The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 245 Don't Be Too Pessimistic

Chapter 245 Don't Be Too Pessimistic

The low-level zombie squatted on the ground, holding the zombie fish in his right hand and a bloody unknown object in his left hand.

Luo Yunjin got up to drink water, opened the curtains, and saw a few people floating like plastic bags in the sky not far away.

There are more and more zombie fish in the surrounding water, and occasionally one or two zombies can be seen swimming in the water.

"Let's drive away too, the water looks abnormal." Luo Yunjin patted Lin Xi's hand.

The car suddenly shook violently.

A three-meter-long zombie fish came out of the water, opened its mouth wide, and white thick water was continuously flowing out of its eye sockets.

Lin Xi started the engine and turned on the flying car's air driving mode.

The car gradually lifted into the air.

Because of this, Luo Yunjin saw that the land was completely covered by rain, like a boundless black ocean, and black unknown creatures were constantly beating in the water.


A scream came.

A zombie eagle soared high in the sky, using its claws to precisely grab the head of a survivor.

Afterwards, a few more eagles flew over, and they directly attacked the heads of the survivors floating in the air fiercely.

Since the end of the world, zombified flying animals are rarely seen, and these zombie animals are different from mutated animals.

Mutated animals are like humans who have awakened supernatural powers.

Zombie animals correspond to zombies. They are extremely ferocious, can hurt people, and have a lot of toxins on their bodies.

Zombie Eagle quickly caught the four of them.

The rest of the survivors were terrified.

"Help, help!" Cannon fodder survivor A yelled hysterically.

"Hurry up, let's fly away, no, hurry up and blow away these monsters with your wind power!" Cannon fodder second wailed loudly.

Li Heng still wants to keep his abilities, but the situation is very complicated now, there is no place to stay, and flying in the air by relying on the wind will consume a lot of his abilities.

The only nearby place that can provide shelter is City H.

City H is in the rain, the horizon is also normal, and there are many high-level supernatural beings, only there can protect them.

Without saying a word, Li Heng flew towards City H with his people on the wind.

The few remaining survivors saw that Li Heng was only protecting the girls beside him and ignored them, so they wanted to say something, but they also thought that if Li Heng gave up on them directly, they would fall from the sky.

There is a zombie eagle on top, and a zombie fish on the bottom. There may be a glimmer of life behind Li Heng.

In this way, several people floated in the air, trying to avoid the pursuit of zombie eagles.

The situation of the flying car was very stable, and the sound radar was installed on the car, which could interfere with the direction of the zombie eagle to a certain extent, so it was not attacked.

The sky is getting brighter.

The gray-white sky meets the black-gray water, forming a clear boundary.

The rain is light.

For the first time in a long time, the rain turned to a drizzle.

The sky seemed a little brighter than ever.

Looking from the air to the water, it is boundless and spectacular.

The water level is also slowly dropping, and many of them have fallen into the underground cracks in City A.

City H is still very calm, and the vibrant green trees can be seen from a distance.

The tall city wall blocks the rainwater. At the same time, there are many supernatural beings stationed outside the city wall, and they are constantly accumulating the nearby soil to prevent the water accumulated outside from breaking through City H.

Fortunately, the water level has been dropping.

Lin Xi parked the car in front of the door, and as soon as the two of them showed up, the power grid was removed from the city wall, making it easier for them to drive over.

But Li Heng and the others were not so lucky.

Now City H no longer accepts survivors, and they are all dirty.

"Did you see that there are still a lot of containers over there for temporary residence. Our City H is temporarily not accepting aliens with supernatural powers. If you want to join, you need to wait for the notice." The guard said loudly.

After the water level dropped, the submerged container emerged from the water, but the inside was very dirty. The only advantage was that it could shelter from the rain, and it was right next to City H, so it was very safe.

Yuan Xiaoni pulled La Liheng's clothes, "Let's live there, I think it's pretty good, and we can find supplies slowly. Or we can go back to Xilin Base..."

Before she finished speaking, the five survivors who were with them occupied five of the containers by themselves.

They were very picky, but it was obvious that after going through the life-and-death crisis just now, the current container was simply a paradise. Although it was dirty, it could at least give them a sense of security.

Li Heng could only make do with it.

He was still a little bit unwilling, obviously he was a sixth-order supernatural being, and he still had to live in such a place with the help of the system.

Is he really the main character?Isn't it poor little cabbage?
Although the container was very close to City H, it originally contained a complete set of daily necessities and furniture, but it was soaked in rain and was no longer used.

Several people moved out all the sundries in the container and cleaned up the interior.

Sitting directly on the steel plate inside, my tired body and mind suddenly became stable.

It didn't take long to hear the sound of sleeping snoring from the next door.

Yuan Xiaoni's backpack is waterproof, and she keeps everything she eats in clean plastic bags. Although she has been exposed to the rain in the air, she hasn't gotten wet.

The food and water in the backpack are enough for her and Li Heng to live for two days.

"Will the market in City H be open to the public?" Yuan Xiaoni whispered, she observed the surrounding area, except for City H, there was no place where living things lived.

They don't have any supplies now, not even the wood to start the fire, so they are very passive.

"Should be, but we have to wait." Li Heng sat on the steel plate and wiped his body with a towel, "This rain is no small matter. It is estimated that people will gather outside City H one after another. If there are too many people, there will be transactions. All you have to do is wait."

Yuan Xiaoni nodded.

There are a total of hundreds of containers scattered outside, all of which seem to be specially condensed by gold-type supernatural beings.

These containers are two stories high, the lower floor is built with railings and stairs, and the upper floor is a place to live, which is very humane, so that there is time for zombies to raid in the middle of the night, and there is also time to react.

Yuan Xiaoni picked up a lot of cotton wool and still dry painted wood from the thrown out furniture.

The wood had been painted with a coat of varnish, which was scraped off with a dagger, and the wood inside was still dry.

Excitedly, she ignited the cotton wool with a lighter and set up a fire in the container.

Each container is a single room, but has an independent bathroom.

Yuan Xiaoni went into the bathroom and changed into a set of slightly damp clothes, then walked to the fire to warm up.

Seeing that Li Heng didn't have a change of clothes, he handed him another set of wet clothes.

"No, I'm a supernatural being, and I'm not afraid of the cold." Li Heng sneezed as soon as he finished speaking.

He sat a little closer to the fire, and cut off the wet clothes sticking to his body.

A warm fire warms up the little container in no time.

In a few containers next door, five survivors are gathering to discuss.

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, and the others are gone. How will we, the five rookies, survive in the future? Our abilities are low, and all of them are auxiliary abilities. When encountering high-level zombies, we will die."

"What can we do? Let's eat cold salad, follow the man and the woman, there may be a way."

"Don't be too pessimistic..."

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  Rest early~
(End of this chapter)

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