Savior Simulator

Chapter 1275-Awakening

Chapter 1275-Awakening
"You'd better have more powerful moves, don't let me down."

A faint silver magic power gushes out from Gao Fei's fingertips, which is the characteristic of "spontaneous medical treatment".

Just like the alchemist's "separation and purification", the priest's professional ability "spontaneous healing" can also be strengthened with metamagic feats.

Goofy Mimetic, caster level 34.

Regardless of casting spells or using other professional abilities that consume mana, the upper limit of mana used each time is 34 points.

He drew 34 points of magic power in one go, of which 24 points were used to cast "spontaneous healing", and the remaining 10 points were used to launch "maximum spell" and "powerful spell".

A shot of "Strong Extreme Spontaneous Healing" was slapped on the chest, instantly recovering 216 points of vitality.

The skin scorched by the fire, under the nourishment of the magic power, regained its vitality at a speed visible in human words, and became smooth and delicate again.

Bynes' pupils shrunk.

The pastor's "spontaneous medical treatment" can only be said to be more convenient, but it is not an efficient treatment method.

If Gao Fei was a priest, he could have chosen a more professional medical magic, which cost less mana and had better healing effects.

However, this young man healed the severe burns all over his body almost instantly with only the most basic "spontaneous medical treatment". It can be seen that his spellcasting level is terrifyingly high!
Demons don't talk about "chivalry".

All the sneak attacks from behind were used. Of course, Bynes couldn't just watch his opponent heal his wounds. He raised his hand and pointed at Gao Fei, and a beam of dark negative energy shot out!

Instant "Finger of Death"!
Gao Fei stood still.

Holding the "finger of death" on his chest, he was unharmed.

Because he has put on the "warrior mask".

The "Warrior Mask" corresponding to the 17th-level imitator, the last awakened ability is "Steel Body", which is immune to toxins, diseases, petrification and instant death effects.

"Bynes, is this your strongest ultimate move?"

Gao Fei didn't change his face, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"Since I fell into the bottomless abyss, I have experienced countless winds and rains, and overcome countless ups and downs along the way. I finally recognized a fact."

"A truth that I couldn't believe and didn't want to face before."

"What do you mean?" Baines was puzzled, "What the hell are you trying to say? What the hell is the truth? What does it have to do with me?"

"The truth is... I'm strong!" Gao Fei told him seriously, "I'm far stronger than I thought!"

"Hehe! You think you're strong, so there's something for you! Little guy living in a dream, it's time to face the cruel reality!"

Baines sneered and snapped his fingers, instantly casting the 8-ring magic "Law·Shock".

Still useless.

This time, the deterrent effect was resisted by Gao Fei's "psychic barrier" that was always hanging on his body.

"I originally thought that the legendary powerhouse was high above me, and I could only look up to him. How could I have the right to compete with him?"

Gao Fei shook his head lightly, and casually slapped himself with "spontaneous medical treatment" to completely heal the burn.

"Now it seems that the so-called legendary powerhouse is nothing more than that."

"What's the matter with you kid... Is your brain broken? Then, I'll do something good and help you calm down!"

Gritting his teeth, Baines suddenly raised his hand to cast the "Advanced Dispel Technique", intending to strip away Gao Fei's protective effect, and then slowly take care of this difficult and crazy boy.

"Unfortunately, your understanding is too poor to understand my feelings."

While sighing, Gao Fei switched his sub-profession back to Spell Thief, raised his hand and waved a green light curtain, and successfully countered the "advanced dispel technique" in the same way.

"The Balrog General Bynes, whether you admit it or not, the truth strength is above yours!"

A pair of epic pistols appeared out of nowhere in Gao Fei's palm, pointing at General Balrog.

"Don't lie to yourself!" Bynes couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly swung the flame whip, "You are so fucking... you are a lunatic!!"

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!
Gunshots sounded.

Four of the six +5 abyssal blood steel-making bullets were blown away by the flame whip, and the other two hit Baines' chest, only half an inch into the flesh, before being ejected by the chest muscles.

The hard enchanted bullet was suddenly squeezed into the shape of a coin.

Gao Fei's eyes flashed, and he quickly deduced and calculated Baines' defense data in his mind.

Judging from the test results of these two shots, Baines' defense level is not lower than 50, and his natural armor is at least level 30!
In addition to this, he also has at least 20 points of damage reduction armor, which can only be overcome by legendary level cold iron weapons.

Goofy's twin guns are only epic weapons. Facing the legendary armor, after deducting the damage reduction value, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to Baines.

Gao Fei didn't have any legendary weapons available, so he could only try to increase the power of the dual guns to ensure that after the bullets penetrated the armor, they could still pose enough threats to Bynes.

With this in mind, Gao Fei transferred all 13 free attributes to agility, and configured "dexterous movement" and "proficient dodge" by the way.

After switching the battle mode, his mobility has been greatly improved, he easily dodges the flame whip sweep, and raises his hand to blast a "extremely effective ice cone"!
The pale cold current was surging like a glacier avalanche.

Baines couldn't dodge in time, his body was covered with frost, and the long whip condensed by the magic power of fire in his hand was almost extinguished by the cold current.

"The fire has gradually extinguished, and Wang Ying is nowhere to be seen."

Gao Fei looked at the dimly lit long whip in the hands of the Balrog General, thoughtfully.

"Friend, pass the fire?"

On the opposite side, Baines suddenly shook the frost off his body, and his face turned blue and pale.

Frankly speaking, he couldn't understand what Gao Fei was talking about.

But it was not difficult for him to see that this young man had the mind to speak freely while fighting fiercely, and he seemed to be able to speak freely, which was undoubtedly mocking his opponent!

"Look at you crazy, your brain must have been gnawed by the swarm, go to hell!!"

Angrily putting away the flame-out long whip, General Balrog raised his right arm high, and a legendary beheading sword appeared in his palm.

Bynes swung his sword vigorously.

A cold light slashed at Gao Fei, and the sky seemed to be split with a solid sword mark.

Only seeing the momentum of the opponent's move, Gao Fei knew that this sword would never be dodged, so he added points to his full strength attribute in seconds, activated the "righteousness collar", switched to the "Thunder King's Tooth" pistol, and blocked the beheading sword.

Clang! !

The legendary scythe collided with the legendary sword, and sparks flew everywhere.

The two sides wrestled, and the Balrog General was obviously superior.

Gao Fei's right arm trembled, and Lei Wangya flew out!
"After blowing the cowhide for a long time, it turns out that you only have this ability?!"

Baines laughed wildly, and strode forward with his sword in pursuit.

The scythe that was released circled in the air, and flew back from an extremely tricky angle, slashing Baines' neck.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Baines was taken aback, and hurriedly raised his sword to block Lei Wangya.

Gao Fei's pupils shrunk, his light flickered, and he used his mental power to remotely activate Lei Wangya, chasing Baines and slashing wildly, forcing him to be tired of parrying and have no time to distract.

(End of this chapter)

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