Chapter 692 Dare to tease me?


A bullet passed between the four hooves of the gazelle, which scared the half-sized gazelle to jump up to a height of more than 1 meter!
"Hahaha, Ertu, your poor marksmanship is not good."

Brother Dun laughed loudly, "I'll ask you to shoot three times first! Otherwise, if I kill the Gazelle with one shot, and you say it's not fun, you might as well go back to the tent to drink and dance."


While the gazelle jumped into the air, unable to change its shape, another hunter raised his hand and shot!

This time the gazelle didn't hit, but the bullet stuck to the base of the wall and hit Luo Xuan in front of Luo Xuan who was about to slip into the dormitory, less than 20 centimeters away!
The kinetic energy carried by the bullet was strong, and with a "poof", the soil that hit the wall fell rustlingly, and the gravel flew in all directions.

It hurts to hit the face!


Luo Xuan was taken aback, and subconsciously yelled: "Fire the guns! Blind, didn't you see anyone here?"

"Hehe, someone from Buck is greeting Ni Eminem with the most sincere language and the most friendly attitude."

Ertu laughed loudly: "Someone wants to be your father!"

"Bang bang bang-"

Buck remained silent, with a big face like a dark brown basketball, gloomy like a sky filled with dark clouds.

I saw him raise his hand and raise his gun, ping-pong-pong towards Luo Xuan's left, right, back and forth, just a burst of random shooting!
Don't say it!
The second brother Zeng and Jian Teng were still very righteous at the critical moment: I saw them nodding and bowing to Buck who fired the gun to show their submission.

Lying on the ground on one side, he approached Luo Xuan, trying to pull Luo Xuan away.

In doing so, they actually had to take a very big risk: Who knew that crazy Buck, would he give them a bullet on a whim? !

Buck hit bursts.

For a while, the coal mine cafeteria was splashed with mud and sand and gravel on the dirt wall!
The scene got out of control for a while.

Even the managers of the coal mine, who were secretly watching the excitement behind the railings and windows on the second floor of the small building, were all terrified.

And the miners who were running around in the open area of ​​Tuweizi and hadn't been able to avoid it, even forgot to escape at this time.

All of them stayed where they were in a daze, trembling as they watched the terrifying scene in front of them.

But Luo Xuan didn't hide, he just jumped on the spot and yelled: "I'm so stupid! You're just a crayfish crawling in cow dung on the grassland!

A vulture who only eats the leftovers of a lion!Stray dogs begging for mercy outside the tent.

If you have the ability, throw away your fire stick!
When I come down, I beat you so hard that your mother doesn't even know her!The beating made you ugly like a hyena, and made your three fathers dare not recognize you as their own! "

Buck was used to being domineering, how had he ever been so humiliated? !

The most hateful thing is: Luo Xuan turned out to be the one who scolded Buck in the same proverb-like context on the grassland.

This is comparable to purely swearing at the country, and the insult is instantly enhanced by more than 10 times!

I saw him sitting on horseback, slowly raised his head to look up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

Then Buck lowered his eyes, and a sternness flashed in the small slits of his eyes.

Raise your hand, raise your gun, aim
This time, Buck is going for real.

Luo Xuan fixed his eyes on the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and immediately raised his mind, ready to use his supernatural power to grab the gun in public at any time.

When there is no way to meet your own crisis and your life hangs in the balance, who the hell cares about hiding your strength?
What's the matter, you have to save your own life first!
As for whether he absconded out of the country after this crisis was over?Or should he physically destroy all the witnesses in the coal mine?

Then we can only get through this moment, let's talk! !

The groove in the sight lined up with the front sight.

In the oval frame of the crosshair, Luo Xuan's chest slowly appeared.

Buck's index finger slightly bent, and he began to engage the trigger.

The horsewhip in Brother Dun's hand rolled up the barrel from bottom to top, like a spirit snake being dispatched.

In an instant, the gun in Buck's hand was rolled into the air.

The not-so-heavy riding rifle curled up in the air and staggered towards the back of Brother Dun's horse.


Ertu stretched out his thick palm like a tree stump, and caught the rifle flying towards him very accurately.

"Buck, we men on the prairie should be like the eagles in the sky, tearing the antelope apart by our own ability.

It should not be like a pack of wild dogs, relying on the number of people to bully a weak rabbit. "

Brother Dun proudly straddled the horse, and said coldly to his companion, "Now, since the opponent has made it clear that he wants to fight you one-on-one.

We can't be cowards!Fight for the glory that should belong to you! "

The crisis was resolved, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rabbit? You are the rabbit!"

