Xia do not stay

Chapter 360 Turtle River Map, Longluo Book

Chapter 360 Turtle River Map, Longluo Book

"Ding, it is detected that the player's life is threatened, and the talent [Baoxu Yufeng] is activated!"

The long sword in Fujun's hand was empty, the feeling of piercing flesh and blood was gone, only the blood on the tip of the sword told him that everything just now was not an illusion.

Gu Yang's body suddenly appeared a hundred feet away, and at this moment he was covering his heart, with a trace of happiness in his eyes.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!
Even though he could dodge a deadly attack with the talent [Bao Xu Yu Feng], but the deadly No. 15 sword was so terrifying that he dodged it when it almost pierced his heart.

This is the first time that Gu Yang has encountered an attack that even [Bao Xu Yu Feng] can't completely dodge. This is something he has never encountered after he has practiced Lingbo Weibu to perfection.

There was a trace of regret in Fujun's eyes.

The light of the Seventh Gold sword on his body began to dim. Even if he used the No. 15 sword, he would have to pay a high price, but it was offset by his Seventh Gold Indestructible Body.

However, his uncultivated dharma body was already dissipating at this moment, and he even suffered some internal injuries due to the backlash of this sword.

The No. 15 sword that kills life must see blood, otherwise, this poisonous dragon, which symbolizes death and destruction, will be the first to attack the sword owner.

If it weren't for his half-step dharma body, I'm afraid he would have to imitate Yan Shisan and die by cutting his neck.

"It's a pity!"

Fu Jun looked at the sword wound on Gu Yang's heart, at this moment the other's flesh and blood were slowly wriggling, the blood stopped flowing and began to recover.

Gu Yang's glazed golden body is unparalleled in the recovery ability, as long as the vitals are not pierced, it is difficult to die.

The Fujun looked at Cui Pan again, and found that he was surrounded by the power of the formation, but he was barely resisting with his extremely deep internal strength, his hair was disheveled, and he was coughing up blood again and again.

"Gu Yang, I can't kill you today, I will take your life after I have completely cultivated the Gengjin Indestructible Body."

He already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

But where would Gu Yang let him go, the Xuanyuan sword in his hand trembled, and the golden light flourished.

"Haha, the future of shit! If you don't kill me today, I will kill you!"

After saying that, his figure flashed, passing through the clouds like a dragon, cruising the sky, his muscles and bones humming like a dragon chant.

Kunlun school's unique learning, Yunlong [-]% off!

His figure is chic and vigorous, sweeping across the sky in an instant, the sword light is like a rainbow piercing the sun, piercing the government lord!

There was a crisp sound of clang!
Fujun's sword fingers trembled, and he stepped back a few steps, the platinum sword light on his body became increasingly dimmer.

"Come again!"

Gu Yang looked up to the sky and screamed, the sword intent in his heart screamed, and he used the Excalibur Jue again, the two unrivaled magical skills were in operation, and the sun and the moon appeared in his eyes. On the Xuanyuan Sword, half was golden flames, and half was Jiuyou Xuanbing.

In a trance, Fu Jun felt that even his thinking became slow, as if he was frozen, but the strange thing was that his body was like burning, and his mouth was a little parched with his cultivation.

Fu Jun's eyes were gloomy, he barely resisted Gu Yang's attack, he coughed up blood again and again, his heart turned like an electric shock.

Must break out and leave!

Otherwise, it is really possible to be consumed by Gu Yang and die here!

Outside the array.

Zhuge Wu's face became paler, and even drops of sweat dripped down.

Qin Rushuang was very anxious, but she couldn't enter the formation to take a look, for fear of disrupting Gu Yang's rhythm, which would be a disservice to him.

at this time.

The Turtle River Map, which was already full of cracks, seemed to be overwhelmed, and there were a few more huge cracks.

The spiritual light circulating on it seems to be about to dissipate.

Zhuge Wu opened his eyes suddenly, and then spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of self-blame and regret.

