Chapter 44

The melodious singing still faintly reverberates in my ears thousands of meters away, and Wu Xiu's finger that was barely able to trigger the trigger with only a little strength also stopped in the light singing, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward a little.


(if I'm talking about love)

"How about その相には, image る?"

(And what a scene is reflected in those eyes)
"Ci は有り余るばかり"

(Words are superfluous)

(The innocent tone flows away)


(before you're covered in love)

(That scenery is just an illusion)


(A person alone is swallowed by music)

"Happy rasa for the whole world"

(This is the common happiness of the whole world)
"つまらない at a loss に drowning れる 暗らし"

(living in a daze of boredom)

"Who も が を な ぞ る"

(Everyone imitates him like this)

(Songs that can be switched at will in a loop)

(plug ears again)

"She did nothing wrong, why kill her?"

Ah, yes, such a beautiful person, such a beautiful song, how could I shoot this shot, and make her and the song disappear from the world?

This is the greatest sin, Wu Xiu.

While thinking this way, Wu Xiu let go of the sniper rifle, stood up and wanted to climb over the fence in front of her, and go to the side of that pitiful blue figure.

Even if I can't get in touch with her, I am very satisfied just admiring her from a close distance.

The next moment, Wu Xiu's eyes suddenly went dark, she lost consciousness instantly, and her whole body collapsed like mud.



Sighing lightly, retracting the hand knife that stunned Wu Xiu, Wei Yanwu dragged him down from the place where he was about to fall from the edge of a tall building, while turning his head to look at Chen Fan who was lying on the ground half dead: "Xiao Chen, Do you know how to use a sniper rifle? Xiao Wu is still influenced by the singer after all, it seems that the audio is good at a long distance, but he is still not good at facing the singer directly."

Hearing Wei Yanwu's words, Chen Fan nodded lightly at first, and then immediately shook his head desperately: "No, you can't count on me, Uncle Wei. Although I can use a sniper rifle, I can't use it as well as Wu Xiu, a dead she-beast. , Secondly, this place is so high, it is impossible for me to have the courage to move after climbing to the edge, unless..."

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Fan continued to shake his head: "No, it's nothing. If I go in the past, I will also make mistakes because of my fear of heights. We'd better find a way to make Wu Xiu wake up earlier, and then play without being affected by the singer." This shot."

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me whether the human beings here are dead or alive, not to mention that I am only forced to help, so who cares about these issues?
Here, Chen Fan had just made up his mind to say nothing, but Wei Yanwu walked over and squatted in front of Chen Fan without saying a word after putting Wu Xiu in place, "But, Xiao Chen, you still have a way to overcome it, right? ?”

Wishing to give himself two big ears quickly, Chen Fan thought to himself how could he be so cheap, because he slipped his mouth in a moment of compassion, and now Wei Yanwu caught his tail.

Seeing that Chen Fan still had no intention of opening his mouth, Wei Yanwu sighed deeply: "Xiao Chen, I know this is not good, after all, you are just a super novice who has just become Piaoling for less than a month. I don’t have any deep feelings with people I don’t know, and being able to risk my life to land here from a high altitude and successfully collect key information is considered a kindness, but..."

Speaking of this, Wei Yanwu inadvertently caught a glimpse of Chen Fan's extremely deep and cold cross eyes hidden in the darkness, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally changed his words: "However, I hope you can see that the music producer For sake, let the singer stop. Although his last wish is probably to let his songs be praised, but I believe it is the same as you said before that swiping fake views will not make him happy. Such a situation must not be what he wants Bar?
After all, it was the man's love that gave birth to the singer, not resentment or resentment. "

I don't know which sentence or which word stimulated Chen Fan. After hesitating on the ground, Chen Fan finally let out a long sigh: "Ha - well, well, I know Uncle Wei. There is always a way, I You can move it over and just look at the scene in the sniper scope, so that you won’t be aware of the height difference. But if you do this, you need to aim the sniper rifle roughly in the right direction first, otherwise it will take too much time for me to adjust. too much."

Hearing this, Wei Yanwu immediately made an OK gesture, and trotted over to put the sniper rifle in the right position, then trotted over to drag Chen Fan to the designated position, so that he could move without looking into the distance. You can target a good diva with a sniper scope.

