Chapter 417
"Lieutenant General Garp." Eric flashed in front of Garp.

"You boy." Garp stared at Eric: "Huoshaoshan, Dalmesia, Ghost Spider, how are the three of them?"

"..." After pondering for a while, Eric sighed: "Lieutenant General Garp, don't ask questions that you know clearly."

Losing the last trace of luck in his heart, Garp lowered his eyes and said in a cold voice: "I thought that you might be different from other pirates, but now it seems that you are no different from those villains. Same badass."

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Garp." Eric apologized: "I like Huoshaoshan's gentle character very much, and I also appreciate that Ghost Spider has polished himself into a sharp sword without emotion in order to eliminate pirates."

"But in order to achieve my goal, I have to continue walking with blood on my hands." Eric stretched out his hands, lowered his head, and stared at the open palms with his eyes, as if there were thick blood stains that had not been dried.

"You have become a veritable great pirate, established your own country, and become the emperor of a country." Garp narrowed his eyes: "I have also seen the photos taken by naval scouts. The Kingdom of China is indeed run by you. Promised land."

"Even so, didn't you achieve your goals and ambitions?!"

"It's far from it." Eric smiled and shook his head: "If you choose from above, you can get from it; from within, you can get from below; from below, you can get nothing. Mr. Karp, you heard Have you ever said that?"

"Oh?" Garp was startled: "Where is this proverb? It seems to have some truth."

"It's a proverb from my hometown," Eric explained. "Aim high and you'll get better results."

"Oh?" Garp's big mouth cracked to the ears: "Is your ambition to become the king of the world?"

"Almost." Eric raised his arms and shouted: "The era of great pirates, I will end it!"

At this moment, several naval warships appeared on the east and west sides of the island and surrounded them in the direction of Egil.

"Your thinking reminds me of Rocks, same ambition, different style of acting." Garp laughed: "Unfortunately, you bastards will be arrested here! Captain of the Dawn Pirates, 'Kui Long 'Darren Eric, you - under arrest!"

"I've already sensed my arrogance and arrogance." Eric smiled and said, "The red dog is here too, as well as Lieutenant General Crane, and two or three guys who are not weak."

"Oh?" Garp stared at Eric: "Since you know that the navy will set a trap to deal with you, you dare to appear in front of me carelessly?"

"My companions are very strong, don't underestimate them." Eric smiled and said, "In addition, my strength is not weak."

"Hahaha!" Garp laughed loudly, leaning his upper body back, tears splashing from the corners of his eyes: "Little devil, don't you think you can beat me?"

"You can't help but fight those who come to you." Eric smiled slightly: "I'm afraid you will say that I bully the elderly."

"How dare you say it, brat!" Garp stretched out his hand to untie the cloak behind him, and the cloak with the word "Justice" flew with the wind, and he loosened the tie around his neck.

"Don't underestimate the newcomers, Mr. Garp."

Karp finally asked, "Has Huoshaoshan left any last words?"

"..." Eric thought for a moment, and said, "The three of them fought bravely to the last moment, and would rather die than surrender."


On the other side, Akainu, who was located on the west side of the encirclement net, stood at the bow of the warship with his arms folded, his eyes swept over the positions of Garp and Eric, and then he let go of his hands and melted everything from his shoulders down. For hot magma, billowing smoke.

Akainu said in a hoarse voice: "I will destroy this steel ship of the Dawn Pirates! Let you have nowhere to escape!"

"General Red Dog, there is still gold in the sky on board the Dawn Pirates." His adjutant hurriedly advised: "The order of the Marshal of the Warring States Period is to take back the gold in the sky!"

"What is our naval mission?" Akainu lowered his voice, as thick as magma in the ground, and seemed to carry the heat of burning everything.

"Eh?" Akainu's adjutant was stunned immediately.

"Remember, the real mission of the navy is to exterminate the pirates!" Akaken shouted: "It's not to wipe the ass of the Tianlong people!"

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Akainu ordered: "Fill the artillery ammunition, once the enemy ship enters the range, open fire immediately!"



Arturia said: "Sure enough, the navy set a trap waiting for us to step in."

