The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 141 how lonely is invincible

Chapter 141 how lonely is invincible

Li Juan lay at the window, looking at the two clean cars in front of her, her eyes full of envy.

"Why can they become supernatural beings and get protection? I'm obviously not bad." Li Juan stroked her thin face.

The caravan drove slowly, and the trunk of the car was full of supplies. These were all stolen by them, although they paid a huge price.

"No, I'm catching up." Gao Xiumei put into the wrong gear in horror, and the car sped forward.

Mo Lian hurriedly deviated, staggered to the rear of the RV.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw many motorcycles coming in this direction.

"I'll go, these motorcycles are going too fast, should we avoid them?" Zhang Ran hesitated.

It looks like it's not easy to mess with. Mo Lian had only used the jade pendant to enhance his abilities. Now his body is very weak, and the overall combat effectiveness of their team has declined.

Although Luo Yunjin and Lin Xi were there, Zhang Ran didn't trust these two outsiders who had only joined the team for a few days.

"It was provoked by those two women." Mo Lian stepped on the gas pedal to accelerate.

Duan Ya on the other car also accelerated to keep up with the car in front.

The RV behind followed closely.

This place is not far from E city, these people should be supernatural beings living near E city, just like Qiu Ziyan, they have their own base camp.

"The vehicles in front, I order you to stop quickly, or I will throw explosives and grenades." A loudspeaker sounded from behind.

Luo Yunjin was frightened by the harsh sound of the loudspeaker, she grabbed Maomao's two paws and stuck them to her ears.

The little milk cat meowed, and then cutely leaned against her cheek.

rub rub~
"Why don't we get out of the car and beat them up, the horn is really loud." Luo Yunjin rubbed his ears.

She directly threw the little orange tree out of the car window.

The orange tree suddenly pulled out its branches, and the winding branches slapped it fiercely.

All of a sudden those motorcycles tilted and fell to the ground.

The little orange tree showed its power, and the branches turned into hands and feet, running on the ground.

Everyone on the motorcycle showed surprised expressions.

They all fell badly, especially the one who was playing the loudspeaker, and landed on his face.

"I'm fine, this mutated plant is very evil, don't take the initiative to go up. It seems that those two bitches have found a backer, and we are passive." Hu Zhou helped the car up, took off his helmet, and looked at the already Three cars going away.

"Then we can't let them run away. They stole all the crystal nuclei." Lu Xuexue was a little anxious. The crystal nucleus was stolen from the foot.


Two women without supernatural powers actually stole everyone's crystal nucleus without everyone knowing.

Because the little orange tree was repeatedly frustrated by the little milk cat, it vented its long-standing grievances on these people. Its branches began to grow luxuriantly, and it lashed wildly.

Even the raised supernatural barrier can be easily smashed, so it can be said that it is invincible.

But Lu Xuexue is a water-type power user, and there are also fire-type and earth-type power users in the team. They set water, fire and stir the soil together.

Sure enough, a few well-maintained branches of the small orange tree were scorched, and it became angry.

The body shape immediately became several times larger, and many facial features grew on the trunk, and it began to babble.

"What is this!" Lu Xuexue was frightened by those ferocious facial features, she took several steps back, her face pale.

The facial features on the tree trunk make a lot of funny face emoticons, which looks very weird.

The branch charged for three seconds, then lashed wildly.

Luo Yunjin, who was still playing with the little milk cat in the car, discovered the riot of the little orange tree, and opened the video connection through the pet contract mode. When he saw the crazy orange tree beating those supernatural beings without limit, he was still stunned for a while. meeting.

The mutated orange tree also seemed to realize that it was being monitored by its owner, and its movements suddenly became soft, and the funny face on the trunk suddenly turned into a smiling face, but it deliberately used the tenderest and thinnest branches to slap those supernatural beings.

Just miserable.

Luo Yunjin sympathized with those supernatural beings who were shivering behind the motorcycles.

Only she can see this kind of surveillance video, so when Xuan Hongyan saw the subtle expression of the girl behind through the mirror, she shuddered subconsciously.

Soon, the little orange tree wrapped the motorcycle and the supernatural person with its branches and ran back. It fiercely threw the car and people on the ground, then turned into a miniature size again, jumped into the car window, and got into Luo Yunjin's backpack Li, very well-behaved, with smooth movements.

Duan Ya in the driver's seat gave Luo Yunjin a thumbs up, "You're still a cow, even Lu Xuexue has no strength to restrain a chicken."

Luo Yunjin raised her chin, and for a moment, she felt that she was invincible.

Why are the high-level power users here so weak, how lonely it is to be invincible.

Lu Xuexue has been going smoothly since the end of the world, and has never been so humiliated. She stood up, and when she saw Hongyan Xuan who was getting off the car, she smiled angrily.

"Who am I? It turns out that I am the third child of ten thousand years. I can only use these crooked methods. Do you know what the two sluts you were protecting did? We saved them, but they took revenge and stole Most of the materials and crystal nuclei were lost."

The more Lu Xuexue talked, the more angry she became, she couldn't help hiccupping, and then blew a snot bubble from her nose.

She wiped it off with her sleeve as if nothing had happened.

As long as she is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

After staying in the apocalypse for so long, she has already cultivated a thick skin like steel.

Gao Xiumei and Li Juan, who were hiding in the RV, hugged the black backpacks tightly. They stole these crystal cores with great difficulty. With these, they were enough to go to the base to live for a long time.

"Mom, why don't we return all these. Don't you think these supernatural beings who helped us are very strong? If we can get their favor, we can live well without these crystal nuclei. And With so many crystal nuclei, even if we enter the base, we will be targeted." Li Juan suddenly snatched the backpack from Gao Xiumin's arms.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could they have a crush on you?" Gao Xiumei frowned.

"You also said that the women in the car are all supernatural beings, and supernatural beings are very proud. Obviously, those powerful men are all single. Have you forgotten who I am? Before the end of the world, I am one of Blue Star's top models." Li Juan raised her head proudly.

Gao Xiumei's face changed from cloudy to sunny, "You are right, you can try."

In the next second, Li Juan squeezed tears from her eyes and started acting.

She ran out of the car with her backpack in her arms, stumbled and fell to the ground on purpose.

Before getting out of the car, she messed up her hair on purpose, "I'm sorry, my mother stole these crystal nuclei and the supplies on the car. I persuaded her, but she didn't listen. I will return these things to you. Don't make things difficult for these guys." brother."

There were tears in Li Juan's eyes, I felt sorry for her, a few buttons on her collar were off.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing

  The little milk cat rubbed against the girl's face, meowing, super good at acting like a baby.

  The girl held up the two small front paws of the kitten: A kitten like you is destined to be sucked bald by me!

(End of this chapter)

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