Closing his other eye tightly to prevent himself from realizing the height difference of his current position, Chen Fan quickly aimed at the forehead of the singer singing loudly with the help of Wei Yanwu. He repeatedly adjusted the sight without Wu Xiu's strong eyesight. Aim at the fixed point, and prepare to pull the trigger after confirming that everything is safe.

And the moment Chen Fan moved his fingers slightly, a petrified feeling also spread from his fingertips, making Chen Fan immediately raise his hands like an electric shock, stretched out his index finger and pierced his ear canal with lightning speed. The eardrums of both ears were pierced.

Interlaced by the excruciating pain and Wei Yanwu's silent cry, Chen Fan quickly picked up the sniper rifle whose position hadn't changed much, and just put his eyes on the scope and was about to pull the trigger, when the familiar feeling came from his fingertips again, forcing Chen Fan to Had to let go again.

After cursing something that he didn't know what he said or didn't say, Chen Fan reluctantly took out of his pocket the post-it note and black pen that he had taken when he left the music producer's room, and after writing a few lines, he put the paper on the paper. It was shown to Wei Yanwu who kept grinding his teeth because Chen Fan poked his ears.

After looking at the words "bone conduction, the impact is much smaller but it cannot be stimulated" on the paper, Wei Yanwu frowned deeply, and then took out his binoculars to look at the square in the distance.

At this time, some elderly people had already fallen to the ground due to lack of physical strength, and some people who had been injured for various reasons before also fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss or being unable to hold on.

Facing the tragic scene observed through the telescope, Wei Yanwu ground his teeth again, frowned and thought for a moment, then took out the walkie-talkie to ask the opposite party what, but found that his walkie-talkie had stopped working again.

Turning to look at Chen Fan, he found that he was holding Wu Xiu's walkie-talkie and shaking his head helplessly. Wei Yanwu had to give up the idea of ​​communicating with the management bureau, picked up the binoculars to observe, and sighed deeply: "Ha— —That's all. Anyway, if you die, when is death not a death? Besides, if you really die, the old bald man's pension for that girl must be indispensable."

Speaking pessimistic words that only he could hear, Wei Yanwu immediately knelt down, took Chen Fan's sticky note and wrote a line on it: "I have a way to get you out of the influence, you squat down and keep trying to pull the trigger , once you find that it can be deducted, don't worry about anything, just remember to make the singer harmless!"

After quickly reading the content on the note, Chen Fan looked at Wei Yanwu in bewilderment, but only got his nod in reply.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fan decided to believe Wei Yanwu's words. He lowered his head and put his eyes on the scope of the sniper rifle. After aiming at the singer for the third time, he put his finger on the trigger and pressed down hard. Then he stopped, waiting for the method Wei Yanwu said.

Seeing that Chen Fan was ready to counteract the influence of the singer, Wei Yanwu stood up, first raised his hands in front of his chest, then moved his left hand back parallel to his shoulder, bent his elbow slightly, and moved his right hand. Each finger is curled up in different degrees, and the head is even lowered to the left, as if holding a violin in one hand.

What Chen Fan couldn't see was that Wei Yanwu at this time was quite different from the sloppy uncle he had imagined before. He exuded an elegant and dignified musician's posture all over his body. If he could shave off his beard and take good care of his hair In a word, the slightly melancholic temperament on his body must have attracted thousands of girls.

It's a pity that there are only Wu Xiu who is unconscious in Tiantai Mountain now, and Chen Fan who is focused on targeting singers and doesn't look at him at all.

After silently lamenting in his heart that no one knows what to do, Wei Yanwu took a deep breath, and the illusory and elegant violin appeared in his hands, and then Wei Yanwu stroked the strings like a veteran who has been immersed in this way for decades, Just like this, Chen Fan was surprised to find that his fingers could continue to move down a bit.

"First Sonata: The Sorrow of That Winter!"

The next moment, Wei Yanwu roared, and started his own performance like an emperor on the stage. The mournful and sad melody was played, and in an instant, the singer's singing was distorted for an instant, allowing Chen Fan's fingers to move Continue to press down until you have reached the point where you can pull the trigger.

But the moment he pulled the trigger, Chen Fan burst into tears for some reason, and suddenly remembered what Wu Xiu said before he fell into a coma:

"She did nothing wrong, why kill her?"

So in a daze, Chen Fan's muzzle shifted slightly, causing the bullets that whizzed out not to go straight to the singer's forehead, but to pass by her side, grazing her fluttering hair.

