Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 65 The real Hurricane Dragon King!

Chapter 65 The real Hurricane Dragon King!
Three days had passed since the combined fleet of the Navy Headquarters and the South China Sea Division launched a siege to the Kingdom of Thutmose.

Looking at the interior of the island from the sea, it can be clearly seen that above the central area in the distance, the earthy sandstorm is no longer the dominant family, and there is a green gust of wind that seems to represent vitality to fight against it.

As for the desert battlefields along the four coasts, the fierce hand-to-hand combat also came to an end with the retreat of the navy's warships. Only the blood-soaked yellow sand and the stumped limbs and broken arms, dry remains, split axes and knives remained silent. proof of what happened before.

On the navy side, Rear Admiral Aiwen ordered the entire army to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield about a day ago.

Because there are too many soldiers in the Slave Keeper Legion, the young man wearing a green collar really came out of the ground continuously, and the number of soldiers on his side is fixed, and his physical strength and state are constantly declining .

In fact, at the beginning, Major General Aiwen really didn't think about retreating.

However, after the ten generals from the headquarters of Dorag raided Sabak City came back on the underground rail car and brought detailed information, they finally had a detailed understanding of the situation of the Slave Guards Corps.

One, behind the opponent, oh no, there are tens of thousands of young men underground who are ready to join the battle at any time!
Second, they are subject to the ability of pet fruits, and their bodies can exert their maximum strength. If there is no new order from King Taklama during the battle, there will never be a rout!

Three, after Major General Dorag fought against King Taklama, he was not defeated at the first touch, but was delayed, and he was fighting fiercely with him!
Based on these points, Major General Aiwen finally decided to withdraw the warship, and if he continued to fight, his side would only be consumed alive and the entire army would be wiped out.

The end result is what it is now.

The large naval forces retreated while fighting, and returned to the warship to repair, heal, and recover, while the Slave Keeper Legion fell into a situation of being at a loss.

Because when they came, they received an order to prevent the navy from invading with all their strength, and persisted until the king sent a new order, and then left the island together by boat.

But now that the navy has retreated, the opponent is gone, so they can only choose to go back to the trenches and wait for the next attack of the navy and wait for new orders.

As for returning to the underground space under Sabak City, it is impossible.

Before receiving the retreat order, this behavior conflicts with the previous order, which is equivalent to being regarded as "unauthorized escape" by the pet fruit ability, and the ring around the neck will directly prohibit them from doing so.

In this way, the tens of thousands of Slave Keeper Legion were confined within the scope of the four-sided battlefield by the pet fruit ability.

It really is the pet fruit of success, and the pet fruit of defeat!

As for the new order, it won't be able to come in a short time, because King Taklama is currently busy.

The heavy and rapid breathing made the chest cavity in the body seem to become an old bellows, and every time it took a breath of air, it would fuel the anger in the body to grow stronger.

"Why, why are you still moving?!"

The slave king of the dark world, squatting on the back of the 'Sand King' in the sky at this time, his red eyes stared fiercely at Drago in the distance, he couldn't restrain his anger completely, and became hysterical .

And his biggest change is probably that half of the golden mask on his face is broken, the white robe on his body is also soaked in blood, and the right hand holding the golden scepter is shaking even more.

King Taklama remembered clearly that in the past three days, he had knocked down Dorag three times with the strength of the 'Sand King' and his domineering arrogance.

But every time he thought the battle was over and he was about to reap a natural ability user slave, the bastard would always open his eyes inexplicably, stand up, and attack him again.

Even once, his ring of green light was less than one meter away from Drago's neck!

That's fine, but why does this guy burst out with all kinds of power every time he gets up, becoming more and more difficult to deal with!

"Ahem, I've said it before, justice will definitely defeat evil, your end is already doomed, and you will be captured by me and taken into the city of advancement."

Drago, who maintains elementalization, floats in the world of wind, uttering every word with difficulty. At this time, he looks really horrible and miserable.

More than half of the justice coat was damaged, and the green suit on the upper body disappeared without a trace. His bare chest was covered with green and red patches, his face was pale, and his head was covered in cold sweat.

But from time to time, dark green arcs flashed on his body, his eyes were extremely bright and firm!

"Stop talking nonsense, what bullshit justice, evil!" King Taklama wanted to hear nothing of that.

"The first time you fell to the ground, you have awakened the domineering look!"

"The second time you fall to the ground, your armed domineering will be on par with mine!"

"This is the third time I fell to the ground, you fucking awakened my fruit ability?"

I saw the slave king of the dark world roaring the most angrily while looking at the sky full of green and windy winds. Now he was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"You're finished!"

Domineering domineering.

This is the ability he has always dreamed of. It's ridiculous to say that he has been a slave king in the dark world for decades, but he just doesn't have the overlord look that can prove the king's qualifications.

That's good, this kid actually showed in front of him what it means to awaken the domineering look on the spot, lying on the ground and opening his eyelids, hey, there it is!
Unquenchable envy, jealousy and extreme hatred.
That's all, after all, the newly awakened domineering look is no different from Qingfeng to King Taklama, and it can't have any influence at all except in terms of mentality.

Falling to the ground for the second time, after getting up, this kid's armed and domineering spirit was [-] to [-] of his own!
At that time, there was only one thought in his mind, is this okay?
The most outrageous third time, that is, 10 minutes ago, Dorag did a 'sit-up' again, good guy, the whole sky has turned into a typhoon climate, and the wind is so strong that he The sandstorm on the side was retreating steadily, and now it barely stabilized.

Although the 'Sand King' is a native sandstorm on this island, the awakening ability of the natural devil fruit can change the climate of an island permanently.

If this is not a desert island, the appearance of the strong wind itself will set off the yellow sand and turn it into a sandstorm, otherwise the 'sand king' would have to 'die' on the spot.

Because the awakening ability of the pet fruit is to turn the sandstorm into a pet, the shape of the 'Sand King' is just an existence similar to a clone.

Therefore, if the sandstorm itself disappears due to climate change, there will naturally be no so-called clones or incarnations, which can be regarded as fundamentally disabling the logic of the pet fruit's ability.

For example, Sakaski came over and turned the whole island into an active volcanic island, and all the sand seas were melted by lava and turned into scorched earth or something.
Facing King Taklama's crazy roar and questioning, Duorag raised the corner of his mouth slightly, a smile appeared on his originally indifferent face, and said, "Now, fighting is fair, isn't it?"

【Whirring whirring--】

As soon as the words fell, in the endless gust of wind, a lifelike green long dragon with shining dragon scales slowly emerged. It made a high-pitched dragon chant, swam its mighty long body, and looked down at the opposite 'Sand King' .

"This is the real Hurricane Dragon King!"

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(End of this chapter)

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