Chapter 644 Clone Fruit
Eric looked at the sleeping phone bug and muttered, "This guy..."

"Central Plains Chuya's team is not slow, plus the journey time to the West Sea, the strongest enemy of the unified underground society was wiped out in less than a month."

"The entire army of the Capone family who unified the West Sea is destroyed, and the underground society in the West Sea may fall into a state of separatism..."

"Ah, isn't it the king of Qin's sweep of Liuhe and the tiger's view of He Xiongzai's script?" Kuang Sanqiao replied with a sweet smile.

"Kang San, talk more if you can talk." Eric closed his eyes, rubbing back and forth on Kuang San's chest.

"Like a child." Kuang San rolled her pretty eyes.

"Hmm..." Eric pouted: "Aunt Kuang San, I want to drink milk..."

"Hmm..." Something was stuffed into his mouth suddenly, Eric opened his eyes and found an unpeeled banana in his mouth.

"Also, Da Vinci needs to find you." Kuangsan stretched out her white jade finger and tapped Eric's forehead: "Not yet."

"Got it~" Eric muttered, "Although it's fun to be an emperor, there are a lot of government affairs in normal times, and it's far less happy than when I first went to sea."

"Huh?" Kuang San bent down, put his arms on the table, rested his chin with his palms, aligned his eyes with Eric, and said with a smile: " give up everything and we go to sea again?"

"No matter what choice you make, I will always walk with you."

"...Let's forget it." After thinking about the crimes he had suffered before, Eric resolutely gave up.

Kuang San smiled and straightened up.

Eric stretched, then put his arms around Kuangsan's waist: "Let's go, let's see what Da Vinci wants from me."

"It's coming." Da Vinci glanced at Eric and Kurumi who were surrounded by electric arcs: "In my laboratory, don't use your thunder ability casually, what should you do if you damage precious equipment. "

"Okay." Eric turned his head and looked around, and found that Krulu was indeed here, and she was holding Ajuramaru.

"You can't hear what Ajuramaru said, so what's the use of holding him all the time."

Krulu ignored Eric.

"Please, I'll convey it to you." Eric teased the thousand-year-old Lolita Queen.

"...I always feel that you are thinking about something impolite." Krulu said angrily as he stared at Eric for a moment with red eyes.

"What bad thoughts can I have?" Eric spread his hands.

Krulu reluctantly begged: "...Eric, please tell me what my brother said."

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly!" Eric put his hands behind his ears, making a movement to listen for the words.

"You...!" Krulu showed his sharp canine teeth, looking like he wanted to jump over and bite Eric hard.

Eric raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

"Eric... my lord, please help me." Krulu's shoulders trembled, as if he was enduring something, tears rolled in his eyes, he looked pitiful, if there was no murderous intent...

"...Krulu, you are really being played by Eric. Your brother said so." Eric translated the original words, and even imitated the dynamics of Arthura Tepesi tone.

"..." Krulu's eyes trembled, the submarine volcano was about to erupt.

"This time, my brother will not leave you, so, Krulu, you don't have to hug so tightly." Eric continued to translate.

"Huh..." Kruru let out a breath of foul air, expelling the suffocation in his chest, his depressed mood improved by half, and he loosened his arm holding the samurai sword by the way.

"Okay." Da Vinci pointed to the experimental table, which was filled with a lot of books, all of which were documents and books shipped from Elbaf:

"After reading for a while, the knowledge contained in these books even includes the bloodline factor..."

"Is there such knowledge in these books?" Kuang San asked in surprise: "Then why, the world didn't find out before."

"I don't know either, but it is very likely that someone deliberately hid this knowledge."

"World Government."

"I think so too." Da Vinci nodded and said, "Learning knowledge was the privilege of the upper class in the past."

"Of course, what if the people at the bottom learn knowledge and use it to rebel?" Krulu, who has lived for thousands of years and experienced dozens of ancient civilizations, has a deep understanding of this.