At this moment, the scarlet spider silk suddenly burst out, climbing up the diva's hair, expanding rapidly like a greedy swarm of ants, wrapping the diva's whole body almost instantly, and then guided by the independent force He forcibly twisted her posture into a cross shape with hands outstretched, completely sealing her in the blood-red transparent cross coffin.

Monocular took a last look at the singer who seemed to be sleeping in the blood coffin through the scope. While scanning the crowds on the street who had collapsed and passed out, Chen Fan felt a strange feeling from the bottom of his heart for some reason.

It's not that I feel that there is something wrong as before, but I always feel a little regretful.

I don't know if it was because the singer was sealed by himself, or until the end when he suddenly changed his mind and just wanted to seal the singer.

Just after feeling helpless, Chen Fan was about to crawl back from the edge of the roof, but suddenly felt that his heel touched something soft.

His body stiffened subconsciously for a moment, Chen Fan silently untied the pistol from his belt behind his back, then suddenly turned around and pointed the muzzle at his back, only to see Wei Yanwu collapsed to the ground at some point, with blood flowing from his back as if he didn't want money. There was rushing out of the nose.

"Hey, my dear mother!"

Hurriedly wriggling his body and crawling to Wei Yanwu's side, Chen Fan took out the medicine bag on the ground and rummaged for a while, finally found the white medicine and bandage to stop the bleeding. A regiment of bandages was stuffed into Wei Yanwu's nose.

Fortunately, the bleeding stopped shortly after the bandage was inserted. Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at Wu Xiu who was still sleeping in the distance, and reluctantly picked up the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, trying to communicate with the management office. After getting in touch, he slowly climbed back to the edge of the rooftop and prepared to look at Diva's situation through the scope of the sniper rifle.

But before the walkie-talkie was connected, Chen Fan saw a thin black figure coming out of nowhere from the scope, and was quickly approaching the singer who was sealed in the blood coffin.

Subconsciously pulled the trigger, but the only sound was the click of the empty barrel.It was then that Chen Fan suddenly remembered that before he left, the bald director only gave the three of them a special bullet, and the rest didn't even have the most basic live ammunition.

With a quick tut, Chen Fan knew that although the pistols issued would not be the same as ordinary pistols ten meters away, it would all depend on luck, but it would only be heard if it was a thousand meters away. In desperation, he had to stick his right hand out of the roof. On the edge, looking at the black shadow less than a hundred meters away from the singer in the scope, he sneered coldly: "Although I don't know where you are from, but if you want to snatch something under the nose of my uncle, it's a little bit Is it too contemptuous?"

Before he finished speaking, the crimson energy rapidly expanded from Chen Fan's palm, and in the blink of an eye, a giant spiral spear was constructed, the entire length of which was even more exaggerated than Chen Fan, Wei Yanwu, and Wu Xiu put together.

"Well, just try your hand, I am the... Forget it, why are you talking so much nonsense, just run through him, Kungunil!"

In the next instant, a dazzling red light shot out in an instant, spanning a thousand meters at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and piercing straight through the black shadow's chest.Then, without waiting for the black shadow to react, the berserk energy distorted and exploded unreasonably, instantly crushing the black shadow and the concrete floor with a radius of five meters.

After doing all this, Chen Fan slowly turned his head, staring at his entire arm, which was torn into strips of flesh like the muzzle of a gun, and the bones of his forearm that were completely shattered to the size of a fingernail. The body caught up by the pain screamed uncontrollably and rolled on the ground:
"Grass! Why?! Ah! Damn! The inside of the reservoir is infinite, and the outlet is too small, will it explode?! Shit, shit, shit!!! It hurts me, bastard!!!!!!!!! !"

(Kungunier: The weapon of the Lord God Odin in Norse mythology, the ability is quite simple and powerful, that is, "if you throw it, you will definitely hit the target". , and then automatically returned to the owner's hands. When the Aesir and the Vanirs went to war, it was Odin who took the spear and threw the first blow. It is said that when the Vikings were fighting, the commander would throw the spear at the enemy first, that is Inherited from then on.

When Odin throws the gun, it will emit a bright light across the sky. The people on the ground call it "lightning", and another way is "meteor".It is recorded in the myth that those who swear to Kungunir, his oath will be fulfilled.This may be the origin of wishing on a shooting star. )
(End of this chapter)

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