Open Traveler: Culture Invasion Parallel Blue Star

Chapter 14 "How to strike up a conversation and the art of striking up a conversation" An

Chapter 14 "How to strike up a conversation and the art of striking up a conversation" An Luyao
Lin Xuan was at his home, looking at the money in the card, thinking about how to use the money.

A full 6000 million is lying on the card.

Han Yang personally transferred the money to Lin Xuan's account, and told Lin Xuan: "In the second episode, as long as the authenticity of the video and the level of special effects are not lower than the first episode, no matter whether the ratings are successful or not, I will support you!"

The deputy director allocated a budget of 8000 million for each episode of the program.

Han Yang turned around and gave Lin Xuan a total of 6000 million.

With the remaining 2000 million, Han Yang has already gone to decorate a brand new studio.

However, due to the upgrade of the studio, the second phase will not start until every other week.


Lin Xuan held a can of Xueling beer and sat in the corner of the living room balcony.

This is the seventeenth floor, Lin Xuan is not used to this height.

Because Yanjing restricts building height, most buildings are very low.

On the seventeenth floor, you can already see a large and beautiful night view.

But in the previous life, Lin Xuan's living environment was not like this.

On the unsealed balcony, the wind came in, making Lin Xuan feel a little chilly.

Lin Xuan took a sip of the wine and fumbled twice in his shirt pocket, but failed to find it.Then he reached into his trouser pocket again and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Lit up the cigarette, Lin Xuan really wanted to match it with the similar taste of the cigarette in his previous life.

But it didn't match.

After taking a sip of the wine, Lin Xuan threw the bitter Xueling beer into the trash can in the corner in disgust.

"I want to drink snowflakes and go bravely..."

In private, Lin Xuan is actually more emotional.

To be precise, it is easier to get emotional when you are alone.

If he was communicating with people, after being offended, even if Lin Xuan had various emotions in his heart, it would not be easy to show them.

But when drinking or playing games alone, it is easy to vent directly.

There was nothing in this house that Lin Xuan was familiar with.

It's really hard to get used to here.

"Maybe other traversers don't have as many problems as me."

After all, they don't have to keep thinking about the people and things in the previous life while they are working.

And Lin Xuan's job is to recall past lives.

When it came to the hoe in the corner, it gave Lin Xuan a strange sense of familiarity.

This thing was given to Lin Xuan by Li Bing.

But it's something from that world anyway.

In the dark house, the lights were not turned on.

As soon as he turned on the light, all he saw were things that were contrary to Lin Xuan's living habits.

Lin Xuan didn't want to see them.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan walked out of the house.

Fangxia Bookstore, a bookstore of the Internet celebrity type.

This type of bookstore has a characteristic that it does not close at night.

Lin Xuan walked in.

When people are bored, they always have to find something to do for themselves. It is very painful to lie down and play until bored.

The memory of the predecessor does not have much knowledge reserve.

When Lin Xuan had nothing to do, he could only decide to recharge his batteries and go to the bookstore to read.

Finding a staircase with a light strip and sitting down, Lin Xuan opened the "Sequence of the History of the Dragon Kingdom" in his hand.

Lin Xuan had already checked before coming here, and the rating of this book is not high.

But it is one of the few books that roughly explains the history of the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom.

Now there is a lot of voice on the Internet for 'Zhang Shaoyun' and 'Yin Zhongtian' to participate in the second issue of "I am a time traveler".

Lin Xuan also decided to supplement his historical knowledge.

Originally, there was a historian Tang Yun among the judges, but now there are Internet celebrity historian Yin Zhongtian and Internet celebrity military commentator Zhang Shaoyun, Lin Xuan decided to make some preparations in advance.

The history of Blue Star is not the same as that of Dragon Kingdom.

Although the trend is roughly the same, each dynasty has a big difference.

"The reason why they are similar should be because of the parallel world."

As for the difference, it should be brought by the individual.

Lin Xuan had an idea. In the second issue, if the theme is related to history, he would try his best to show those powerful and great individuals in history.