"Then why, Gage would say that the blood factor was discovered by Vegapunk?" Kuang San frowned: "Isn't this a lie?"

"Maybe, they really think so." Da Vinci pondered: "Isn't there a gap of 100 years in history, and this knowledge may be a product of that era."

"So history and knowledge are broken, no one inherits this knowledge, when people rediscover this..."

"Or maybe, Vegapunk read these books with his own eyes, so he knew the blood factor, and claimed that he discovered the blood factor."

Having been in this world for more than a year, Krulu, who had heard the name of Vegapunk, sneered: "Isn't this man cheating the world?"

"Maybe Vegapunk deliberately concealed these books." Da Vinci said: "I talked to the bandage giant and Robin. The sailors of the world government don't know the true value of these books, so they can change from O'Hara of the ruins, take these books unharmed."

"If these books are exposed, the world government will not hesitate to provoke a war, and it will absolutely destroy these documents."

"Eric, haven't we seen Vegapunk's laboratory in Balkimoa?" Da Vinci revealed the answer: "Those avant-garde knowledge and bold designs are all in these books."

"Sauro said that there used to be a human with a huge head who went to Elbaf to read these books. I guess this person is Vegapunk."

"...You mean, Vegapunk, known as being 500 years ahead of human intelligence, is just an archaeologist? He reproduced things that appeared in the past?"

"You can say that, but..."

Da Vinci changed the subject: "If it is made from scratch, it is also very remarkable to reproduce high-tech objects spanning hundreds of years."

"What are you doing..." Eric clenched his fists: "The wisdom that is 500 years ahead of human beings is actually just the technology left over 800 years ago?! In the past 800 years of co-authoring with human beings, technology has not only not progressed, but has made great strides. Regressed?!"

"What's the difference between this and the Qing Dynasty that has entrapped China for nearly 300 years!?"

"There is no difference..." Da Vinci smiled: "However, the world government should be worse."

"..." Eric was completely silent.

"The world government's approach is even more extreme. As long as it is related to 800 years ago, it will be destroyed. But they don't understand that history can never be destroyed and buried. As long as it did exist, there will always be some traces left."


"A country with such knowledge and technology!" Da Vinci's eyes lit up with the light of exploring knowledge: "There must be many things in the ruins of this country!"

"Da Vinci, what do you know from this pile of books?" Eric asked.

"The so-called blank 100 years probably refers to the history of a country with a developed civilization and war with twenty countries in the past."

"The final victors were the Twenty Kingdoms. Afterwards, they established a world government and created the current world. In order to prevent anyone from inheriting the idea of ​​'this kingdom', they decided to erase this country from history."

"All these history books are interpreted by Robin, and I will summarize and speculate." Da Vinci Lily stuck out her tongue.


"There's no way, there are too many books here, we can't read them alone." Da Vinci Lily shook his head and said, "What's more, there are still many books that haven't been shipped yet."

"I even speculate that the devil fruit was made by this kingdom."

"This is really... surprising..."

"After all, there are some fruit abilities that cannot be naturally generated in nature, such as soft candy fruits."

"How was this kingdom defeated? How could it still lose the war with so much technology?" Eric was puzzled.

"I don't know, I'm afraid I have to ask the person involved."

"I'm not interested in the history of this kingdom." Krulu frowned: "Da Vinci, did you ask me here specifically to give me popular science knowledge?"

"Huh?" Eric was startled: "Didn't you come to see your brother?"

"..." Krulu gave Eric a vicious look.

"Because of my past knowledge, I will soon be able to make artificial vampire fruits."

"Really!?" Krulu was so excited that he almost reached out to grab Da Vinci's collar.

"Well, there is a problem." Da Vinci said truthfully: "The devil fruit is unique, even if it is a man-made devil fruit, there are some differences from the original devil fruit."

"Although the artificial fruit that Ah Jin ate can transform into a giant dragon and emit heat, it lacks the two abilities of thunder and wind."

