Chapter 282 Staff Restaurant
Everyone's focus is on defense.

Not only have many survivors been eyeing this place recently, but the climate has also become more and more severe.

The rain was mixed with hail, and this morning someone was hit in the face by a hail the size of a duck egg, almost disfigured.

Because of the shelter of the Tree of Life, the top of the mountain was not affected much, but the other trees on the mountain and the mutated animals that had no fixed place suffered.

Not to mention those dirt hills that haven't taken much protective measures in the first place.

With the double blow of muddy water washing and hail falling, those mountains have become gnawing and difficult to see.

Only a few stone mountains survived.

"I plan to build a watchtower every 100 meters on the mountain, and prepare a duty room behind each watchtower to hire some supernatural beings to live on the watchtower, equipped with artillery, if there is a wave of zombies or other bases Come to seize the place, it can just play a protective role." Qi Chi is now busy designing the building of the watchtower and the corresponding built-in equipment.

Luo Jinbei pays attention to the selection of personnel on the mountain. "There are many mountain ranges now. Our stone mountain is already 600 meters high and occupies a large area. It is completely possible to admit some people with supernatural powers into the mountain. This way, the personnel will be concentrated. Everyone who meets Danger also works together."

Both Xiao Jujue and Xiao Wangba agreed with this suggestion. Only a dozen of them, even if they are strong, cannot withstand natural disasters and sudden dangers.

Many people are powerful.

However, the screening of supernatural beings must be targeted to a certain extent, not all of them, character, ability, and good skills are all important.

"That's right, there are so many people, everyone is responsible for a piece of land, protecting those plants and mutated animals, and saving time and effort." Duan Ya said.

Xuan Hongyan just contacted him. They collected a lot of weapons and equipment and zombie crystal cores on the way back. Now is the time when there is a shortage of people, and their supplies are completely sufficient.

After pondering for a while, Luo Yunjin felt that this proposal was very good, "Then we will accept 100 people first, but they will do everything by themselves when they build houses on our mountain, and we only provide some raw materials such as trees. The selection method is first a written test and then Ability test, those who have special skills can add it."

She dug out the FM stereo that she hadn't used for a long time, and at the same time took out the big speaker to play the selection information.

The time is set at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. Those who are willing to participate will go directly to the scene on time. The location is at the fruit cafeteria halfway up Stone Mountain. The written test mainly tests psychology and personal information. Special skills such as cooking and building can be added as appropriate.

At the end of the comprehensive evaluation, the best candidates will be selected for employment. A total of [-] candidates will be recruited, and the specific treatment will be discussed in detail after recruitment.

Hearing this news, many supernatural beings who lived on the nearby mountain went crazy with joy.

Everyone knows that there are many high-level supernatural beings on the stone mountain, and the mountain is rich in materials. If you can live on the stone mountain, you will have life protection and meet your needs.

Almost everyone is ready to sign up.

Many people didn't have enough crystal cores to live in hotels halfway up the mountain. Now that they heard the news, they were very excited and wanted to seize the opportunity.

And the other side also said that even if the ability level is not high, as long as there are special skills, points will be added.

Many people queued up early in the morning.

At 600 o'clock the next morning, when Luo Yunjin and others went down the mountain to clean up the restaurant, they saw a group of people lined up from the middle of the cliff to the bottom of the mountain, at least [-] people.

They thought that many people would sign up, but they didn't expect that there would be so many survivors in these mountains and the nearby Haicheng?

Qian Yuanfeng removed all the tables in the restaurant, and Duan Ya brought the test questions that had been printed out a long time ago.

It has been mentioned in the broadcast before that all applicants are required to bring their own pens, and due to the location of the examination room, everyone can only take the test standing up, but except for the page of personal information, the rest are multiple choice questions.

At eight o'clock, Luo Yunjin opened the door and called everyone to come in.

The cafeteria has two floors, so two exam rooms were set up.

There are 534 people in total, exactly 267 people in one examination room.

Duan Ya originally prepared only 400 test papers, but later went to temporarily print [-] copies.

There are six examiners in each examination room.

If there is plagiarism in practice or other people with impure thoughts are found, they will be directly disqualified from the exam.

No one showed any abnormalities in the written test, and it was just a process. The main thing was to look at everyone's personal information.

An hour later, all the test papers were collected.

They had determined the score change mechanism before, and screened out some survivors who did not have any specialties and had low levels of abilities through personal information.