After roughly browsing through the preface and general introduction, Lin Xuan saw a jingle.

'The six kings of the people are Xu, Tang, Cheng, Yu, and Minshi.After eight hundred months, the sun is divided into four south.A hundred tribes and other countries unite Chu and Man.Chen Xiyan in the north and south, and then Yan in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.Fourteen northern states, Yue Zhao 700 years.After the Great Virtue and Great Wei, the dynasty did not continue. '

Lin Xuan thought about it for a while, this thing seems to be a bit similar to the imperial jingle in the previous life.

"Three emperors and five emperors began, and Yao, Shun, and Yu were passed down. Xia Shang and Western Zhou, and Eastern Zhou were divided into two sections. Spring and Autumn and Warring States, unified Qin and Han. Three were divided into Shu, Wei and Wu, and the second Jin was extended. The Southern and Northern Dynasties stood side by side. , the dynasty is over."

Next turned to the Who's Who in History.

Lin Xuan immediately searched for the most famous historical figures on the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom network.

I did some research and found that the most popular historical figures are the same as those in the previous life.

Either the first emperor of the great unification, or an invincible general with a slightly tragic color.

Stories, films, literature about them.

Very much.

Lin Xuan also probably recorded some.

"Hello, this is the first time I've seen someone read "The History of the Dragon Kingdom" and take notes and excerpts."

A pleasant voice came from behind Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan turned his head, was blinded by the ceiling light, and squinted: "Huh?"

The girl took another step down the steps: "Why did you copy these?"

This girl is very beautiful, with long fluttering hair, wearing a little white dress and white shoes.

Lin Xuan took the book from the girl's hand.

"How to Pick Up and the Art of Picking Up."

The girl froze for an instant, red from neck to ears.

Lin Xuan turned the book over and saw the girl was reading that page.

"Find something that the other party is doing, look for the more interesting or unusual points in it, and talk to it."

Lin Xuan closed the book and handed it to the girl: "Remember next time you strike up a conversation with someone, don't hold a book called "How to strike up a conversation and the art of striking up a conversation"."

"This way the success rate is higher."

The girl took the book, at a loss.

Lin Xuan was looking at the girl carefully. This girl was very beautiful, but she was not charming. Instead, she had a feeling of hibiscus coming out of clear water, which made people feel ashamed and difficult to approach.

What's wrong with this blue star world?A girl with such good looks still needs to learn how to strike up a conversation?

The girl was embarrassed: "I... I am a writer, I want to write love essays, but I can't write..."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows: "So you are going to strike up a conversation with a man, have a relationship, and accumulate writing experience?"

"No...not..." The girl was speechless: "I want to write a strike-up scene, but I can't write it, so I want to try it myself."

Lin Xuan thought for a while: "There should be some necessary conditions to strike up a conversation."

The girl took out a small notebook and a pen from her bag: "Say it."

"For example, you should ask someone's name."

While writing, the girl asked, "What's your name?"

"Remember." Lin Xuan: "When you ask someone's name, you should first report your family name."

Girl'ao! ': "My name is An Luyao."

Lin Xuan picked up his phone and started searching for 'An Luyao, writer' in the search engine.

"Tsk tsk, An Luyao, a well-known young and beautiful writer, are you going to start learning to write sweet essays now?"

An Luyao's face changed for a moment, and then she was helpless: "I can't help it, poor one."

"You haven't said your name yet."

Lin Xuan closed the "Sequence of the History of the Dragon Kingdom" in his hand: "Sometimes you fail to strike up a conversation, but this time you will fail."

After speaking, he took out two books from the bookshelf, one called "Hundred Generals" and the other "The Art of War".

"I'll rent these two books."

An Luyao has already followed.

Clerk: "You need a membership to rent a book, please give me your name and phone number, and I'll register for you."

An Luyao stood beside her, smiling.

Lin Xuan: "Then I bought these two books."

Clerk: "You need a membership to buy books."

Lin Xuan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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