"The artificial devil fruit I made must have some gaps with the original vampire fruit, and it's unknown..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can change back to human form and reunite with my sister." Eric translated for Ajuramaru.

"As long as my brother agrees, I have no objection." Crulu also nodded.

"That's good." Da Vinci said: "It will take a while for the artificial devil fruit to grow."

"Seed?" Krulu was taken aback.

"Fruits can't be transformed out of thin air, right?" Da Vinci said in relief, "Eric has a very good relationship with the Dongtata family, and the Dongtata family has excellent planting techniques that have attracted worldwide attention, no matter what kind of plant they can grow. come out."

"..." Krulu glanced at Eric and wanted to say something, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

"Don't worry, I said I will reunite you brothers and sisters." Eric smiled: "I will contact the Dong Tata clan now."

Krulu said in a slight voice: "...Thank you."

[Ding... Krulu Tepesi's favorability has increased, the bond level has risen from 1 (ordinary friend) to 2 (close friend), and 1 bond point has been obtained]

Eric noticed that Krulu's bond level had risen, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, the queen is really hard to attack...


A small human clan patted his chest and promised: "Since it is Master Eric's request, our Dongtata clan will definitely breed perfect plants!"

"Hush..." Eric quickly raised a finger: "Don't tell other people what you are cultivating."

"Of course!" The other little humans promised together.

"..." Eric really couldn't believe the heads of the little people, but it was very appropriate to entrust this task to the Dongtata clan, which was also an important reason why Eric made friends with the Dongtata clan.

And one more thing.

Eric thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "By the way, is Princess Manshirley okay?"

"Very good, thanks to Mr. Eric, who helped us defeat the Don Quixote family and save the princess and compatriots!"

"What about the relationship between Princess Manxueli and Leo?" Eric asked.

"Uh..." The members of the Dongtata clan looked at each other, feeling very helpless towards Leo's slowness: "It's still the same, Man Xueli has been angry with Leo all the time."

"How about..." Eric thought about his words and said, "Let Leo and Man Xueli travel to China together, and I'll match them up?"

"is it okay?"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

"Okay, I'll tell Princess Manxueli immediately!" Dong Tata didn't suspect Eric's intentions at all.

"Master Eric wants to match me with Leo? I will go to the Kingdom of China!" Man Xueli agreed happily, and then ran to find Leo: "I am going to travel to the Kingdom of China, and you have to protect me!"

Leo agreed to Man Xueli's willful request, and the two, accompanied by a group of Dong Tata clan, took a boat to the Kingdom of Shenzhou together.

Eric has taken a fancy to Manxueli's healing fruit. If he wants to copy the healing fruit's ability, it may not be as powerful as the original version, but it will play a vital role in large-scale wars.


"Clang! Clang!"

The pick was raised and then lowered, and Ace, whose hands were handcuffed by Hailoushi, worked hard.He has been in the Rabbit Bowl Quarry for a month, and he is used to this kind of work. He even regards this work as exercise, constantly honing his physique and arrogance.

"Ace, do you still have the strength?" The other members of the Spade Pirates put down their tools and prepared to take a break.

"The prisoner over there!" Yamato, who was on duty at the quarry today, came over with a mace in his hand: "Don't be lazy!"

"I'll do their job!" Ace took the initiative to take over all the work.

"You?" Yamato looked Ace up and down.

"Besides, they were innocent in the first place, and they just came to accompany me to serve my sentence."

"Oh!" Yamato suddenly realized: "You are the 'Fire Fist' Ace who ate the king's meal and entered the top eight of the Budokai?"

"'s me." Ace replied dully.

"I heard Eric say..." Yamato took a step closer and leaned into Ace's ear: "You are One Piece, the biological son of Gol D. Roger?"

Ace's fingers holding the pick suddenly tightened, and his tone was cold: "I don't even admit that he is my father."


(End of this chapter)

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