Savior Simulator

Chapter 1216 Disaster Coin

Chapter 1216 Disaster Coin
The purification ceremony of the blood pool was about to be completed, when a vortex suddenly appeared on the water surface, and a huge spherical cocoon shell floated up.

"Here we come!" Boss Sumo's eyes lit up and he rubbed his hands excitedly.

Under the watchful eyes of the three brothers, the cocoon shell burst open, and a white and wet arm stretched out.

The babmo in the cocoon has successfully evolved into a charming and beautiful succubus. The moment he broke out of the cocoon, he immediately noticed that something happened in the blood pool.

The three devils guarding the pool cast malicious glances at her.

The succubus trembled and couldn't help getting goose bumps all over her body.

His complexion changed suddenly, he hastily opened his bat wings and flew into the air.

She knew that Sumo couldn't fly.

As long as you fly high into the sky, you will be invincible!
However, Sumo is not the only one guarding the blood pool.

"Huh? Still want to run?"

An Zumo Backhaus narrowed his small eyes, and a cruel smile appeared on his fat face.

He raised his right hand, silently issued "telecontrol", and grabbed it seemingly randomly from the air.


The succubus, who had already flown a hundred feet into the air, suddenly felt his throat tighten, as if being tightly strangled by an invisible vise, and fell into suffocation.

More than one ton of telekinetic power was exerted on her, and her fragile wings could not resist at all.

The succubus pulled by the power of thought, like a big bird with broken wings, fell straight down and fell heavily on the ground.

puff! !

The succubus spat out a big mouthful of blood, struggling and trying to escape, when suddenly the roar of a beast came from his ears.

The invisible hellcat jumped on the back of the succubus, brandishing its sharp claws, pulling and biting, tearing a pair of wings to pieces.

"My lord! That witch looks good, don't you always want to relax on her and vent your anger?" Boss Sumo hinted with a lewd smile.

"What do you mean, kid?" An Zumo's face darkened, and he was upright, "You are using this to test your boss, trying to drag me into the water? Hmph, it's outrageous!"

"Hey! My lord is clean and self-conscious. Naturally, he doesn't like this kind of crap. Can you reward us brothers for entertainment?"

Sumo's smile became more and more obscene.

"Isn't that good?" An Zumo showed embarrassment, "Doing this kind of thing while on duty violates the No. 20 military regulations formulated by the Duke himself. If you can't help it, I can only record the violation records truthfully. Report to General Turas."

The three Xumo brothers exchanged glances, each took out a black crystal the size of a thumb, and stuffed it into Anzumo's hands pretending to be inadvertent.

"My lord, please accommodate me!"

Backhouse touched the tribute offered by his subordinates, put it in his sleeves calmly, and yawned exaggeratedly.

"I'm a little tired. Go back to the car and take a nap. The prisoners will be handed over to you three brothers for interrogation. Don't delay too long."

"That's right! Interrogate the captives! We will definitely interrogate them strictly, trying to dig out useful information from the witch's mouth!"

The three Sumo brothers smiled and understood.

An Zumo returned to the chariot alone, spread his wide palm, and stared at the three one-inch-square black crystals in his palm.

Inside the crystal, white spots are faintly visible.

If you observe carefully, you will find that each spot is a small human face, pale and distorted, with a painful expression, as if it is being tortured.

This is the soul crystal, also known as "disaster coin", which is the currency of the lower planes, and is very popular among demons and devils.

Every human face in the disaster coin is a self-willed and fallen soul, sealed in the crystal and never reborn.

The more souls sealed in the disaster coin, the higher the face value.

Brother Sumo honored Buckhouse's three disaster coins, and the number of sealed souls was in double digits, which was very valuable.

An Zumo nodded in satisfaction.

The three demons under him are quite sensible.

A woman's scream was heard in the distance.

An Zumo raised his eyelids, ignoring the succubus who was being ravaged by the three Sumo brothers, casually put three disaster coins into his pocket, took out the ledger, and recorded today's record.

Destroy a chaotic blood pool and kill several enemies.

An Zumo looked through the ledger and calculated his meritorious deeds, which was almost enough to be promoted.

Unfortunately, he has a tense relationship with his immediate superior, Horned Demon General Turas.

If the immediate superior does not write a letter of recommendation, no matter how much the Duke appreciates him, it will be inconvenient for him to be promoted.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the accumulation is enough, even without the approval of his immediate superior, Backhouse can forcefully advance and evolve into a higher-level devil, such as an ice devil.

However, if you don't listen to the call and advance without permission, it is tantamount to breaking the rules, despising your superiors, and committing a serious political mistake. Don't expect to be in the system in the future.

In addition to expulsion from the military and public office, the devil who advances privately will also be collectively blacklisted by the major forces of the Nine Prisons and will never be hired.

Even family members and friends will be implicated, and in any occasion where political review is required, they will be constrained by this matter.

A devil reduced to such a field is tantamount to social death.

Such a heavy price is unacceptable for the Anzumo who is ambitious to climb up.

It is certainly not advisable to advance without permission, and the normal promotion path seems to be very slim.

Thinking of his gloomy future, Backhouse felt a headache.

General Turas is secretly investigating the embezzlement case of munitions, and he is also under suspicion.

In name, it is a transfer at the same level, but in fact, the job benefits, hidden power and gray income are very different, and they have undoubtedly been severely suppressed.

Backhouse had been filthy during his time in the Quartermaster Corps, but he didn't think he made a mistake.

Everyone is a devil, who can really be an honest official?
He didn't believe how honest General Turas was, it's just that the general hasn't been found out yet.

He was not willing to let his boss decide, so he squinted his eyes and acted viciously, plotting secretly, devising an ingenious trap, and getting rid of General Turas who hindered his promotion...

After the three Xumo brothers vented on the succubus together, their interest remained undiminished. They dragged the half-dead witch to the chariot, and forced them into a large meat grinder used to process demon corpses.

Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, the succubus with a voluptuous figure and skin like jade was churned into a bloody mess, the juice was squeezed and filtered, and the residue was discharged. Only the bloody pulp was sent to the power furnace through the catheter as a backup energy for the hell chariot .

Burning the blood of the demon can double the speed of the hell chariot for a short time.

The two heavy weapons carried by the chariot, the "Hell Cannon" and the "Double Sonic Cannon", also consume demon blood to fire.

The higher the level of the devil, the more energy it will provide for the hell chariot after crushing and squeezing the juice.

However, this bioenergy source is not so stable.

When the chariot burns the devil's blood, because the impurities in the blood are difficult to filter, failures such as "cylinder explosion" will occasionally occur.

(End of this chapter)

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