In line with the principle of merit-based admission, and in order to give everyone a chance, they screened out fractions in the first round of written tests.

Those survivors who had neither specialties nor abilities were the first to be brushed, exactly 34 of them.

In the crowd, no one showed a surprised look, and even they felt that there were too few people screened.In the last days, rely on strength to speak.

"The reason why we select supernatural beings to enter the mountain is mainly to resist those supernatural beings who want to grab the territory from outside. In addition, as the sea continues to rise, we need everyone to work hard to open up new homes. So this time, the selection of personnel, It mainly depends on everyone's abilities, we give priority to those with high-level abilities." Luo Yunjin stood on the steps supporting the mountain, and said seriously.

Among the surviving people, the worst one has a first-order ability.

Hearing the girl's words, many people retreated.

"So in the second round of the ability test, I hope everyone will show their strength. Now, please follow the name I called, and everyone will show their abilities one by one, and I will directly announce whether they will be hired or not." Luo Yunjin said calmly.

All the personal information has been collected. According to the level of abilities, the highest here is the seventh-level ability user, and one is just the third-level advanced person.

But there are quite a few people in the top [-], and she doesn't want to choose them.

The first person to call out her name was a woman in a big leather jacket. She skillfully condensed a water polo, "My name is Zhao Alan, a fifth-level advanced water ability."

Chen Yue is a seventh-level junior, and she nodded to Luo Yunjin after confirming that the other party's abilities were real.

"Okay, you have been selected. Wait in the restaurant first, and I will assign the work you need to do and tell you the benefits here." Luo Yunjin pulled out her information form and ticked it.


"Liu Yun, the fifth-level intermediate earth ability."

"Zhou Lan, a third-tier advanced metal ability."

"Zhang Heng, the fourth-level intermediate water ability."

"Yuan Xiaoni, the fourth-level primary healing ability."

"Li Heng, the sixth-level elementary wind ability."

Wave after wave of people entered the restaurant.

"The two below, I'm sorry, due to personal grievances, I'm not going to accept you to join. Shen Junqi, and Lan Xinya, you two can leave on your own." Luo Yunjin directly returned the test paper they just answered.

Although Shen Junwei was disappointed, he was not surprised.

He took the test paper and left.

Lan Xinya was stunned, "You, why didn't you accept me?"

"You don't have supernatural powers at all, and your supernatural powers are fake." Luo Yunjin didn't want to waste any time talking with her, so she directly told her secret.

Lan Xinya's pupils trembled.

Her abilities are given by the system, and she is indeed not a real ability user.But only she knows this secret!

Lan Xinya noticed a lot of strange eyes around her, and she panicked, "You have no proof, I am indeed a sixth-level high-level wind power user!"

"Since you say you are real, then in front of me, use your wind ability to lift yourself up to 1000 meters for 3 minutes." Luo Yunjin looked at her expressionlessly.

For the real sixth-level wind-type superpowers, they can easily fly high in the air with the help of wind.

But Lan Xinya is not, she can only fly up to 100 meters and can only maintain it for ten seconds, it is okay to fool ordinary people, but Luo Yunjin can hear her system, she has known this secret for a long time.

This is actually not the most important thing, the key is that at the central base, she has a bad impression of this woman.

Bad character.

Seeing her standing still, Cheng Yuanfeng chased her away.

Lan Xinya covered her face and ran back to the hotel in a pretentious manner.

"Well, I want to ask." Zhang Heng, who had already been hired, suddenly stood up, "My girlfriend is an ordinary person, and she can't survive alone, so I don't need the supplies you provided, I buy them myself. Can I have my girlfriend follow me?"

Luo Yunjin had thought about this problem a long time ago, "I'm just going to explain this matter. Those of you who have been confirmed to be hired can bring your family and relatives to stay, but we don't care about their safety on the mountain. Benefits are distributed as usual, but only We don’t care about your personal and family life, if it is found that your relationship is fake, or you moved in through a transaction, we will take measures.”

This news made many people relax their frowning eyebrows.

"Wang Lili, a seventh-level intermediate fire ability."

"Zhang Yuan, the sixth-level primary speed ability."


"Okay, with the addition of special abilities, a total of 113 ability users have been recruited this time. Don't be discouraged if you are not successfully recruited. We may have other plans in the later stage. All those who participate in this selection can go to At the door of the hotel, we will send you some fruits and vegetables.”

