Chapter 584 Miss Misaka

People across the country gathered in squares and in front of TVs to watch Eric's New Year's speech:

"In the past two years, we have witnessed milestone events in the history of this country!"

"The founding of the country!"


"Full construction!"

Eric, who was speaking on the high platform, paused, looked down at the people looking up, and Morgans who was videotaping below.

"We are striding forward on the great road of prosperity for the people and strength of the country!"

"Establishment of the school, let every child have a book to read!"

"Cut!" Eric seemed to hear countless boys and girls smacking their lips and scolding themselves.

"The hospital is made public, so that every patient can receive treatment, and medical treatment is no longer the privilege of some people!"

Many patients and family members who received treatment were moved to tears, and they shouted loudly for Eric: "Oh!"

"Treat the pollution of the land and rivers, so that everyone can have enough food and no longer have to worry about drinking clean water!"

"Oh oh oh!!" This time, a louder shout broke out from the crowd.

"Our country is getting better every day and every second!"

"If anyone wants to ruin this..."

Before Eric finished speaking, many people raised their fists angrily and shouted: "Down with them!"

"Beat them!"

Morgans heard it in his ears, and thought to himself: "The hearts of the people of Shenzhou are all gathered on Eric at this time..."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, there is a subordinate who is good at controlling people's hearts..."

"..." (I can't write a composition well, and I can't write a speech very well. I can't embarrass Zhang Liang, so I will use an ellipsis instead)

Eric first summarized the achievements of the past year, then thanked the people for their labor and dedication, made them happy, and then announced the development plan for this year.

As for the tax collection standard, notices were posted a month ago. The tax rate is differentiated by personal income. The tax rate for ordinary people is not very high. There are no wealthy businessmen in this country for the time being, and no one needs to pay the highest tax rate.

"The new year is coming, and our army is now in the icy North Sea, defending the country's territory and honor!"

"Medical personnel and public officials are also working diligently in their posts, and are ready to deal with emergencies that come at any time."

"I'm here to say: everyone has worked hard!"

"Let us face the future hand in hand and realize the prosperity of the country and the safety of the people together!"

"Whoa Whoah"

The people in the audience and the audience in front of the TV applauded enthusiastically. At least this speech touched their hearts. No ruler before would have cared about them, a group of weeds growing by the roadside.

The live broadcast of this speech is not only for the mainland of China, but also for some newly occupied Beihai areas.

Of course, these newly occupied sites also enjoy a two-year tax exemption policy.

"Alas..." King Fosac sighed.

Prince Boris said worriedly, "My lord."

"In the future, I'm afraid we will also lose the throne and become ordinary citizens..."

"..." Prince Boles knew it well and didn't answer directly, but the old king could tell from his face that this was the case.

"Will you not be reconciled?" The old king asked: "Our family is obviously superior..."

Prince Boris said slowly, "I will die."

"The kings and nobles of the more than 20 alliance countries were all executed by His Majesty Eric in public."

The old king's words were all stuck in his throat. After a long silence, he lowered his head: "Is there no other way?"

"Civil servant examination." Prince Boris said in a flat tone: "This is the policy of selecting officials in the Kingdom of China. I knew it a year ago."

Then he took out a few books and said, "I have studied in advance..."

"..." The corner of the old king's mouth twitched, and he said after a long time, "I'm an old man who is about to die, so I won't take the exam."

"Father, think about the good things." Prince Boris persuaded: "The Dawn Pirates did not confiscate our family's wealth..."

"We haven't lost much, other than some status privileges."

"We will soon be on the same level as those commoners!" The old king knocked on the handrail displeased: "Isn't this called losing too much?"

"We don't have to continue to pay the expensive heavenly gold." Boles continued: "The newly occupied area is tax-free for two years, and after two years, it will only be taxed according to the income of the year."

"I did a calculation, the tax we need to pay is less than one-sixth of the gold in the sky!"

"Moreover, in order to ensure the stability of the region, the positions of some officials in charge of people's livelihood will not change much."