Luo Xuan snorted coldly: "Your whole family are rabbits!"

Brother Dun may not understand Luo Xuan, why do you call Brother Dun a rabbit?

But from Luo Xuan's tone and demeanor, there was a trace of unfriendliness.

The Han people are cunning, and their swearing moves are extremely complicated, with a variety of tricks, and the swearing routines vary widely from place to place, and the swearing words are different from place to place.

Presumably, Luo Xuan is definitely not wishing himself prosperity, prosperity and longevity.

Brother Dun glanced at Luo Xuan coldly, but said nothing.

——What's the point of arguing with a dying person?
What's more, the man on the prairie bickers with the smart monkey from the inland?
It is estimated that the total number of people living in the entire yurt is not their opponent.

Since you can't do it with your tongue, let's do it with your teeth!

Seeing that Brother Dun didn't allow Buck to shoot himself at the critical moment.

All of this was actually within Luo Xuan's expectations, but he didn't dare to be 100% sure.

——The hunter who firmly holds the upper hand and has mastered absolute strength.When they faced a weak prey, how could they shoot the prey to death without hesitation?

It's like a group of civet cats surrounding a little mole that has nowhere to escape.

They would never bite down and give that mole a good time.

What's more, this group of civet cats, they came here today, originally intending to show their prestige, originally intending to intimidate everyone in the coal mine near Dou's house.

Now that a thorn has jumped out, it's just right!
Cleaning up this thorn in public is more intimidating than riding a tall horse to hunt two gazelles.

Now that the situation has evolved to this point, Luo Xuan is also very helpless: Ma Mapi!

I sat there with my companions and basked in the sun, neither recruiting nor provoking anyone.

Even the lice on his body were not willing to pull it out, and it exploded with a "pop".

How could such a kind person like himself have such a disaster?

Luo Xuan saw these extremely violent guys coming in, and he was already ready to slip into the dormitory with a wink, so as not to cause trouble
But I didn't think so.

I am not a right and wrong person, but I am tainted with right and wrong: Luo Xuan was used as a tool for fun by that guy named Buck.

Don't say that my aunt couldn't bear it, even my uncle, who always called himself "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", couldn't bear it!

How can I endure the wanton teasing of the other party? !

Things end up being narrow-minded.

This is Luo Xuan's judgment on his situation just now:
In fact, Luo Xuan had already seen it: among the 6 guys on the horse, none of them had bad marksmanship!

People are divided into groups, and things are gathered.

The group of people who can play with Brother Dun, the coal boss, and can be called brothers, their class will definitely not be lower than Brother Dun!

And just now, when these guys shot left and right, they always missed the jumping gazelle.

It was just that they were trying to save face for Brother Dun, so that Brother Dun could have a chance to show off his superb marksmanship in public!

There are only two gazelles in total. If they knock them down to the ground, wouldn't there be nothing to play next?

How boring that would be.

These people didn't beat the gazelle to death on the wasteland, and they didn't run back to the fence of their yurt to play the game of "grabbing sheep".

But he ran to the mining area with a lot of thoughts and shot sheep in front of so many people?
This is enough to prove these guys: they didn't actually want to beat the Gazelle to death twice.

Instead, I want to use this game to show off their power to the managers of coal mines, including all miners.

At the same time, it can also satisfy their sense of superiority
Now that Brother Dun had spoken, that Buck naturally had no objection, and had a fist fight with Luo Xuan.

He only heard him ask coldly: "Boy, how do you choose to die?"

Saying that, Buck jumped off the horse and slowly approached Luo Xuan with his mountainous body.

When Buck was sitting on the horseback, everyone could only feel that this guy was not short.

Unexpectedly, after this guy jumped off the horse, everyone couldn't help feeling a little surprised: This mountain is really fucking majestic!
With a height of 2 meters, at least a weight of more than 1 catties.

Every time Buck took a step, the soot and loess under his feet would raise a small cloud of dust.

When he approached the cafeteria steps,
Every time this guy moves forward, it seems that the ground under his feet is trembling slightly!
Buck stopped, a thick slit opened on his plump fleshy face.

He just listened to the few words that came out of the flesh, "Boy, do you want to have your neck broken, or do you want me to throw you to death?"

No loss of strength.

The Buck in front of him relied on his huge body and heavy chassis like a T54 tank. Buck didn't pay attention to Luo Xuan, who was 1 meters tall.

"Life or death?"

Luo Xuan opened his mouth to ask, but his eyes were on Brother Dun who was riding on the horse: "What if I miss and send your friend to see Changshengtian, how should I settle it?"

Buck didn't take himself seriously, so why did Luo Xuan take a fat pig weighing about 200 catties seriously?

