Savior Simulator

Chapter 1257 Crack

As Butler strode closer, the "spiritual body guard" was swallowed more and more, and quickly transformed into a crescent shape.

"Could it be..."

Gao Fei suddenly thought of a spell, retreated in a hurry, and after a certain distance, "Black Tentacle" was cast instantly.

Puff puff!
A cluster of tentacles emerged from the ground, obeying Goofy's will, trying to entangle Butler's legs and drag him down.

However, before the black tentacles touched Butler, they were suppressed by the mysterious force field and disappeared instantly.

It wasn't until Butler walked through this area that the black tentacles all over the place reappeared, but they couldn't reach Butler anymore.

I wipe!It really is an "anti-magic field"! !

Gao Fei's heart shook wildly.

"It seems that you have already discovered it." Butler stared at Gao Fei, seeing the shock in his heart from the change in his face, and felt extremely happy, "It's a pity, it's too late to be afraid now!"

Butler flapped his wings, his feet accelerated suddenly, and he rushed towards Gao Fei with a grinning grin.

This young man's agile skills, sharp marksmanship, and powerful spellcasting ability have all caused him trouble.

However, when he opens the "anti-magic field", all the opponent's advantages will no longer exist.

In the "anti-magic field", all spells, supernatural abilities, and even magic equipment below the legend will be suppressed.

From Butler's point of view, Gao Fei lost his spell blessing and turned his enchanted spears into scrap iron. He was just a small and fragile human being, vulnerable to a single blow!
Yes, Goofy looks like a half-human tiefling on the surface.

However, this level of camouflage can't fool Butler, who has a constant "true seeing" in his eyes, and has long seen through Gao Fei's human nature.

As for Butler himself, even without the spell buffs and various supernatural abilities, he is still a highly talented high-level demon. He can still crush his opponent with his unmatched physique and easily tear him apart!
It was not difficult for Gao Fei to see Butler's thoughts.

Indeed, compared to human beings, the talent of judging soul demons is too strong.

The astrolabe database contains statistical data on nectar judgments.

The average of the three physical attributes is 32 for strength, 13 for agility, and 29 for constitution. Even an adult dragon can't reach this level!

What's more, Butler is not an ordinary soul demon.

Before Kona's rise, the old devil had ruled Ferrag Fortress for a long time, fighting against the Balrog General Baines and the Duke of Demon Flame Belmonk, and was called the "Three Giants of the Abyss Plain".

If it wasn't for his dark scheming and hidden secrets, and his defeat by Kona's voluntary submission, which damaged his prestige, the title of "No.

Gao Fei didn't flinch, and the surprise in his eyes was replaced by blazing heat. Facing Butler who was flying up, Gao Fei calmly raised his left hand.

"Why do you think I'm afraid?"

Gao Fei licked his lips, revealing his white teeth.

"Actually... this is excitement!!"

Amid wild laughter, Gao Fei pointed his middle finger at Butler.

"Old boar, get down on the ground!"

The "Pope's Seal Ring" worn on the middle finger suddenly erupted with psychic brilliance, and with him as the center, the "Earth Domain" with a radius of [-] meters spread out!
The "Earth Realm" is not magic.

This power comes from the brain tissue of the mind flayer mastermind, and is a psychic power.

Psychic powers, unlike magic, are not affected by the "anti-magic field".

The 30 times supergravity field penetrates the sky and the earth, and Butler, who is flying in the air, feels as if his ass has been kicked hard, and his fat body sinks suddenly.

With a plop, face down, flat on the ground!

Gao Fei activated the supergravity field, continued to suppress the soul demon, and at the same time made a series of spell-casting gestures.

"The newly learned spell, just use you as a target to practice."

From the index finger to the ring finger, a ball of hellfire was ignited in sequence.

In the blink of an eye, the small pitch-black flame was coated with a circle of silvery white luster.

It seems like three elves from hell, dressed in white gauze, are dancing at Gao Fei's fingertips.

Ordinary "Hell Flame Rays" cannot penetrate the "Anti-Magic Field".

But when Goofy uses the legendary specialty "Cursefire Mastery" to incorporate "Cursefire" that restrains all magic resistance into "Hellfire", the "anti-magic field" is useless.


With a flick of his fingers, the hellfire escaped from his fingertips, turned into three black lights and shot at Butler, burning wildly on him.

The "Hell Flame Ray", together with the sneak attack special effects, caused a total of more than 300 damage.

The necrotic curse attached to the hellfire, like a necrosis attached to the bone, curbs the regeneration ability of the soul demon.

Butler was suppressed by thirty times the super-gravity force, unable to roll over on the spot or extinguish the flames on his body, he groaned a few times before passing out.

The "anti-magic field" also collapsed by itself when he lost consciousness.

Gao Fei didn't want to kill Butler directly, and planned to hand over the traitor to Kona for personal disposal.

This is a rare opportunity to steal the spell!
Taking a quick look at Butler's spell list, Goofy only kept two.

The 7th ring "Transformation Spiritual Body" replaces the 5th ring "Transient Spiritual Body", which can maintain the spirit form for a longer period of time.

There is another, of course, the 8-ring "anti-magic field".

In addition, Gao Fei also found a lot of good things from Butler.

Including a lot of disaster coins, a "mana recovery pearl" that replenishes mana once a day, and three very rare metamagic upanishads-read the contents of the book, and you can learn the corresponding supermagic feats.

The three books recorded detailed tutorials on "Spell Enhancing", "Spell Shaping" and "Spell Strengthening".

Among them, Gao Fei has learned the "magic power" a long time ago.

Both "Spell Enhancing" and "Spell Shaping" belong to the primary metamagic specialties that consume 2 points of mana. They are not difficult, but they are also very practical and worth studying.

Stuffing the booty into the storage space of the astrolabe, Gao Fei added a "Malicious Transfiguration" at the end, turning the unconscious Butler into a little turtle, and put it in his jacket pocket.

Before leaving the "dimension killing field", Gao Fei learned what he learned and sold it, and shot an "anti-magic field" on himself.

He hadn't forgotten that there was a group of Butler's cronies guarding the secret room outside.

Will the demons get bored after waiting for so long?

Gao Daguan is kind-hearted and intends to give them a little surprise.

After making full preparations, Gao Fei left the "Dimensional Killing Field" and returned to the underground secret room of the castle.


The cronies brought by Butler, including two glamor demons and four berserkers, were waiting for Butler's return in the secret room.

Counting from the disappearance of Gao Fei and Butler, it was only a few minutes until now, but the situation inside Ferrag Fortress has undergone tremendous changes.

The prohibition barrier that was secretly modified by Butler has returned to normal under Gao Fei's operation, and Kona and his party were able to enter the city smoothly, and they are chasing and killing Baines' party.

The demons in the underground secret room saw the changes in the city through the mithril disc, and they were all anxious.

Wait another 2 minutes. If Butler still doesn't come back, they can only evacuate first, so as not to be blocked by Kona and catch a traitor!

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