game traveler

Chapter 113 I got up, they surrendered, what to say

Chapter 113 I got up, they surrendered, what to say
Now that the captain has spoken, the crew are also very much looking forward to the first raid after the Poseidon goes to sea.

After anchoring, the Poseidon immediately set sail and followed the traces left by the merchant ship breaking through the waves.

Of course, the route they are on is a popular route from Kingston to Havana, and there are not a few ships passing by.

In order to avoid being discovered and disturbed by other pirates or warships in the middle of the plunder, one must wait for the right time.

Therefore, under Big O'Neill's proposal, the Poseidon did not rush to attack, but followed all the way, slowly closing the distance with the merchant ship.

In this era, except for a few famous pirates, most of the pirates would hang the flags of the West, Britain, France and other countries, and they looked no different from ordinary merchant ships.

In addition to being faster, the armed forces will definitely not look as ostentatious as a warship.

Then, when the fjords and capes that are easy to hide and the ships are close enough to the prey, the black pirate flag will be raised, showing ferocious fangs, and the target will be caught off guard!
These are the teaching contents that Big O'Neill gave Rorschach on the spot.

In order for this rookie captain to get acquainted with the pirate's plundering mode as soon as possible, he really did his best...

As the blue waves surged, at the speed of the Poseidon, it quickly kept pace with the target, only about 50 meters apart.

And this sloop full of cargo and flying the flag of the East India Company was also confused by the flag of the Poseidon, thinking that they were frigates dedicated to the British to protect the safety of the route.

At this time, the lookout who had already climbed to the height of the mast suddenly blew a sharp whistle.

This is a signal that you can do it, which means that there are no other ships in the nearby waters!

Hearing the whistle, Rorschach and O'Neill looked at each other, then shouted loudly:

"Everyone, get ready,"

Different from games, real naval battles in this era are still dominated by shelling, supplemented by boarding battles.

First use shelling to attack the enemy ship, forcing it to lose its mobility or even stop the ship, and then forcibly board the ship for boarding battle.

Therefore, even if there was a serious shortage of manpower, Rorschach arranged for twelve people to work in groups of two to operate the six side-rotating cannons on the right side of the deck.


Following Rorschach's order, the pirates standing in front of the six broadside guns responded loudly, and then lit the matchlocks of the cannons.

Bang bang bang!
Six broadside guns fired one after another.

Accompanied by bursts of smoke and a strong smell of gunpowder, six chain bombs shot out, hitting the merchant ship that was close at hand.

However, the target of the chain bomb is not the ship, but the sails on the ship.

Like meteors streaking across the air, they cut off the sail cables one by one, and by the way, caused some damage to the people on board.

Without the rigging to control the sails, the merchant ship would be immobile, and would be nothing but a fish to be slaughtered.

It wasn't until the sound of cannons rang in their ears that everyone on the merchant ship realized a very serious problem:

They've met pirates!
However, it was too late...

. . .

The chain bullets that flew past were like sharp guillotines, cutting off many sailors on the deck.

On the deck, blood splattered and stumps flew across.

A sailor with only his upper body left was lying on the ground, looking up at his lower body which was still standing there, with a look of horror written all over his face.

Howling and shouting, one after another.

Even if the merchant ship belatedly planned to fight back.However, the chaotic situation on board made the merchant ship's response more than half a beat slower.

Before they could load the shells, a new round of offensive from the Poseidon had already arrived:

Bang bang bang!
This time, the volley was no longer chain bullets, but heavy round bullets!
Sawdust splashes, cracked hulls
Among them, I don't know who was lucky, aimed at the bottom of the hull, and just hit the cabin where the gunpowder was stored.

There was only a loud "bang", and the merchant ship exploded under the hull.

Several cannons on the deck, as well as the sailors, were instantly blown out.

Huo Di immediately dyed half of the hull with orange flames, adding a bit of cruelty to this sudden robbery.

Seeing this, the pirates on the Poseidon couldn't help cheering.

Since the deck facing the side of the Poseidon suffered heavy losses, the merchant ship tried to turn around and use the artillery on the other side to fight back against the Poseidon.

However, the heavy cargo on board, as well as the disconnected sails, made the turning of the entire merchant ship extremely slow like an old lady.

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Xia, who was in front of the rudder, suddenly pulled out the officer's light sword at his waist, and swung it forward:
"Guys, get ready to board!"

As soon as the words fell, the pirates on the Poseidon, under the leadership of the boatswain O'Neill Jr., responded in unison:


Immediately, they pulled out the weapons and pistols around their waists, took out the boarding hooks, and threw the rope hooks towards the merchant ship that was close at hand.


Pulled by all the pirates, the Poseidon slowly approached the merchant ship until the distance was enough, and the long plank prepared earlier was placed between the two ships.

Even if the hull of the merchant ship next to the long plank is being burned by flames, it can't stop the pirates' desire and greed to plunder wealth.

The pirates who bared their teeth and claws passed the long planks one after another, and rushed onto the merchant ship impatiently.

The hull of the entire merchant ship tilted slightly to the side where it was landed.

Compared with the fierce and cruel faces of the pirates, the sailors on the merchant ship were full of fear and panic.

In an instant, a fierce hand-to-hand battle broke out between the two sides.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder, and the smell of blood was also vaguely audible.

The gunfire of the flintlock pistol and the sound of the machete clashing together played a lament for the sea.

At this moment, it has nothing to do with justice, good or evil, and both sides are fighting for their own interests!

Among them, O'Neill Jr., who took the lead, was like a furious brown bear, wielding pirate scimitars in both hands, killing blood on the deck of the merchant ship.

It wasn't until this moment that Rorschach finally understood why the taciturn little O'Neill became the boatswain.

Without him, there will be a batch!
Rorschach saw with his own eyes that he swung the scimitar in his hand and cut the head of a sailor with a gun together with the three-cornered hat in half.

Under the leadership of O'Neill Jr., the morale of the pirates was greatly boosted, and each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

This boarding battle lasted less than a minute, and it came to an end.

When Rorschach boarded the merchant ship, all the crew on the ship dropped their weapons and knelt down on their knees.

The smell of gunpowder that has not dissipated, mixed with the smell of blood, constantly impacted their psychological defenses.

They put their heads in their hands, made a gesture of surrender, and looked at this yellow-skinned, black-haired young man with terrified eyes, quietly waiting for the judgment of fate...

 I feel better today, but my head is still a little groggy.

  I'm still writing Chapter 2, I don't know if I can finish it before twelve o'clock, so don't wait, rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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