka beat him violently with his club, without changing his face. He was beaten three times in a row, and only lost 2 points of HP!

This is simply blatant ridicule!
Seeing this scene, Basaka opened his mouth wide in shock, his face full of disbelief.

Gao Fei also felt his scalp tingle for a while, and quickly ordered the bastard to stop his useless attacks and focus on defense.

At the same time, he hastily opened the astrolabe "Monster Illustrated Book" to check the newly included Captain Kos.


· Captain Kos (wight)
Mobs who are driven by ambition and vanity and continue to do evil, when they die unexpectedly, the spirit can pray to the demon lord or the evil god of the underworld, and return to the world in the form of an undead corpse, retaining the weapons and equipment and part of the memory of the living, to the living Take brutal revenge.

Challenge Level: 3 (700XP)

NE, Medium undead

Health: 48 (6×8/full undead health dice)
Speed: 30 feet

Defense: 15 (studded leather +3, agility +2)



Attributes: Strength 17, Dexterity 14, Constitution -, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, Charisma 15
Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Special Abilities: Undead Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Silver or Magic, Sun Sensitivity (in bright light, wights have disadvantage on attack rolls and Perception checks that rely on vision), Alertness (immunity to surprise, first strike advantage), Endurance (constant" Endurance environment"; reduce 1 level of exhaustion)
Special Attacks: Multiattack (the wight makes 2 battleaxe attacks or 2 throwing axes per round; can use it to drain life instead of one of the melee attacks), drain life (melee touch deals necrotic damage, target must succeed DC 12 Fortitude save, otherwise the hit point limit will suffer a reduction equal to the amount of damage; the reduction effect lasts until the target completes a long rest), creating spawn (humanoid creatures killed by wights with "drain life", will Becomes a zombie controlled by the wight after 24 hours; the wight can control up to 12 zombies at the same time)

Judging from the information collected in the astrolabe, the corpse monster seems to be a kind of undead creature similar to "advanced zombie". When other physical attacks hit him, 10 points of damage would be automatically deducted. No wonder Basaka's big stick couldn't hit him.

Gao Fei had no way of knowing that Captain Kos had transformed into a wight in advance, and of course he didn't realize that he should prepare a silver-plated weapon for Basaka before entering the cabin, and swung his stick with all his strength to hit the wight, even if he barely broke through. Physical damage reduction, the damage value is also the same as scraping.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng's "Sun Fist" was a magical radiant attack, which happened to be able to restrain the corpse monster. He rushed up in time and punched Captain Kos back, causing 12 points of damage. The red bar representing vitality on the top of his head was obviously shorter!
(one more chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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