The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 542 On the Eve of the Battle (Add More)

Chapter 542 On the Eve of the Battle (Add More)
"The ammunition warehouse of the warship seems to be..." Ben Beckman held up his flintlock rifle and locked on a certain position of the warship from a distance: "It's here..."

When the muzzle of the flintlock rifle stopped moving, Ben Beckman decisively pulled the trigger.

The taut spring snaps back, the flint in the jaw of the hammer strikes the anvil, the spark ignites the powder, and the flame passes through the fire door, igniting the powder in the chamber.


The explosion of gunpowder produced flames and gunpowder smoke. Between the bursts of gunfire, high-speed rotating lead bullets wrapped around high-strength armed domineering, flew straight to the distant surveillance ship.

Without leaving any time for the navy on the surveillance ship to react, the round buckshot shot into the thick armor of the warship.

The hard steel plate with a thickness of about half a meter failed to stop the bullet fired by Ben Beckman. In a short time, the bullet penetrated dozens of shells in the ammunition compartment and passed out from the other side of the hull.

"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, the pierced artillery shell exploded violently, detonating other intact artillery shells at the same time, and a series of explosions that could not be stopped occurred.

Many navies were lifted high by the shock wave generated by the explosion. At the same time, the explosion caused the surveillance ship to vibrate continuously, spreading circular ripples with different amplitudes around it.

Bullet piercing, worthy of the name of the move.

"Wh--" Jesus whistled and praised, "Beautiful shot."

"The deputy captain showed his skills..." A smile appeared on Lyme Jones's serious face: "We can't fall behind, right? Gab."

"Of course!" Gab yelled back.

"Hey!" Lime Jones' body took off like a rocket, he stepped on the void with both feet, turned a [-]-degree right angle in the air, and rushed straight to another intact surveillance ship.

The commander on board saw the figure rushing towards his side and ordered without hesitation: "Attack!"

"bang bang bang"

Gunshots rang out on the deck, and Lyme Jones easily dodged the rain of bullets as if he was strolling in the courtyard.


The club-like weapon in Lime Jones' hands was wrapped around crackling lightning.

"crack, clap"

The weapon poked forward dozens of times, knocking out all the bullets that were shot at him, and then smashed towards the surveillance ship like a meteorite falling to the ground.

"Electric Light Meteorite Pendant!"

The weapon in Lime Jones' hands exploded with lightning, and the azure blue lightning wrapped his whole body and fell vertically on the deck of the surveillance ship.


The whole ship seemed to be subjected to an unstoppable force. After sinking for several meters, it quickly recovered under the action of buoyancy, and the whole ship was thrown several inches into the sky.


The navy on the deck was in a mess and all fell to the ground.

"Where's the enemy?!" The commander on the ship stood up and quickly looked around, only to find that the enemy just now had disappeared.

"Report! Commodore Piette!" A sailor rushed out of the cabin in a panic.

"Because of the strong impact just now, a huge hole was formed through several decks and the bottom of the ship! A large amount of seawater poured into the cabin!"

"What!?" Brigadier General Piette yelled, "Contact the boatman and fix it quickly..."

The sea soldier immediately interrupted: "The damaged hole is too big! It won't help if the boatmen try their best to block it!"

"Damn it!" Commodore Piette punched the side of the ship beside him, and ordered, "Drop all the lifeboats and abandon ship!"


Roaring Gabu, with long brown hair and sharp fangs, was taking a deep breath, his chest heaved and heaved, and his heavy breathing spread far away.


Gabu took a long breath, his entire chest seemed to swell, he pursed his lips tightly, his cheeks puffed up, the gas accumulated in his lungs was compressed to the limit, and then released in an instant:

"Roaring Shock!"

Incorporating the armed domineering high-pressure sound waves, it forms a shock wave with astonishing destructive power.

The hurricane swirled at high speed in the shock wave. This almost transparent shock wave crossed the sea surface, the waves splashed, the sea surface was destroyed, and it blasted towards another warship.

The commander of the surveillance ship stepped forward, clenched the blade with both hands, raised it above his head, and stood on the side of the ship, blocking the path of the shock wave.

"Stop for me!"

Slashing down with all the strength in his body, a sword qi shot out from the blade.This flying slash is probably the strongest sword he has ever used.


The menacing shock wave collided with the sword energy from the opposite shot.

The seemingly powerful sword energy was smashed to pieces by Gabu's roaring attack in an instant.

"What!?" The Commodore was so horrified that he couldn't move.

In the next second, Gabu's roaring shock wave came before his eyes, and then he was overwhelmed by the shock wave.

Together with him, one third of the hull was engulfed by the shock wave.

The warship gradually tilted and rolled over within ten seconds, and then sank in just a few minutes. All the hundreds of sailors on board fell into the sea.

"All the cadres have taken action!" The members of the red-haired pirates manipulated the artillery and acted enthusiastically. It didn't look like they were fighting the navy. One person shouted excitedly: "We can't fall behind either!"

"Oh!" The rest of the fighting members echoed in unison.

"Boom boom boom!"