"...I'm getting old too." The old king sighed and said, "I can only rely on you from now on."

"I will." Prince Boris nodded in agreement.

"That..." Prince Boles hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Father, can I manage some family members of the clan?"

"what happened?"

"Some members of the royal family are still doing things that tarnish the family's reputation. If Governor Zhuge Liang or even His Majesty Eric hear about these things, I am afraid that the whole family will be implicated."

"Hmph!" The old king snorted heavily, and said bitterly, "Don't show mercy, punish me severely! It's already this time, and you're still causing trouble everywhere."

Prince Boris took the order and said, "Yes."


The speech was over, followed by parades and other links. Zhang Liang, Yu Qian and other ministers kept their posts. Most members of the Dawn Pirates also took advantage of the festival to play and relax. Only a few people stayed in the temporary residence.

"Eric, are you really His Majesty the Emperor?" Dolly opened her eyes and looked at Eric carefully.

"Is this still false?" Eric asked suspiciously: "By the way, didn't someone call me Your Majesty before? Didn't you hear that?"

"I thought you liked the title Your Majesty, someone else added it later." Dolly stuck out her tongue and asked curiously:
"Eric, aren't you a pirate, how did you become the emperor?"

Eric said triumphantly: "I defeated the original king of this country and took this country back."

"What... so boring."

"Hehe." Kuang San smiled lightly, glanced at Eric, and said, "Actually, Eric has something to hide from you."

"Huh?" Dolly immediately turned her head to look at Kuang San, and Eric also showed doubtful eyes.

Kuang San covered his mouth and laughed, "Eric slept with the princess of this country."

"Sleep... take...?" Taoli tilted her head, her forehead was full of question marks.

"Yes, persuasion." Eric said quickly with a speed that could not be interrupted: "We defeated the pirates who occupied this country, and then discussed with Princess Hiyori, and finally she chose to abdicate and let me rule this country. "

Taoli said with emotion: "Princess Rihe is so generous."

"Because she understands that she cannot protect this country by herself." Skaha ruthlessly revealed the truth.


"The adult's world is very complicated. It's full of intrigues. Don't trust what's happening in front of you. You should think about the truth behind the incident." Kuang San touched Dolly's head and fucked the innocent clone. a lesson.

Dolly sniffled, the white paper was stained with ink.

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Master Eric?"

It was Hiyori's voice as soon as she heard it, and Eric called her in: "Hiyo, come in."

"Yes." Hiyori pushed the door open and walked over with her legs moving.

Taoli greeted politely: "Princess Rihe, hello."

"Hello, Taoli." Rihe responded with a smile, then turned to look at Eric: "Master Eric, Mr. Morgans is about to leave the Kingdom of China."

"Leaving so soon? Is there something urgent for him?"

"Master Morgans seems to want to go back and write a report as soon as possible. He wants to publish the grand occasion of the Kingdom of China in the newspaper."

Eric asked: "Oh... tell him not to write superfluous content."

"Yes." Hiyori agreed softly, then turned and left the room.Hiyori's somewhat unnatural walking movements naturally fell into the eyes of the sharp-eyed Kurumi and Skaha.

"Ala ala..." Kuang San's eyes curved into an arc, but there was no trace of a smile in his eyes.

Scathach asked suddenly: "Eric, you've been fooling around in a pile of makeup recently. How is your marksmanship practice? You haven't fallen behind."

"..." Eric didn't answer, because he knew that no matter what the answer was, he would be practiced by Skahala.

Good answer, Scathach would say I'm going to check it out.

The answer is generally, Scathach will use fighting to urge himself.

Answer badly, and Scathach will use the "love" whip.

"Do it on the first day of the new year, isn't it?" Kurumi temporarily stood by Eric's side.

"The enemy doesn't consider time and festivals." Scathach insisted.

"That's right." Kuang San was immediately convinced.

Eric yelled in his heart: 'Hold on a little longer, Kuang San! '

"If you can beat me in marksmanship..." Scathach pursed his lips, showing a charming smile: "I can grant you one wish."

