I can extract side effects.

Chapter 86 Experts' doubts, giants' tricks

Chapter 86 Experts' doubts, giants' tricks

"Shocked, Alzheimer's disease was conquered by a pharmaceutical company from the East."

"Waiting for 20 years! The new drug for Alzheimer's disease developed by Huaxia scientists has entered clinical trials and will be on the market soon!"

"Su Daqiang is saved, Huaxia's original new drug for Alzheimer's disease is available!"

"When the oriental dragon roars, Alzheimer's disease will tremble and surrender!"

"After years of research, Huaxia's solution has filled the 18-year gap in anti-Alzheimer's drugs!"

"Alzheimer's disease is cured, and Huaxia's original new drug has attracted international attention!"

"Overnight, from Alzheimer's to reciting the last [-] people of pi, focusing on the miracle of new drugs for Alzheimer's disease!"

"Walk into science, the story behind Sanqing Pharmaceutical's continuous overcoming of terminal illness!"

"China's new drug for Alzheimer's disease sparks controversy: don't be too happy!"

The global media enthusiastically reported the relevant news, and the news spread at the speed of light.

Especially the domestic media, every report is the same as that produced by the UC shock department, all of which are exaggerated.

Alzheimer's disease is an incurable disease that global pharmaceutical companies are helpless, and it is even more desperate than cancer.

Although the domestic pharmaceutical company Green Sunshine has also developed a similar new drug, the clinical report was not published in the journal Nature.

Moreover, the drug has been controversial since the beginning of the interview, and even the head of the Biology Department of Peking University and a well-known biological scientist Chang Sanwei angrily complained that the clinical data was falsified.

Not to mention, the pharmaceutical company has been caught in the negative press of false anti-cancer advertisements.

Compared with Sanqing, a pharmaceutical company that invented the anti-cancer medicine and actively lowered the price to enter the medical insurance, and its roots are well established, it is natural that it will not be able to keep up.

As a result, the media scrambled for hotspots, 360-degree hype about Sanqing's new drug.

Not only doctors and pharmaceutical companies all over the world, but many ordinary people also learned about this from the news.

In an instant, the whole Internet was boiling, and half of the top ten hot searches were about the three new medicines.

"It's Sanqing again, awesome Plus!"

"Cancer, Alzheimer's, what else can't be defeated by Sanqing?"

"I beg Sanqing to research and develop the elixir of life!"

"I don't ask too much, just a gene mutation drug, I just want to be as smart and handsome as Mr. Wei."

"Great, my grandfather is saved, and I'm going to apply for a clinical trial immediately."

"Don't worry upstairs. I read the original article in the journal Nature. This drug is only for early-stage Alzheimer's patients. If it is an advanced stage, it may not be effective."

"Kneel to the god of learning upstairs, and can actually understand the original article."

"This is a world record. It's great. Sanqing is the pride of China. It has always won glory for the country and has never stopped."

"Weakly ask, is there no medicine for this in foreign countries?"

"It seems that before Sanqing, the only ones that could treat Alzheimer's disease were trehalose capsules from Green Sunshine and a new drug from Yingguo Biojian."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand the upstairs. Seaweed extract essence can treat Alzheimer's disease. Do you believe it? There is also Biogen's new drug. It is said that it was abolished at the beginning because it had no effect. Then it suddenly discovered the effect and applied for marketing. However, after passing the FDA Afterwards, ten FDA medical experts resigned angrily, and you know the truth.”

"Hiss, Internet powerhouses are so terrifying, and they know so much. These two medicines seem to be a little tricky, so who would dare to take them?"

"That's right, but now there is Sanqing's new drug, and Sanqing will definitely not cheat, so early patients are really saved."

Eagle Country, Pfizer headquarters.

All the top board members were there, including the heads of several drug development laboratories.

The CEO of Pfizer looked at everyone, and the secretary sent copies of the materials to everyone.

He slowly said: "This is a clinical treatment paper excerpted from the "Nature" magazine. I believe most of you have read it. If you haven't read it, take the time to read it."

Everyone opened the file and looked, the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Some people couldn't help asking: "Is this paper true or false? Is the data authentic and credible?"

Others also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Chinese scholars have always had a tradition of falsifying data, so they should not be trusted."