The muzzles on the sides opened fire one by one, continuously producing thick smoke, and the tongues of flames were constantly swallowing, continuously sending heavy black round shells to the opposite warship.

The entire battle lasted no more than a quarter of an hour, and under the attack of the red-haired pirates, more than a dozen surveillance ships all turned into pieces of floating objects on the sea.


"The red-haired pirates are in action?" Eric suddenly received a call from Morgans.

"That's right." Morgans on the other end held a piece of information in one hand, and said, "There is our inside line on a warship monitoring the red-haired pirates."

"The inner line of the navy seems to be very easy to develop?" Eric asked.

Morgans let out a pleasant laugh: "This is thanks to the fact that the navy's salary is not high, so they can use money to lure them."

"Isn't everyone who joins the navy with justice in their hearts?"

"Justice can't be eaten." Morgans curled his lips and said with the attitude of someone who has experienced it: "No matter how lofty ideals you have, once the fruits you harvest are not worth the hard work and sweat you put in, almost everyone will give birth to a second child." Heart."

"Really..." Eric was noncommittal.

"Moreover, because of the loss of one-fifth of the heavenly gold last year and the reduction of military expenditures, many navies can only choose to sell some unimportant information because they cannot support their families."

"'Four Emperors', the information about the Red Hair Pirates is not important?"

"Those low-level sailors don't know what it means to leak information about the red-haired pirates. This is too far away for them."

"...It's terrible to have no vision." Eric sighed and repeated: "The red-haired pirates defeated a fleet of thirteen surveillance ships in the Sanda Sea area. According to the sailors, Red Foss The ship finally sailed in a southwesterly direction."

"En." Morgans affirmed this, drew a rough sea chart in his mind, and then estimated: "It's about half a month's voyage from the Kingdom of China."

Eric said in a deep voice: "It is impossible to calculate the arrival time of the red-haired pirates based on common sense."

"..." Morgans was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty Eric, you... seem to value the red-haired pirates very much?"

"Of course!"

"Shanks was crowned the Four Emperors after losing an arm and without the ability of a devil fruit."

"...Isn't this the world government's killing of the red hair? This will weaken the reputation of the Dawn Pirates?"

"Don't underestimate Shanks, he is absolutely different from a year ago." Eric denied Morgans' point of view.

Morgans was a little excited and asked: "Your Majesty Eric, I don't know, can I watch this battle with my own eyes?"

"Can you reach China within a week?"


"You also know that although the number of members of the red-haired pirates is small, everyone's strength is not bad. Therefore, this will not be a war with a large number of people and a grand scene, but it will be reduced to two small teams. The battle of the pirates."

"Okay." Morgans seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​going to the battlefield in person, and asked second best:
"Your Majesty Eric, can you take a few photos at the scene? I want to publish it in the newspaper."

"You will pay for the photos, right?"

"..." Morgans choked for a moment, and said a little dumbfounded: "In terms of the amount, you must be satisfied!"

"You don't understand the pain of having a big family and a big business, spending money like running water..."

"That's right." Morgans suddenly remembered something and told Eric: "I was on Big Mom's cake island, and I was lucky enough to watch Katakuri fighting with Big Mom who was suffering from cravings .”

"Relying on Katakuri's own strength, he dragged Big Mom for half a day in the mirror world, so that Long Bread, who is the chief chef, had time to finish another wedding cake."

"Oh?" Eric was taken aback. In the original book, does Katakuri have this strength?

"Not long ago, the navy just updated the amount of his reward: 16 billion Baileys."

"Katakuri's bounty has surpassed 'Phoenix' Marko."

"Although Big Mom has lost a lot of sanity, Katakuri's strength is just as extraordinary."

"This is the nature of fighting." Eric didn't take this matter seriously.

Seeing that Eric was not interested in talking about other topics, Morgans told Eric all the information he had collected recently, and then hung up the phone.

"Are you coming..." Eric looked at the distant scenery.

The road full of people, hawkers hawking along the street, and a large number of tourists wearing foreign costumes.

The corners of Eric's mouth curled up unconsciously, and he watched for a long time, then called all the members of the Shenzhou Kingdom to decide who would go into battle this time.

The remaining members are responsible for defending the Divine State.

"Skathach, Chiron, Artoria, Deidara, Kisame, Genos, Nakahara Chuya, Ajin, Egil and I will deal with the red-haired pirates together."

"The number of people is a bit small, don't you need other members?" Zhuge Liang didn't seem to agree with Eric's order.

"Not a lot." Eric smiled and said, "This battle is a good time to test the battle data of the fighters. In a chaotic and real battlefield, will there be shortcomings such as AI confusion and stiff movements?"

"Use fighters to fill the lower combat power..." Yu Qian nodded. They had watched the combat experiments of fighters.

However, the few of them were not sure about the combat power level of the fighters. After all, with their own strength, they could not kill a wild boar produced in the New World together.

"Kurosan, Wendy, and Hei Tong are the Rangers, standing by at the rear."

"While supplementing treatment assistance, enhance the combat effectiveness of the team."

(End of this chapter)

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