"This distance, the captain's heart network must be able to perceive." Chiron chuckled: "Since the captain decides to fight, I believe we will be fine."

Yamato excitedly picked up the mace: "There is a fight!"

"Ah——" Joan showed a troublesome expression: "This Eric is quite troublesome. When he comes back, I must make him look good!"

"Just because of your flame that can only ignite firewood?" Artoria sneered, "Not even a vice-admiral was burned to death."

"Hehehe, be careful, I will burn you to death, you bitch." Jeanne sneered, "Isn't your anti-city treasure the same? You didn't kill an enemy with such a big momentum, this is the so-called bluff ?”

"I didn't use all my strength at all."

"Me too!" Joan of Arc competed: "No, you have accumulated magic power for so long!"

"Isn't it time for you to argue?" Chiron pointed to the frontmost warship: "Admiral Akainuke is on it."

"Oh?" Arturia narrowed her eyes slightly: "One of the highest combat powers in the navy? Maybe it's worth a battle."

"This time, I will definitely burn the opponent to death." Joan of Arc glared at Arturia: "Don't come in the way!"

"That's not good." Artoria replied.

"Let me reduce the number of enemies first." Egil manipulated the turret to rotate, and several thick and long barrels calibrated the target up and down.

"Gudu Gudu" The flowing magma gushes out endlessly, Akainu raises his clenched fists high, and "swishswish" launches giant lava fists into the sky, and the whole sky is darkened:
"Meteor Volcano!"

Jeanne frowned and asked, "What is he doing?"

"Fire the fist of magma into the sky, and then rely on the gravity of the earth to fall rapidly, like a meteor shower." Chiron explained: "The red dog's move is powerful and has a wide attack range."

While several people were talking, Akainu continued to shoot magma punches into the sky.

"Esdes didn't come, did he?" Garp asked aloud on the island: "Can other people stop Sakaski's meteor volcano?"

"Don't underestimate my companions, they—" Eric grinned: "They are very strong!"

Lieutenant General Crane, who was located on the east side of the encirclement net, shook his head distressedly and said, "Akaken completely forgot our mission, which is to recapture the gold in the sky, not destroy the Dawn Pirates."

Tina, who was wearing a rose red suit, kept staring at Eric, and saluted and replied: "Lieutenant General Crane, if you don't defeat the Dawn Pirates, you can't get back the gold in the sky."

"Akainu is completely trying to sink the ship of the Akatsuki Pirates, no matter what!" Lieutenant General Crane then ordered: "Prepare the artillery."


Finally, the sound of "whoosh whoosh" disappeared, Akainu put down his hands, looked up at the sky, and everyone was quietly waiting for the storm to strike.

While everyone waited silently, the surrounding air suddenly became dry and hot.

In an instant, several crimson light spots gradually appeared in the center of the dark clouds in the sky, and then the number increased rapidly, and the size rapidly became larger, replacing it with a crimson.

A monstrous heat wave came overwhelmingly from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw countless fist-like lava boulders falling towards the ship of the Dawn Pirates with raging flames. For the members of the Dawn Pirates who stayed on board, it was simply the end of the world scene.

"Ah~ah~" Joan of Arc sighed, "I can't handle so many meteorites."

"After all, your flame can't evaporate the stone." Artoria laughed.

Yamato shouted: "Don't quarrel at this time! Hurry up and find a way to block these lava attacks!"

"My electromagnetic barrier can't stop so much lava." Egil frowned: "It's another matter if it deforms, and all the supplies on the ship will fall into the sea, including you."

"Hmph," Artoria smiled confidently, "Leave these lavas to me!"

"How dare you boast to Haikou, just relying on your treasure that can't kill the lieutenant general, can you really do it?" Joan pouted.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Artoria took a step forward, and the holy sword in her hand spewed out endless magic power.

"Don't miss it." Joan of Arc said, "Otherwise the few landlubbers on our side will only sink into the bottom of the sea."

"Don't worry." Chiron said with a smile: "Smashing lava rocks falling from the sky is a divine weapon that stands on the pinnacle of all holy swords."

