Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 31 Pyramid!This is really 'alien' made!

Chapter 31 Pyramid!This is really 'alien' made!

On the road, there is an endless stream of tourists.

Six people appeared on the screen.

Lucas looked up at the statue made of stone like a lion but with a human face: "This is the pyramid you are talking about? Did you get the name wrong?"

This statue is 20 meters high and 57 meters long, and if the two front paws are counted, the total length is 72 meters.

"It's such a tall sculpture. The traces of weathering should have been there for a long time." Cheng Ping Sanlang nodded his glasses: "But it's not unusual."

Iron nodded: "If it was built within 2000, then it can at best be said to have a certain exotic style, and it is not considered a miracle of ancient architecture."

Lin Xuan: "It was built in 600 BC."

Elent: "It was built 600 years ago? That's a bit magical."

"It's more than 2000 years ago, the productivity of that era, building such a big guy, it's amazing!"

Lin Xuan: "I'm talking about 600 BC, not 600 years ago."

"600 BC is more than 600 years from today."

Because the simultaneous translation is a machine, Yilund got it wrong, so he thought that the Sphinx was built 600 years ago.

This already surprised him very much.

After hearing that it was established 600 years ago, the mouth grows so big that it can stuff eggs!
"This!" Guo Kai: "It was built 600 years ago. It's amazing. Such a large piece should be built from a whole boulder."

"To move this boulder here..." Guo Kai turned his head and looked around:

"This is a desert, there are no rivers, and it is very difficult to transport such boulders here manually."

"The possible way of transporting the stone is more worthy of exploration than the plastic art of the stone statue itself."

Several people looked at the Sphinx and observed it.

Lin Xuan smiled calmly: "I'm sorry everyone, it's not the building we want to see today."

"It's just a small thing carved out of the scraps of the building we're going to see."

Ellent said loudly, "Small scraps?"

Cheng Ping Saburo was surprised: "Second use?"

Guo Kai was not calm anymore: "Little thing?"

[Is there such a description of this huge stone statue? ! ! ! 】

[Lin Xuan failed to act coercively this time, this forced coercion is the most deadly. 】

[Excessive modesty is madness, and we Blue Stars are not fools! 】

To be honest, as a sacred building, the Sphinx is indeed exaggerated, but it is lying on its stomach, and it is far less impactful than the Buddha of Paradise and Mikoyan Buddha.

Saying it's a small thing is fine.

Lin Xuan walked five meters to the side: "The real thing to see is here."

The five judges walked to Lin Xuan's place and searched on the ground.

"This is just an ordinary sandy land. What's special about it? Is there a building underground?"

Yinent looked at the ground carefully: "There are people coming and going in this place, and the sand here has no trace of protection at all. There shouldn't be any huge buildings underneath."

Chengping Saburo put forward a hypothesis: "Could it be that there is actually a large platform under this lion-like sculpture, which is two...three times the size of a lion, but it is just buried under the yellow sand?"

Not to mention that the people of Sakura Country are stingy, and they dare not assume that it is too big. First assume that it is twice, and then assume that it is three times.

Lin Xuan raised his arm with a smile and pointed to the direction behind the Sphinx: "The building I'm talking about is there."

Five people looked up.

An expert in social sciences and humanities, a professor in the Big Apple City, Lucas, who is used to seeing the world, widened his eyes and panicked:
"Oh My Kar! Oh My Jason! Oh Shet! Oh..."

Ylent: "Oh, you're so big, shut up..."

"What the hell is this?"

The audience is also dumbfounded.

At least one kilometer away from the Sphinx.

A huge pyramid-shaped building sits.

From this angle, the pyramid is taller than the Sphinx in front of you!

Everyone present is an architect or a rich historian.

Yilunt simply raised his thumb and made an estimate: "This place is at least 400 meters away from the pyramid, so... more than 130 meters!"

"This building is at least 130 meters high!"

Lin Xuan nodded: "The Pyramid of Khufu is 130 meters high. It should have been more than 140 meters high, but there seems to be a curse on ancient buildings that cannot exceed the height of 130 meters, so the top ten meters are gone."

"The Sphinx in front of us now is carved out of a piece of material left unused after the completion of the Pyramid of Khufu."

"That's what we're going to see today in the distance, the Pyramid of Khufu."

"One of the tallest ancient buildings on Earth, the tallest ancient building, the Pyramid of Khufu."

"Guess how it was built?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the next moment, the six of them walked together in front of the pyramid.

Here, a large number of tourists are taking pictures.

No one noticed Lin Xuan's arrival.

Lucas looked up and took his hat off.

Lin Xuan: "An ordinary pyramid has a base angle of 51 degrees."

"The Pyramid of Khufu is the tallest pyramid, and it is quite special, with a base angle of [-] degrees."

Every floor here has a height above the shoulders of an adult woman.

Steps stacked one upon another constitute the appearance of the pyramid.

The weathering of the endless years has made the appearance of the pyramid decayed.

Shrunk down a circle.

But compared to such a large volume, the shrunken part is almost inaudible.

Lin Xuan: "I forgot to mention that the maker of the Colosseum I saw before was ancient Rome."

"Ancient Rome is one of the great empires in the history of Earth and Star after the complete outbreak of human civilization."

"Not ancient at all, and not particularly good."

"This is ancient Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations in the history of Earth and Star."

"Every ancient civilization has its own representative civilization, culture, architecture, and language."

"The pyramids of ancient Egypt are the representative buildings of this country."

"Of course, many people say that this pyramid doesn't look like it can be built by humans. They say that it is a building left by aliens on the planet, and it can be used to connect the stars."

Ylendt: "Nonsense, although the size of this pyramid challenges my thinking inertia and cognitive understanding."

"But from the perspective of modern people, this is not completely impossible."

"Aliens say it's unbelievable."


【Hahaha, isn't this built by aliens? Isn't the earth aliens aliens? 】

[Upstairs, you still don't understand the difference between aliens and parallel worlds! 】

[Earth Star people are Blue Star people, they just parted ways at a certain dividing point in history, and walked in another direction from the timeline. 】

【To put it bluntly, this was not built by aliens, but by aliens from outer space. 】

Lin Xuan put his hands in his pockets: "Everyone, can you imagine how these pyramids were built?"

"Can you imagine where these boulders were mined from?"

"Can you imagine how ancient humans transported the boulder here 600 years ago, and then sent it to a height of [-] meters?"

The five judges looked at each other.

Elent: "Is there a reward for guessing right?"

Lin Xuan laughed happily: "Reward a copy of the internal structure diagram."

Ylent was shocked: "What! Isn't this building solid? Does it have internal chambers?"

This time it was Lin Xuan's turn to be dumbfounded: "It's so fresh, we earth star ancients are not stupid, building a mountain deliberately blocks our way, right? Of course it has its uses!"

"Is this the tomb?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience became more imaginative about the pyramid.

Mysterious, weird.

Magnificent, huge.

The structure is exquisite.

Building is a puzzle!
Wait a minute... Such a colossal thing is not the main building of this issue?What building scale is still above it?
 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for all support!
  Thank you everyone. In addition, do I need to build a book friend group? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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