Chapter 85
The fourth round of negotiations between humans and the demon clan went smoothly like never before, and even the entire demon clan directly stated that they would follow Ning An's lead in the future.

This disguised expression expresses the meaning of surrender.

On the human side of the Federation, when they got the news, they were a little confused at first, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

But after the continuous official announcements, they knew that the source of the news was accurate. Although they didn't know what happened in the middle, but that Mr. Ning, he directly persuaded the demon with reasoning, and the entire demon clan was shocked. , and now all returned to the mountain in despair.

There were even some humans who were imprisoned by them and planned to be used as rations to satisfy their hunger in the future were also released.

The attitude of the entire Yaozu became weird because of a negotiation.

Although this is a good thing, it still aroused the curiosity of countless people.

While they were praising Ning An's heroic deeds and giving human beings a face, they were discussing, analyzing, and guessing what happened in the middle of this incident on the Internet.

Compared with the ordinary melon-eating people who are confused, all the high-level leaders of the Federation have already called a meeting.

Those who are in the field directly participated in the meeting through video, and the entire federal high-level, all arrived.

"Wu Zhao, what do you think about this matter?"

Wu Zhao sat in Linjiang, watching the countless pairs of eyes looking at him in the video, he was very calm, thought for a while, and said: "I suggest letting it go, since Ning An didn't take the initiative to explain, then we don't care about it Just act like nothing happened.”

In the video, some high-level executives showed regretful expressions: "I heard from those negotiators who went there together that this is a magic formula for cultivating immortals. Isn't it a pity to ignore it..."

After Wu Zhao heard this, his eyes widened, and he glanced at the high-level executive, and his voice became much louder: "If you have brains, I advise you not to provoke him, or you won't know how you will die in the end."

"If Ning An himself doesn't want to say it, you force him. Have you thought about the consequences? Can you afford it?"

After being warned by Wu Zhao in public, the high-level executive was a little bit embarrassed, but when he was about to reply a few words, he was dissuaded by some other high-level people next to him.

He glanced left and right, and found that the expressions of these people were similar to Wu Zhao's, and they all seemed to think that what he just said was a bit stupid...

Looking at these eyes, the feeling in my heart was instantly suppressed.

"Then Wu Zhao, what do you think we should do?"

Wu Zhao was silent for a while, and then said: "After a while, I will check his tone. I want to give him the position of chief celestial master in the celestial master's mansion, but I don't know if he is interested."

In the video, those high-level officials nodded after listening to it: "At the moment, it seems that this suggestion is really good. If he agrees, then there is a high probability that he will make the Immortal Cultivation Law known to the public. It doesn't matter if he refuses, at least we won't arouse his resentment."

"Besides, you have all seen the attitude of the entire monster clan now, and it has become his words. Sure enough, strength comes first, no matter where it is, it is the last word."

Listening to the sighs of the high-level people in the video, Wu Zhao could understand their feelings. Everyone must be sour now. Although the existence of Ning An is beneficial to the Federation, these high-level people have always been at the pinnacle of power on weekdays. Now suddenly someone climbed directly on top of them relying on force, and said that he didn't care, it must be a lie.

Wu Zhao didn't say much, and simply handed over the recent tasks of various departments before hanging up the video.

He lay on the chair, silently thinking about the recent events.

This Ning An is really mysterious...


At this time, Ning An, who was missed by the world, had already returned to the cabin.

He lay on the wooden bed and turned on his phone.

For those who love learning, every moment is precious and must not be wasted.

Game loading...

The phone screen changed, and Ning An appeared in the house.

【You extracted 103 aura points】

Ning An looked at the on-hook experience he had extracted, which had now become spiritual energy points. Because of the sky-swallowing and plundering spirit technique, as long as the monks in Jinshan Temple were practicing, he could get a share of the pie.

It's just that it's been almost a day, and there is only such a little aura. The monks in Jinshan Temple are a bit lazy and not diligent enough.

Just like this, how can I cultivate immortals and achieve the Tao, and break out a piece of heaven in the fairy world.

Ning An shook his head and sighed. It seems that Jinshan Temple alone is not enough to quickly increase the spiritual energy value. It is better to return to Dazhou or spread the Qi training method in reality.

These two waves of leeks can be harvested, and the quantity is large, which is far beyond what Jinshan Temple can match.

After thinking about it, Ning An decided to go back to Dazhou today. As for the real world, he had to check it out a few days later. He wanted to see the fault tolerance rate of this Qi training method first. Will the world have any influence.

The teleportation point to return to Dazhou has always existed at the top right of the screen, there is a blue vortex there, Ning An has clicked it before, and the prompt he got was whether to return, but he refused.

And now, he didn't return directly, but went to the medicine garden first.

He wants to take the batch given by Fa Hai, get more panacea, and then fill up Fa Zhi's favorability.

In the medicine garden.

Ning An's speed was very fast, and he directly exchanged all of them into high-quality spiritual energy pills, and then gave them all to Fazhi.

Because there is a basis for favorability here, Fa Zhi didn't evade it as obviously as last time.

After being persuaded by Ning An's three-inch tongue, he finally accepted the pill.

[Fazhi's friendliness towards you has increased by 10 points, current friendliness: 60]

Ning An looked at the reminder and smiled with satisfaction. He was not in a hurry, and he should be able to fill up his friend points in the next few days.

After bidding farewell to Fazhi, Ning An began to choose to return to Da Zhou.

The blue swirl flickered on the screen of the phone.

After the vortex dissipated, he appeared in the house where he left Da Zhou last time.

"My lord, have you left the customs?"

Hearing the movement in the room, the two masters at the door hurriedly asked with concern.

In the past few days, Ning An has been retreating in the room without making any sound, and they don't know what's going on, but because they were ordered not to enter the house before, they can only be anxious outside.

"Well, what happened recently?"

Ning An opened the door and walked out of the house.

The Master Yu Wusi hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "My lord, according to the report from our spies in the palace, it seems that His Majesty is practicing some kind of magic skill recently, which requires a lot of virgins..."

"Besides, this subordinate also heard that His Majesty is going to hold a blood sacrifice, dug a mass grave, and even dug up the bones of some ancestors in the royal mausoleum..."

Ning An didn't know what Emperor Zhou was going to do, but his eyes lit up when he heard this.

He said directly to the master Yu Wusi: "Emperor Zhou acted against the law, and the heavens cannot tolerate it. Send me an order to immediately surround the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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