I got a large amount of jade in Miaowadi, and now Luo Xuan's mind power is as high as 1000 kilograms.

In addition, I have practiced Taoist exercises for so many years, and my skills are no longer what they used to be.

Don't talk about just one buck, even if there are 10 more bucks, it's not too difficult for him to kill the opponent.

It's like Butcher Wang looking at the fat pigs in the pigsty. Is there any essential difference between one fat pig and ten?

It's nothing more than killing 10 fat pigs, and it will delay some time.

Hearing Luo Xuan's question.

Brother Dun parted his thick lips and smiled.

He smiled brightly, and his whole body was shaking, "Hahaha, you monkeys from the inland! Your mouth skills are better than each other."

The friends behind Brother Dun also laughed, and the horses they carried trembled as they laughed. [It's not a typo, it can't be pronounced with that "kui". ]
Etu, who was holding two riding rifles, also laughed, and couldn't help but shed tears, "Buck, do you want me to give you a pot of kumiss, so that you can drink it happily and go on the road?"

The flesh on Buck's face trembled, "No need, you prepare a case of 'Hetao wine' for me. After I break this guy's neck, let's have a good drink tonight!"

"Have you laughed enough?"

Luo Xuan stared at Brother Dun, "There are no scandals, no jokes, no soil, no houses.

Without rules, snakes and scorpions can also crawl all over the grassland.Let me talk about the rules of the competition first, so that your friends will not be confused when they die. "

Ertu was stunned: "Hehe, this kid has guts, and he also has some skills."

"Etu, to respect your opponent is to respect yourself."

Brother Dun's tone became serious, "Brother, may I ask your surname?"

Luo Xuan replied: "My surname is Luo. I am Luo of the Five Hundred Arhats who can be angry with King Kong and subdue demons. My name is Luo Dabang!"


Brother Dun was taken aback: People from the mainland, when someone asks his surname, shouldn't they say "free" and then reveal what their surname is?

Why is this guy in front of him really "expensive" without adding the word "free"?

Is it a saying that is fashionable now?
Brother Dun thought to himself: It seems that staying in this wasteland for a long time will indeed make people more and more backward, and make people more and more unable to keep up with the situation!

Brother Dun, who really couldn't figure it out, shook his head vigorously.

As a result, the water in his head was not thrown out, but the fat on his face was shaken tremblingly and rippling.
"What's the matter with Luo Luo? Then tell me, how should we compete?"

Brother Dun asked, "Now you are a guest. According to the rules on our grassland, the guests will talk about the rules of the competition."

Luo Xuan said, "There is a saying among us inland people that we tell guests to do as they please."

"Brother Dun, don't play tricks with monkeys."

Ertu quietly reminded Brother Dun, "They can stand there and talk for three days and three nights without repetition. Why bother with these guys?"

Brother Dun thought for a while: "How about you two wrestling competitions?"

Luo Xuan shook his head: "Two old men are hugging each other, and they are going to untie their belts. They are bouncing around with their buttocks up. How decent is that?"

This time!
Brother Dun is getting angry: You step on the horse and let Lao Tzu set the rules.

I asked you to wrestle, but you said it was two old men, hugging each other there? !
Wrestling does not pull the opponent's belt, does not stick a butt, can it still be called wrestling?

The wrestling competition, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has become a cuddling hug. I say!

"Except that you are not allowed to use sticks, knives, guns, stones and bricks, you are free to play the rest! You deserve it if you hit the disabled, and just don't kill the opponent."

Brother Dun waved his whip: "I will reward the winner with 2000 yuan! A fat sheep and 10 cases of fine wine!"

This guy does not allow both sides to use sticks, knives and guns, and his move is definitely not out of good intentions.

It's this Brother Dun, he hopes to prolong the process of the competition as much as possible, and he doesn't want Luo Xuan to be crippled too soon!
Anyway, in the mine, everyone didn't have much entertainment.

Now that such a bloody competition has finally come, how can he be willing to end it too soon?

"Oh! 10 cases of good wine?"

Buck cheered: "Boy, let the horse come here! Wait until I break your limbs and pull out your hair. I have to hurry back and drink and eat meat!"

Luo Xuan chuckled: "I'm afraid you were fine when you came, but you won't be able to go back."

Brother Dun looked up at the sky, "Don't be wordy! Get ready. Start!"

Barker rushed towards Luo Xuan quickly, "Huh—" a small whirlwind was created, and he came straight to Luo Xuan!

Don't look at Buck's huge body,

This guy!
Acting, unexpectedly so agile?

(End of this chapter)

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