Master Fu does not envy immortals

Chapter 18 The Land of Drought

Chapter 18 The Land of Drought
After several more hours, the two finally reached the other side of the mountain range.

The clouds and mists dispersed, and the vast plain slowly unfolded under Jiang Qiongxing's eyes.

Here is a very different scene from the other side of the mountains.

There is no trace of green on the barren land, and there is a large area of ​​gray-yellow land under the gray sky; the river bed is dry, leaving only thin tributaries, and the turbidity extends to the end of the horizon.

In stark contrast to this is the dense flow of people on the winding road, moving forward slowly like a colony of ants, with no end in sight.

"This is..." Jiang Qiongxing stopped and stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

There was a wind blowing, hitting the face with thick gravel, and even the air was dry.

"It's refugees. There is a severe drought in the west and they can't survive. They can only migrate east." Shi Yueren didn't seem to feel how shocking the scene was. "Let's go, as long as we join the team of refugees, no matter how many cultivators come, we won't be able to find us."

Jiang Qiongxing followed him dumbly and continued down the mountain, his eyes still watching the mighty flow of people moving slowly: "There are too many refugees here..."

It's hard to imagine, but across a mountain range, there is still green water and green mountains on the other side, but this side is barren like this.

However, this mountain range is too high, if it is not a cultivator, it is really difficult for mortals to climb over.

There are few people on the top of the mountain, and Shiyueren tried hard to find a suitable foothold, and replied casually: "Droughts often affect a large area of ​​land, and it is not just a city that needs to be relocated—come, go this way, be careful."

"Is the drought here caused by the cultivators?" Jiang Qiongxing asked, remembering the hero's ability to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain in the original novel.

She slid down the path he had explored, covered in dust, the clothes on her body had long lost their original color, and Shi Yueren didn't allow her to change, saying that she would still get dirty if she changed, so she might as well wear this one all the time.

It was completely unreasonable, she deeply suspected that this person refused to let her change clothes because she was dirty and could not see others clean.

"I don't know. For mortals, natural disasters or the actions of immortal cultivators are not much different." Shi Yueren pulled her up from the ground and continued to walk down, "Don't look at how many people they have now, in fact, when they get to a place where they can stay, it's good to have one tenth of them left."

Jiang Qiongxing looked up at his calm side face, and then at the mighty crowd in front of him, shocked by the calmness of his tone: "...this is all human life, the country... I mean the court doesn't care?"

"The imperial court?" Shi Yueren lowered his eyes, as if amused by her, "Don't worry, every time there is a natural disaster, the local government will report it to the imperial court. Every time the imperial court allocates funds to relieve the victims, it is a good opportunity for those officials and gentlemen to fill their own pockets."

Jiang Qiongxing, who came from the modern society, couldn't react for a while, but felt that these people were simply daring, so he held back a sentence after a long time: "What about the immortal cultivators?"

If the drought was the result of their fighting, did they just leave it alone?
"Child, when have you ever seen a cultivator take care of mortal affairs?" Shi Yueren asked back, then added after a pause, "Well, even if there are one or two who are bored, how can they help? Flying clouds and rain is something that gods can do. Even if mortals call immortal cultivators immortals, it doesn't mean they really have that ability."

Jiang Qiongxing hesitated to speak.

She wanted to say that those who had reached the Nascent Soul or even the God Transformation Stage had this ability, but she also knew that the higher the level of monks, the more they cared about the life and death of mortals.

When you walk, do you care if you step on ants on the ground?
After passing the steep slope, the way down the mountain was much easier. Shi Yueren quickened his pace, no matter whether the short legs behind him could catch up or not, he went down a long way in three or five steps, and there was only a sigh of emotion: "All living beings are suffering..."

In this world, it is difficult for him to live, so who can control who?


Taking advantage of the cover of the night, Shi Yueren and Jiang Qiongxing quietly blended into the migration team without attracting anyone's attention.

"By the way," he reminded him in a low voice as if remembering something, "I would like to remind you first, after you sneak in later, don't be so kind, don't care about this."

His tone was so cold that it was almost cold-blooded, Jiang Qiongxing frowned instinctively: "Why?"

"You forgot that you are still running for your life? Don't make any big noises, lest the pursuers notice you." He paused at this point, and raised his hand to gesture at her height, "What's more, you are a big kid, what can you do to help others? It would be good if you don't get kidnapped and sold."

Jiang Qiongxing slapped his annoying hand dangling above his head away with a slap, and gave him a fierce look.

Shi Yueren was not annoyed, but just reminded: "Remember."


When she got closer, Jiang Qiongxing realized that the situation of these people was worse than she imagined.

After a day's journey, many people stopped to rest at night.

Those in better condition lay on the cart, while those in poor condition just lay down on the ground.

Shi Yueren saw that the road was full of people lying here and there, so he resolutely gave up his plan to drive overnight, and said to Jiang Qiongxing, "Let's find a place to rest for a while."

The young and strong people found dead branches from nearby and set up a bonfire on the side of the road. The mighty team was surprisingly quiet. Jiang Qiongxing carefully stepped through the crowd lying on the ground with the dim light of the fire, only hearing low moans and groans in his ears.

This is the first time she has seen refugees in person.

Everyone was skinny and dressed in rags, and those on their bodies were not so much clothes as a few rags, which could barely cover their bodies.Jiang Qiongxing originally thought that she could be called a beggar in her rags and tattered clothes, but she found out that she was still a decent person after mixing with the refugees.

Shi Yueren found an open space, stopped, and signaled Jiang Qiongxing to rest here, but walked into the darkness by himself.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Qiongxing asked.

Shi Yue didn't turn his head, he shook the wine gourd in his hand: "Go get some water."


Jiang Qiongxing put down the burden, sat on the ground, took out his water bottle from the burden and shook it.

There is half left, enough to last until tomorrow morning.

She took a sip of water and took out her dry food.

I came out in a hurry, and I didn't have time to prepare much dry food.I thought I could buy some more when I entered the state capital, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even enter the city gate. Fortunately, Shi Yueren had already fasted the grain and didn't need to eat. I have a small appetite now, and the remaining dry food can probably last for a few days.

But no one knows whether they can reach the next city within a few days.

Jiang Qiongxing took a bite of the dry and tasteless bread, and when she raised her eyes, a child not far away bit her finger and looked at her eagerly.

She almost choked and stared at the child.

(End of this chapter)

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