Just a little!
Gu Yang did not live up to his expectations, he already had the absolute upper hand, and the Fujun vomited blood again and again, with sword marks all over his body, and it seemed that the opponent could not hold on anymore.

But Fu Jun fought hard to be seriously injured, and activated the last Gengjin Jianguang, breaking his eight-door god refining formation!
Fujun is not proficient in formations, but his cultivation base is too high, he is a great master in the realm of ten heavens, and even half a foot has stepped into the threshold of land gods. He does not need to study formations, as long as he can break them with strength Can.

In fact, if there was no oppression by Gu Yang, the Fu Jun would probably be able to break his formation with only a few swords.

Although the way of formation is miraculous, allowing people to defeat the strong with the weak, it has a limit after all, and a mouse trap can never kill a bear.

Zhuge Wu held on desperately for a moment, and the formation suddenly shattered.

And at this moment without the shackles of the formation...

Two figures flew past, Fu Jun's black robe was torn, almost soaked in blood, he carried Cui Pan, who was also seriously injured, and fled away quickly.

Gu Yang's figure also appeared again, holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, his long hair flying, his eyes like lightning, and his aura soaring into the sky.

"Don't try to escape!"

Gu Yang yelled loudly, like a Hong Zhong Dalu, deafening, accompanied by the sound of a lion and a tiger, a hurricane was set off around him!
Lion's Roar!
The Fujun's footsteps paused slightly.

Gu Yang has already quickly chased after him, like a dragon entering the clouds, soaring into the sky, following closely behind the Fujun.

Yunlong's three folds, this lightness skill is not as good as Lingbo's microsteps in the subtlety of dodging, but when it comes to long-distance running, it is unique in the world.

With just a few mentions, the figures of Gu Yang, Fujun and others disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Zhuge Wu was so angry and ashamed that he threw the Turtle River Map to the ground, stomped on it with his feet, and said angrily: "You useless turtle shell, if you hold on for a while, Gu Yang will be able to kill the Fujun!" , just a moment away!"

He beat his chest and stomped his feet, and even spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his beard was stained red.

A trace of unbearableness appeared in Qin Rushuang's eyes, and she persuaded: "Master, don't blame yourself anymore, you have tried your best, and you know Gu Yang's lightness kung fu, and it is also the best in the world, so he will definitely not let him escape!"

Qin Xiao also persuaded: "Brother Zhuge, do your best and obey the destiny."

Although Qin Xiao was disappointed that Fujun and Cui Pan were not beheaded, how could he bear to blame his old friend when he saw the state of his old friend?
In fact, being able to seriously injure Fu Jun and Cui Pan is already a great success, at least Shuang'er can have enough time to rectify the country.

Zhuge Wu sighed, squatted down again, picked up the Turtle River Map, and carefully wiped off the footprints on it.

"Actually, it's my fault. If my cultivation base is higher, or if I can find the lost Long Luo Shu and form the Divine Weapon He Tu Luo Shu, I will certainly be able to destroy the underworld today!"

Guihetu and Longluoshu are the two top-level spiritual weapons. If you can find both of them, you can form a formation of the supreme magic weapon, Hetu Luoshu!
But it's a pity that Zhuge Wu has been looking for it for decades, but there is no clue.

All three were a little depressed.

Qin Xiao cheered up first, and said to Qin Rushuang, "Shuang'er, the ministers are at a loss for what to do with this shocking change. The most important thing right now is to appease the good people."

Qin Rushuang's eyes lit up slightly.

Creating a peaceful and prosperous world has always been her greatest ideal, and now she can finally show her ambition and flex her fists.

"My daughter understands."

Qin Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "You still don't understand."

Qin Rushuang was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized.

"Daughter... I understand."

Qin Xiao turned around and laughed loudly, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Hearing her father's laughter, Qin Rushuang also showed a smile, but what she didn't know was that Qin Xiao, who had his back to her, quietly wiped away the poisonous blood from his nose.


(Thanks to the reader 1323115954815643648 for the reward, love!)
(End of this chapter)

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