Master Fu does not envy immortals

Chapter 99 Leaving the Secret Realm

Chapter 99 Leaving the Secret Realm
Early the next morning, Jiang Qiongxing followed the brothers and sisters of the Wei family to leave Lingquan, walk through the winding cave, and return to the outside again.

Recalling this trip to the secret place, it seems that most of the time was either underground or in the mountains. There were 300 people who came in, but she didn't see many of them from the beginning to the end.

Until today's last day.

All the people who usually don't know where they are nesting suddenly popped out from the corners.

Thinking of Wang Li and his master, Jiang Qiongxing was a little worried that there were still people guarding the secret place, so after thinking about it, he pulled out a Yi Rong Pill and ate it.

In this way, even if someone is guarding her, there is no way to recognize her. Every time the secret realm will lose some immortal cultivators, let them think that she also fell in the secret realm.

Jiang Qiongxing stood on the top of the mountain with the brothers and sisters of the Wei family, waiting for the gate of the secret realm to open.

Many people gathered around the top of the highest mountain like them, as if they wanted to leave first.

It was okay at first, but when the number of people on the top of the mountain increased, friction gradually arose.

"It's you!"

"I found you! Give me back that spiritual plant!"

"Who are you, whoever snatches the things in the secret realm belongs to them, why should you pay them back?"

"I finally killed the monster guarding Lingzhi, but I was cut off by you just to catch my breath... You still don't pay it back? If you don't pay it back, I will do it!"

The two disagreed, and started fighting.

The rest of the people dispersed tacitly, leaving the venue to them.

As time passed, more people gathered again, and similar situations were not uncommon, as if they all took advantage of this time to settle the grievances of the previous three months.

"It seems that the competition is fierce." Jiang Qiongxing, who turned into an ordinary passerby, muttered in a low voice.

And she has been busy breaking through the foundation building period for two whole months, and has no time to fight monsters at all.

There were more and more fights, and there were still people fighting, but they were accidentally injured, and the anger also came up, so they decisively joined the battle.

Seeing that the dispute on the top of the mountain gradually turned into a scuffle, the people who didn't want to participate had to hide further and further away, stepping on their flying magic weapons one after another.

Jiang Qiongxing stepped on the little white cloud and looked around.

She wanted to see if Liang Weisheng and Sister Yu were there, but after searching for a long time, she only found Liang Weisheng.

He is in good condition. It seems that the one-day trip in the mouth of the monster has not affected him. Sure enough, the Liang family still has some cards.

Liang Weisheng was also looking around, as if looking for someone, Jiang Qiongxing touched his face, and decided not to recognize him for the time being.

Waiting and waiting until she didn't see Sister Yu, Jiang Qiongxing held back, but still couldn't hold back, and pulled out a communication talisman to inject spiritual power.

The communication symbol flashed for a long time without any movement.

What happened to sister Yu?why do not you answer?
Jiang Qiongxing bit her lip, a little frustrated.

Forget it, not everyone is waiting to go out at the top of the mountain. Maybe Sister Yu just doesn't want to show up, maybe she can be contacted after she goes out.

"Open!" Someone exclaimed.

Jiang Qiongxing came back to his senses, only to see a familiar mirage suddenly appeared in the sky, almost the same as when they came, it was the exit of the secret realm.

Everyone flew up one after another.

The group of fighters were not to be outdone, some felt that they were about to lose, and flew up with a feint shot, planning to escape out of the secret realm.

How could his opponent be reconciled, and followed closely behind, raising his hand with a flash of fire: "Don't try to run!"

"There is no end!" The man turned around and scatter the flames with a stick. "The secret realm is almost closed, and you are still fighting here. Do you want to stay here for another 300 years?"

His opponent turned a deaf ear and continued to stare and beat him very persistently.

Everyone is gathering in one place at the moment, and they are very close to each other. In this case, the spell will inevitably hurt innocent people.

Jiang Qiongxing is one of them.

It doesn't matter if it hits someone, she puts a defensive talisman on her body, she is afraid of being affected by the melee, but that person's firelight hits her little white cloud, and for a while, the little white cloud turns into a burning cloud, burning people's feet.

The flying magic weapon focuses on speed, and its defense is very weak, let alone take a solid hit.Jiang Qiongxing immediately felt that the connection between himself and the magic weapon was disconnected, and he fell down uncontrollably.

Fortunately, she has already built a foundation, and she will not use too much spiritual power without the assistance of a flying magic weapon.

Jiang Qiongxing adjusted his figure amid Wei Yulu's exclamation: "I'm fine."

At this moment, more than one unlucky person was accidentally injured nearby. In the chaos, Wei Jinfeng extinguished the fire on the magic weapon, and handed the discarded Xiao Baiyun to Jiang Qiongxing: "Here."

Jiang Qiongxing couldn't laugh or cry, but he still thanked him for his kindness. After all, it was Jiang Hu's relic, so it was not appropriate to throw it away.

As soon as she took the little white cloud, she suddenly noticed something unusual—the original appearance of this magic weapon was a hazy cloud, like a dream, and she never considered what it looked like inside.

Now that more than half of the cloud has been burnt, you can actually see that there is something solid inside.

Jiang Qiongxing casually put it into the storage ring, planning to take a closer look after going out.


Leave the secret realm.

It was still on the top of the mountain, and the second young master Liang was waiting beside him. Besides him, he was also accompanied by several immortal cultivators from the Liang family.

Under the watchful eyes of these immortal cultivators, the few people who had just beaten you to death in the secret realm suddenly died down. They stepped forward to pay the [-]% profit promised before, and then dispersed.

Jiang Qiongxing mixed in the crowd and paid his share, looked at Liang Weisheng who was watching the exit of the secret realm anxiously by the second son, turned and left ruthlessly, and flew to the capital.

When she arrived in the capital, she didn't go back to the Sun's Medical Center immediately, but asked for a room at the inn with the most traffic in the capital, entered the room, removed her disguise, and contacted Liang Weisheng.

This time, Liang Weisheng got through right away, asking a series of questions: "Where are you? Have you come out? Why didn't I see you?"

Jiang Qiongxing told him the name of the inn, and then explained: "I saw you, but to prevent someone from squatting at the gate of the secret realm, I dare not recognize you... Sister Yu is not with me, if you see her, bring her with you."

"Why did you get separated... Hey, forget it, let's talk face to face." He sighed heavily.

The communication was cut off, and the talisman lost its spiritual power and turned into ashes.

Jiang Qiongxing took out a new contact card for Sister Yu.

"Please, make sure to get in touch this time..." She secretly grabbed the hem of her clothes.

Fortunately, this time the communication symbol was connected.

"Xiao Qiongxing?" A familiar clear voice came out from the communication symbol, slightly hoarse.

"Sister Yu! Are you okay? I'm sorry I only contacted you now. In fact, I..."

Before Jiang Qiongxing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Cheyu over there: "It's okay, Your Majesty has sent someone to pick me up, let's leave now."

(End of this chapter)

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