"Even if the person who wields the sword is swallowed by darkness—"

Artoria's center of gravity moved down, her legs stood one after the other, the black holy sword was located behind her body, and the rich magic power gushed out, turning everyone's faces into black:
"—The King's Hammer, reverse the aurora."

More extremely black light gathered on the sword, and Arturia seemed to be holding a giant magic sword with a length of more than three meters in her hand, and a strong aura suddenly burst out from her body:

"Swallow the light—[Sword of Promised Victory]!"

Artoria slammed the sword towards the sky, and the pitch-black beam of light blasted straight into the sky!
Amidst the roar of dragons and tigers, an extremely wide and extremely dark light whizzed away, as if covering the entire sky. For a while, the dark, red sky darkened, as if night had fallen suddenly.

Those meteorites trailing red flame tails and emitting thick black smoke, before they could touch Egil's electromagnetic shield, they turned into powder in the endless darkness of the aurora.

Only some peripheral lava meteorites fell into the sea. The moment the magma touched the water, there was a chirping sound of sea water evaporating. Now.

The sizzling sound of seawater evaporating and the roar of falling meteorites faded away, and the meteor-like lava also disappeared. The only thing that could prove their existence was the pungent sulfur smell permeating the air, and the drifting air in the sky. Scattered volcanic ash, and white mist floating on the sea.

"For Artoria, this is simply a piece of cake." Chiron smiled and completed the previous sentence.

Yamato opened his eyes excitedly and waved his arms: "It's amazing!"

"!" All the navy watched all this dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that Admiral Akainu's move would be taken over by the enemy.

Akainu's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. He didn't expect that in the Akatsuki Pirates, apart from Esdesh's ice ability that restrained him and could take over his Meteor Volcano, there were still people who could rely on powerful attacks. With force, the lava fist he fired was crushed into powder.

"Who is it?" Akakenu frowned carefully, and found that Arturia, who was wearing a jet-black armor, was swinging a sword, and said with gritted teeth: "The 'Black Knight King' with a bounty of 11 billion Baileys, Arturia Pendragon!"

Eric, who was standing with Karp, said with a smile: "Look, my companion is very strong!"

"Yeah." Karp moved his fingers back and forth, and his fist bone made a crisp creaking sound: "We should also start!"

After all, Karp is a strong man standing at the top of the world. Even if he is not an admiral, most readers who have watched One Piece think that his real strength is above Akainu.

Otherwise, during the war, Ace was killed by Akainu, and Sengoku would stop Garp who was about to tear Akainu at all costs.


The explosively powerful legs trampled on the ground in a very short time with a special way of movement, making Karp's movement speed increase to the extreme in an instant!
A whirlwind suddenly appeared on the flat ground, and Garp's robust body disappeared before Eric's eyes like a phantom. Eric's pupils dilated slightly, and the heart network caught Garp's attack trajectory in an instant.

Garp came to Eric in an instant, and the casserole-sized fist was rapidly enlarged in Eric's eyes, and the surface of Eric's hemisphere could only reflect Garp's fist.

Eric, who was so knowledgeable and domineering to the nine stars, felt the crisis at this moment. If he didn't dodge Garp's punch, he would definitely suffer serious injuries!

The teleportation ability of the thunder fruit reflects the mobile advantage, and Eric flashed to a position tens of meters behind Garp in an instant.

And Garp had already expected this scene, and under his powerful knowledge and arrogance, he predicted Eric's foothold in an instant, and his ankle turned flexibly, without any worries that excessive force might cause his ankle to be twisted , Garp caught up with Eric like a shadow.

Garp's next punch came one after another, and Erik raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest.In the next second, a domineering fist wrapped in jet-black armor directly hit Eric's crossed arms for defense.


Garp's powerful force knocked Eric back a few steps.

"Okay, kid!" Garp grinned, clenched his iron fist with smoke and said, "The ability has been well developed, and the physical skills have not fallen. Next, I should be more serious!"

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for a monthly ticket from the boss Feifeidang; thank you for the 100 reward from the boss smilemu; thank you for the 100 reward from the boss Leo;

(End of this chapter)

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