The Pfizer CEO didn't speak, but looked at Andre who was sitting in the front row, and nodded.

Andre spoke calmly, obviously prepared: "The data is true, and I have verified it through Pfizer's branch in China. Moreover, Sanqing is our partner who develops new drugs. I believe everyone should Remember the Sanqing anti-cancer drug, this anti-cancer drug has brought us very rich profits, enabling Pfizer to quickly occupy the high-end market of anti-cancer drugs in Europe and Eagle."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, it was actually Sanqing again?

This time they looked at the paper seriously, all of them looked solemn, and after reading it, they looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

Pfizer CEO breaks silence: "What do you think?"

"I'm still skeptical!" This is the person in charge of a drug research and development laboratory, he said confidently: "Alzheimer's disease is absolutely impossible to be cured, my laboratory has been unsuccessful after years of research, and all other The drugs developed by pharmaceutical giants can only delay the disease, and the drug Sanqing is only aimed at early-stage patients.”

"Many symptoms of early patients are not obvious, and they often recur. Maybe the patient's condition is not serious. And the patient has only taken this medicine for a month, and it can be cured in one month? Do you believe it? Maybe it only temporarily controlled the condition. "

Others also began to question: "It says that the drug is still in the second phase of clinical trials. It only provides the treatment data of a dozen patients within one month, and there is no complete clinical data, and even the side effects are not fully indicated."

"This is not a successful drug at all, and "Nature" is too irresponsible. How can it publish such a paper that lacks sufficient data support?"

Andre argued: "It may be because the disease of these dozen patients was under control within a month and was completely cured. Therefore, it is the first paper in the world that can present specific cases of successful treatment. The editor-in-chief of the magazine It was only allowed to pass."

"But after all, this is only a one-month curative effect. It is hard to say what will happen later. Patients may develop drug resistance and then relapse. It is too arbitrary to make a conclusion like this."

"Even if you can take this drug all the time to control your condition, will there be any side effects? You must know that many drugs are found to have various fatal defects after long-term use."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but they still couldn't completely agree with the conclusion of this paper.

The CEO of Pfizer suddenly said: "There is one more thing I want to tell everyone."

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "The person in charge of the laboratory that developed this new drug is Chen Yiqing. He used to work in Pfizer's neurodegenerative disease drug research and development team, and was a core research and development member. Pfizer's R&D direction is the same, both are γ-secretase inhibitors, do you think it is possible that he has stolen our core technology?"

Everyone was stunned, and the expressions on their faces became extremely exciting.

"This possibility is not impossible, but Chen has been away for several years, it is really hard to make accusations from this aspect." Someone said cautiously: "And we announced that we would give up research in this area, All specialists have also been dismissed."

"That's right. Sanqing's research and development of new drugs must go through patent registration. If our patent is stolen, it will not pass the patent approval."

"But you have forgotten that this drug has just been developed, and it was developed in the East. It has not been patented in Eagle Country. It is difficult to see whether a similar technology has been used."

Andre suddenly said: "Everyone, if there is no real evidence, you can't just accuse Sanqing like this. After all, it is a long-term strategic partner of Pfizer. If this kind of word gets out, Sanqing will be angered, and it will not do us any good. Instead, it’s a huge loss.”

"The most important thing is that we have given up the research and development of new drugs for Alzheimer's disease. There is no conflict of interest with Sanqing in this regard, and we can even seek authorization cooperation for this new drug in the future. There is no need to do such a thing."

Someone nodded and said: "Yes, after all, it is normal for scientific researchers to leave their jobs. As long as there is no patent infringement, the use of technology should be free. Before seeing the detailed data, you can't maliciously speculate."

Having said that, judging from the expressions on many people's faces, they still have doubts in their hearts.

The CEO of Pfizer fell into deep thought, and said after a while: "Well, there will be unknown people who inadvertently leak this news to the media. They are pervasive. When encountering such a thing, they will naturally dig deep into the truth behind it, so it has nothing to do with us. But You must all keep this a secret."

Everyone smiled and nodded, with a look of fun on their faces.

 Thank you for the 100 rewards that the sky is so blue.Thanks for the support!
(End of this chapter)

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