Savior Simulator

Chapter 1206 Hatching Tree

Chapter 1206 Hatching Tree

"Silme... Ambar!!"

Gao Feiyao pointed at the Great Memory Devourer, and coldly uttered a spell calling for Meteor.

Four gigantic meteors tore through the blood-colored sky, trailing the tail flames of the silver-white curse fire, whistling and falling down, casting shadows that overwhelmed the stunned group of memory eaters on the shore.

boom! !

The meteorite fell on the bank of the River Styx, sending mud and sand flying, and the silver flame burst. The nearby river was also boiled by high temperature, emitting turbid dark red steam.

Gao Fei stood facing the wind, looking at the four mushroom clouds slowly rising from the shore, expressionless.

Including the largest one, all ten Memory Eaters were killed by the "Cursed Fire Meteor Explosion" on the spot, leaving no bones and no souls escaping.

As we all know, demons are summoned to the human world. Even if they die physically, their evil spirits can still escape back to their hometown in the abyss and be reborn in the blood pool filled with the river Styx.

Demons born in the abyss can only be truly killed in the bottomless abyss, just like the group of memory eaters just now, their souls were swallowed up by the invisible and ubiquitous will of the abyss at the moment of death.

Now, Gao Fei is [-]% sure that he is in the bottomless abyss, but he still doesn't know which layer of the abyss he is in.

The place name "Bottomless Abyss" is not exaggerated at all. It is formed by the integration of countless planes, and they are connected to each other through the River Styx.

Each layer of the abyss has a different geological and ecological environment, and the only thing they have in common is that they are full of crime and disputes.

Even the abyss lord who rules a certain level cannot establish a long-term stable order in this chaotic land, and cannot prevent the demons under his command from fighting each other.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe again, intending to check the map.

It's a pity that the astrolabe still can't connect to the Tiangong server, which is what he expected.

After all, Tiangong's network service is limited to the crystal wall system where Blue Star is located, and it cannot be extended to the bottomless abyss yet.

The astrolabe cannot be connected to the Internet, which means that most functions including maps, communication, teleportation and "emergency recovery" are lost.

Fortunately, those functions that do not rely on the network, such as storage space and data files that have been downloaded locally, can still be used normally.

Gao Fei opened the personal profile page and found that the 254 experience points stored in the astrolabe can still be used, but the memory eaters he killed just now did not get the corresponding experience points.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Gao Fei felt that he could accumulate combat experience in fighting monsters, but he could not display it on the astrolabe in the form of precise values, so he had no way of knowing how much experience he had to accumulate to upgrade.

What's more troublesome is that these combat experiences may only be counted in Gao Fei's main profession "Tiangong Special Police", and his main profession has already reached the full level. Unless he challenges the legendary powerhouse, he will not be able to break through the bottleneck and pass the legendary realm. threshold.

Gao Fei is well aware of how dangerous his current situation is, but it is strange that apart from nervousness and anxiety, he also has a trace of uncontrollable excitement in his heart, like a naughty toddler who secretly ran out of the house without telling his parents, walking in the busy traffic street.

Everything in front of me looked terrifying and novel.

It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing for a young child who has lost the protection of his parents to walk alone on an unfamiliar street. However, he does not intend to turn around and go back to a safe place immediately. He can only walk on this strange and cruel street. Only at the end can the door leading to the legendary palace be opened.

A roar from a distance interrupted Gao Fei's thoughts.

It seems that the "Meteor Explosion" was so loud that it alarmed the aborigines on both sides of the Styx River.

Gao Fei knew it well, with his quasi-legendary strength, he could be called a top powerhouse even in the bottomless abyss.

In one-on-one duels, except for a very small number of high-level demons and abyss lords, he doesn't need to be afraid of other abyssal creatures.

However, he must face a cruel reality: there are countless demons in the abyss, and these lunatics never talk about martial arts, rather, it is the virtue of demons to bully the few with more.

I was alone in the abyss, two fists were no match for four hands, it was better to keep a low profile before stepping on the ground.

Under the blazing sun, the Styx River was rushing and flowing.

The riverside is unobstructed and has a wide view, which can easily attract the attention of demons. It is too dangerous to stay here, so Gao Fei decided to find a hidden place to hide.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei quickly made a series of spell-casting gestures, teleported to the dense forest on the opposite side of the river before the large group of demons arrived, and quietly escaped into the depths of the forest.


Thirty miles from the left bank of the River Styx, in the middle of a quiet glade, there is a strange pond.

The pond is filled with pitch-like black slime, like natural oil welling up from the depths of the earth, emitting a trace of heat.

Surrounding the pond grew a strange dark red succulent plant, which seemed to grow into a huge shrub-like internal organ.

Thick tree roots plunged into the pond, drawing nutrients from the black slime, and transporting them to various parts of the trunk.

There are many ellipsoid-shaped fleshy fruits on the branches, the smallest is only as big as a fist, and the largest is bigger than a basketball.

The rind is a reddish fleshy film with thin blue veins and nerve plexuses faintly visible.

Gao Fei stood in front of the pond, looking at the huge fleshy fruit that twitched from time to time on the branch, and naturally thought of the womb that was pregnant with the fetus.

A ripe fruit of flesh and blood suddenly fell off from the branch, fell to the ground, cracked open, and dripped out a liquid similar to plasma.

The cracks on the fruit gradually widened, and something seemed to be wriggling inside.

Under Gao Fei's gaze, a strange creature emerged from it.

The thing looked like a hairless rooster, covered in black scales, with a pair of sharp horns curving forward in place of the comb.

This chicken-like monster looked at Gao Fei, and a tyrannical gleam appeared in its eyes immediately. It uttered a high-pitched and piercing cock crow at him, as if it wanted to drive him out of its territory.

Goofy ignored its threat, instead, he took a step forward to observe the abyss rooster growing from the tree.

There is information about Abyss chicken in the astrolabe database. It is said that this is a kind of demon at the bottom. Not only does it look like a chicken, but the meat is also like fat, tender and juicy chicken. Ingredients.

Looking at the abyss chicken on the opposite side, Gao Fei seemed to see a plate of delicious roast chicken. He couldn't help swallowing, and his stomach growled because he missed lunch because he accidentally fell into the abyss.

The abyss chicken noticed the change in his eyes, was startled and angry, screamed and flapped its wings, and swooped over.

The abyss chicken, which has no feathers on its body, is not good at flying, but its muscular legs are enough to support it to jump three meters high, spread its wings and glide in the air, rushing towards Gao Fei, trying to stab his unsightly eyes with its horns. Well-intentioned eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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