Savior Simulator

Chapter 1249 Bloody Battle (IV)

Low level, Thorn Demon.

Intermediate, Spiked Demon.

High order, Horned Demon.

Corresponding to the three stages of evolution of the same type of devil.

Their common feature is that they have long thorns all over their bodies.

The troop composed of the above three types of devils is vividly called the "Born Corps", and it is one of the ace troops under the command of "Duke of Magic Flame" Belmonk.

At this time, Kona had only one reserve team, totaling no more than [-], while the encircling "Born Corps" had twice as many troops as her own, and the situation was quite dangerous!

Devils and devils, duel at the same level, fighting alone, the devil is slightly better.

However, if hundreds or thousands of demons fight against the devil in a group, the devil who is better at tactical coordination will have the upper hand when both sides have equal strength.

Facing the "Born Corps" that launched a surprise attack, Kona's troops were only half of the opponent's strength, and it was almost a doomed situation.

"The situation looks dire, you'd better retreat as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, Pippi suggested to Kona, wiping off cold sweat.

Kona shook her head lightly, and in the palm of her outstretched hand, she slowly raised a long black sword that caused space shocks.

The fierce battle was at its climax, and if the general fled without a fight, it would inevitably lead to the collapse of the army's morale and a crushing defeat. This was a result that Kona could not accept anyway.

"General Turas is more cunning than I expected, but the success of the conspiracy does not mean that he will have the last laugh."

After issuing several orders one after another, after arranging everything, Kona jumped off the chariot holding the "Black Blade of Calamity".

"Hey! Ms. Kona, don't be impulsive!" Pippi opened the car window and tried to call her back, "You are the coach, why bother to take risks yourself? It is more reasonable to stay in the car and direct the battle!"

Unfortunately, in the world of demons, the first thing to consider when doing something is the current mood, not whether it is reasonable or not.

Like the Duke of Belmonk, hiding in a command vehicle protected by thick armor, seeing the casualties of both the enemy and us as a series of numbers, and issuing orders calmly, is of course safer and more in line with the identity of a commander.

However, Kona felt that it was too boring, she didn't like it, she would rather go to the front line and kill the enemy in the way she was used to.

"I will personally lead the team to face the invading enemy, try to buy as much time as possible, drag the main force back, surround the 'Born Corps' in reverse, and the balance of victory will tilt to our side again!"

Kona turned her back to the chariot, slowly changed back to the form of the lizard, and said to Pippi without looking back:
"As for you, nagging little devil, you have fulfilled your obligations, and now you can go back to Gao Fei."

As soon as the words fell, Kona suddenly held up the black sword, and a summoning formation appeared at her feet.

The higher the rank of the demon, the stronger the ability to summon the same kind.

As a great demon of the legendary level, the call issued by "Princess Blade" was immediately responded by the will of the abyss, and three waves of reinforcements were sent in succession.

The first to be summoned by Kona were nine tall and strong berserkers, the fighting power of mid-level demons was at the ceiling.

Then there were five glabres, who teleported over in response to Kona's call.

Finally, what appeared in the summoning array were Kona's kin, three fully armed lizards.

As soon as these demons appeared on the battlefield, they bowed to Kona and acted as her bodyguards consciously.

The demon soldiers under Kona's command also followed the example of the commander, and collectively cast spells to summon the same kind.

In a blink of an eye, the strength of the troops staying at the headquarters doubled.

The devil's morale was boosted, but Pippi was shaking his head and sighing.

The devil will summon the same kind, but the devil can also do this trick.

In the devil camp opposite, General Turas held up the blood-stained cold iron chain and roared to the sky!

hum! !

A pitch-black magic circle spread out under his feet, and the four figures changed from light to thick, all of them were murderous horned demons!

The officers and soldiers under General Turas are also racing against time to perform the summoning ceremony to strengthen their own momentum.

Spiked demons, thorn demons, horned demons... One after another, hideous figures rose from the ground.

Many devils from hell, responding to the call of their compatriots, directly crossed the barriers of the planes, descended on the Wanyuan Plain, and joined in this bloody battle.

Demons and devils of the same level have similar ability to summon the same kind.

Demons or devils who are summoned to the battlefield cannot use their summoning ability until they complete their mission.

So when both sides start to call for reinforcements, it is conceivable that the side with the superior force will call for more reinforcements.

Kona's guard, five thousand becomes ten thousand.

Turas' "Thorn Corps" changed from ten thousand to twenty thousand.

On the contrary, the gap between the strength of the two sides widened further.

Pippi had expected this to happen a long time ago, so he couldn't help but sigh, feeling that the prospect of war was gloomy.

However, Kona and the demon soldiers around her didn't care about it.

The more enemies come, the faster you kill them, and the more resources you can provide for the demons to reach the peak of evolution.

Kona held six epic scimitars, remotely controlled the "Black Blade of Calamity" floating in mid-air, and took the lead to break out of the encirclement, with lights and swords interlaced and shining.

The devil's corpse, like pieces of felled wheat, lay down behind her.

General Turas on the opposite side also seemed brave.

This famous horned demon general who has reached the peak in the quasi-legendary field and is only a layer of window paper away from breaking through the bottleneck, exudes a terrifying aura all over his body.

Within 300 feet, any demon who felt this "aura of fear" would be so frightened that his legs would go weak. Seeing the figure of General Turas from a distance, he couldn't help but want to turn around and run away.

The momentum of General Turas was like invisible waves, and the demons approaching him were like sand. After the big waves wash away the sand, the low-level demons were scared and fled.

Only mid-level and high-level demons who are strong enough and determined can still stand in front of the majestic Horned Demon General.

"You are very good!" Turas laughed loudly, "You are qualified to be killed by me!"


A six-armed snake demon flashed directly in front of Turas. The six arms swung long knives and turned into a storm of sharp blades. In an instant, the two spiked demons were cut to flesh and blood, and they collapsed.

"It's your turn next!"

The six-armed snake demon grinned and rushed towards General Turas.

In the past bloody battles, the number of horned demons she personally slaughtered was no less than double digits, and Turas was also a horned demon, so how strong could it be?

However, she seems to have forgotten one thing.

She is a Serpent, and the Kona who summoned her to join the battle is also a Serpent. She and Kona are of the same race, so are they equally powerful?
Turas looked at the six-armed snake demon contemptuously, and said lightly: "You can't, it's almost the same for Kona."

Whoa! !
The thick chain covered with cold iron spikes flew out of his hand with a whistling sound, like a black strange python, and ruthlessly lashed towards the six-armed snake.

Jingle Jingle!

There was a clatter of gold and iron, and sparks flew everywhere.

The six-armed snake demon was surprised to find that the six scimitars in his hand were cut off by Turas' thorn chain in an instant.

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