Eric immediately stood up and said flatly: "I'm fine, let's go to the training ground now."

"..." Kuang San's eyes immediately became unfriendly.

Tao Li also came alive, she obviously didn't pay attention to the secret confrontation between adults, she clapped her hands and said, "I want to see it too!"

"By the way, what would Eric wish for?"

"Adults, children don't interrupt."

"I'm not young!" Dolly puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"Tao Li, come if you want to see it." Kuang San said, "I'll let you see the world's top combat power as well."

"Okay!" Doli, who was getting better gradually, followed the three of them in a small step.


Eric's marksmanship alone is no match for Skaha's superb marksmanship.At the end of the fight, the two of them also let go of all their strength, and they fought for a long time.

Scathach used the shadow to possess himself to enhance his physical fitness; Eric transformed into a human-dragon form, manipulating wind, fire, thunder and lightning, which opened Dolly's eyes.

Eric put the pointed gun against Scathach's chin and said condescendingly, "I won."

Scathach raised his eyebrows: "What? Do you want to do things on the spot?"

"Cough" Eric coughed, retracted the spear, and pulled up Scathach who was lying on the ground: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I lost." Skaha accepted his defeat frankly.

Then, with a voice that only the two of them could hear, she invited in a low voice, "Would you like to come to my room tonight?"

Celtic women are really tough...

Eric shook his head and replied, "I'll beat you with marksmanship."

"By then, you'll identify with me more."

"..." Skaha pursed his lips and said with a light smile, "This is not easy to do."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it." Eric said confidently: "Haven't you already seen the future?"

"Heh" Skaha chuckled: "Then I will wait for you to defeat me with marksmanship."

[Skathach's favorability has increased slightly, but the bond level remains unchanged]

Then Scathach picked up the magic gun and walked away heroically.

"Is this okay?" Kuang San curled his lips unhappily: "Obviously I got it."

"A proud female warrior, let you play with it as you like?"

"It is precisely because Scathach is proud that I have to meet her conditions to defeat her."

"Humph" Kuang San arrogantly turned his head, not looking at Eric.

Dolly asked curiously like a baby: "What are you talking about?"

"..." Neither of them spoke.

Dolly grabbed Eric's arm and shook it vigorously twice: "Don't ignore me!"

"It's getting dark..." Eric looked up at the setting sun in the west, and asked Taoli, "Aren't you going shopping, Heitong should have invited you?"

"There are too many people on the street..." Dolly lowered her head, "I'm not used to it."

"The festival will become like this." Kuang San held Doli's hand: "Shall we go together?"

"Is Eric coming too?" Dolly asked uneasily.

"Yeah." Eric also took Dolly's other hand.

[Tao Li's favorability has increased, her bond level has risen from 2 (close friend) to 3 (trusted friend), and she has gained 2 bond points]

"Looks like mom and dad..." Dolly said happily.

"I don't have a daughter as old as you."

"I'm not that old."

Eric and Kurumi said one after the other.

However, Dolly was not sad, her legs were bent, and the weight of her whole body was hanging on Eric and Kuangsan's hands.

"You said..." Eric and Kurumi looked at each other: "Will our children play like this?"

The Kuang three replied dutifully: "Who wants to give birth to a child for you."

"Kang San, are you going to have a baby?" Doli stared at Kuang San's belly excitedly.

"No." Kuang San raised his hand and gave Tao Li a stir-fried chestnut.

Dolly covered her forehead and squatted on the ground pretending to cry.

Eric bent down and asked, "Do you want many sisters, Dolly?"

"Yeah!" Doli nodded vigorously: "I want to be a sister!"

"Okay." Eric blinked: "You will be the older sister of many people."

"Eric..." Dolly opened her eyes wide: "Do you have many women outside?"

"..." Eric couldn't breathe, and almost suffocated.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you Dongfang Konghou for a monthly ticket; Southwest morning for a monthly ticket; book friend 20200906201021224 for four monthly tickets; A monthly ticket; a monthly ticket for book friend 6; a monthly ticket for what is the first novel I read;
(End of this chapter)

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