Those who were selected were very excited. Looking at the interior decoration of the restaurant and the scenery of the mountains outside the window, they felt very lucky.

All 113 people sat upright.

Lin Xi stood at the front, "Below, I will arrange your work and assign tasks."

"Our stone mountain is currently 637 meters above sea level, and we plan to build four watchtowers, each with a distance of 100 meters. The bottom watchtower is at 200 meters, and each watchtower will be assigned three supernatural beings."

"After the watchtower is built, all living supplies, weapons and tools will be provided. Among the three people, one needs to be an assistant and one attack system. Because it involves security and defense issues, the twelve people with five abilities must all have five abilities. Supernatural beings above the first rank."

"Because there are more and more survivors on the mountain, for the convenience of management, we are planning to build a staff canteen and conference hall halfway up the mountain. The chefs in the staff canteen are the eight people you have just recruited through special skills. The conference hall and cafeteria As well as the hotel, they each need two supernatural beings for daily management."

"The above 26 supernatural beings are relatively relaxed in daily life, providing accommodation and three meals a day, but they have higher requirements for supernatural powers."

"For the remaining 87 people, you can freely build houses on the mountain, provide free lunch, and you can go to the canteen on the mountainside for lunch. We have 18 members of the Rose Team here, all of whom are seventh-level and above abilities, and occasionally need to go out to find supplies When the time comes, you can join us on your own, and all the supplies you find will belong to you. When Stone Mountain is in danger, everyone must participate in the battle!"

Lin Xi finished reading the manuscript in his hand seriously.

The supernatural beings below are all discussing.

"There are two barriers on the mountain. Everyone is strictly prohibited from entering the area on the top of the mountain. You and the family members you bring must register with me and receive a lightning crystal nucleus. With this crystal nucleus, you can freely pass through the road on the mountainside. Thunder net barrier." Luo Yunjin said softly.

"By the way, you can't harm the mutated animals on the mountain at will. Some scattered fruit trees need to be harvested as much as you need. If you find someone smuggling supplies or harming animals, you will be driven out of Stone Mountain."

113 people have no opinion.

A total of 152 lightning crystal nuclei have been received.

"Of course, the watchtower, staff restaurant and conference hall have not been built yet, and it will take two days to build them. All supernatural beings must participate in the construction of these buildings. The climate is unstable now, and we need to build the houses as soon as possible." Qi Chi took out the architectural drawings, "I just passed this job, so I can see how everyone uses the abilities."

Duan Ya and Qian Yuanfeng took everyone out and worked together.

Start working in the afternoon.

Xiao Sijue pushed a small trolley full of fruits, and all regular employees could receive a piece of fruit.

Everyone is very happy, and it seems that life has hope again, so they work very hard.

In the afternoon, several earth and gold superpowers built a staff restaurant.

The staff canteen only provided free lunch for those 87 people, and breakfast and dinner had to be purchased with crystal cores.

All eight chefs were on duty that day.

The restaurant is two stories high, and the first floor is a common window, a total of five.

The three windows on the second floor sell mala tang, noodle products and desserts respectively.

There is a staff dormitory behind the restaurant. There are only eight chefs in total, each with a room.

The orchard and vegetable garden on the top of the mountain are managed by Xiao Jue and Chen Yue. They usually arrange the delivery of daily supplies. The restaurant sends a chef to the top of the mountain every day to transport the ingredients needed for the day.

In addition to the meeting room in the conference hall, three rows of display screens are installed in the outermost exhibition hall. The first row is the monitoring video of the watchtowers on the mountain and the surrounding stone mountain.The second row is the map around Stone Mountain, and the red corner marks correspond to the people or zombies displayed on the first row of surveillance.The third row is the task arrangement, go out to find materials or some task lists that provide material exchange.

Because many people have stayed in Stone Mountain, the hotel has vacated many rooms, and only a small number of people with supernatural powers who have not successfully joined Stone Mountain are living there.

Weapons are placed on the four watchtowers. Three of the supernatural beings working here have to take turns to be on duty, each for eight hours a day. They mainly observe the nearby ground conditions, whether there are approaching zombies or survivor teams, and the sea tide.

The watchtowers are all built on the edge of the cliff, where you can enjoy the scenery below the mountain, but there are no trees to cover them, and the houses are easily damaged by rain and hail.

Therefore, the watchtowers are all made of stone, and the roof is made of iron and thickened, but the noise will be a bit loud.

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  It's the last day of June!Another day away from school...

(End of this chapter)

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