Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 580 Fanwai 005. Noah's Fantastic Journey

Chapter 580 Fanwai 005. Noah's Fantastic Journey

Noah couldn't help opening his mouth wide, looking at everything beyond imagination.

The place where they are at the moment is a small square surrounded by white columns.

There are many squares like this, and people appear in them with a white light from time to time.

And these small squares used as teleportation arrays are built around a large square.

This large square was bigger than any he had seen in London.

There are many high-rise buildings around the square, and the roads extend in all directions.

But unlike London, there are no shuttle cars on the roads here.

Wizards and wizards in robes walk the streets, or fly back and forth in mid-air on broomsticks.

On the tall buildings, the signboards and advertisements of countless shops are changing in colorful colors.

Different from the neon lights and advertising screens in Noah's impression, many of these advertisements and signs are translucent, floating quietly in the air.

Only a few screens that broadcast advertisements are embedded in the building, and the pictures in those advertisements are also extremely clear.

It's as clear as looking in a mirror.

Noah also noticed that the entrances of the countless dazzling shops are not just opened on the ground, but are layered on top of each other, with different heights, and wizards can only reach them by riding brooms.

"Follow me! Don't fall behind!"

Following Professor Kent out of the teleportation circle, they officially set foot on the square where people come and go.

The wizards passing by looked at this out-of-fit team and smiled knowingly.

"Oh, we must be like bumpkins who have never seen the world." Noah cursed.

Led by Professor Kent, they came to the fountain in the center of the square.

This is a fountain with a huge area, and a very tall sculpture stands in the center of the fountain.

This sculpture is not a figure, but a very slender tower.

Looking carefully, each floor of this tower sculpture seems to be a fusion of different architectural styles. These styles come from all over the world, and the combination is extremely harmonious.

"Have you all heard the story of the Tower of Babel?"

Jacob asked a few freshmen gathered around him.

The freshmen nodded in unison, of course they have all heard this well-known story.

"This sculpture was built to commemorate the contribution the Babel organization has made to the wizarding world."

Jacob told them.

"In the past, wizards did not have their own world. They were scattered all over the world, hiding from the sight of Muggles."

"One night in 1995, several Hogwarts students formed an organization called 'Babel'. They were committed to uniting all wizards and creating a world that only belonged to magic."

"Later, they continued to grow and absorb more like-minded members from all over the world."

"In the end, they used the secret realm of Avalon left thousands of years ago as a basis to create this magical space."

"Until now, the ideal of the 'Tower of Babel' organization has basically been achieved."


Noah's heart was beating fast.

He couldn't help raising his hand, "Professor, do Avalon, King Arthur and Merlin really exist?"

"Of course." Jacob said with a smile, "King Arthur and Merlin are real people who existed more than 1000 years ago."

Having said that, he lowered his voice, "I heard that Merlin is still alive."

Now, the other children couldn't help but chirped and asked.

"Where is he?"

"Can we see Merlin?"

"Did he teach us magic?"

"Unfortunately, I have never met Merlin." Jacob shrugged, "But such legends are popular in the magic world..."

Having said that, he paused.

The freshmen all stared wide-eyed, looking at him expectantly.

Jacob continued: "It is said that Merlin will appear in the dreams of his chosen child and communicate with him."

He looked expectantly at these freshmen from the Muggle world.

"If one of you is good enough, maybe you can get Merlin's love."

Noah's heartbeat started to speed up again.

At this moment, he felt that he would be the one chosen by Merlin.

"All right."

Jacob looked at the expectant eyes and clapped his hands.

"Now I will take you to the bank to exchange for wizard currency, and then buy the books and equipment needed for school."

After speaking, he led the team to the other side of the square.

After they left, several figures came from the other side of the fountain.

"That kid Jacob is coaxing those freshmen to play again."

Eddie raised his mustache as he spoke.

As the number one media tycoon in the magic world today, he is middle-aged, and his figure is several times fatter than when he was young.

"Maybe it's true or not," Scott said with a smile.

After all, even he couldn't figure out what Merlin's "nightmare" was thinking.

"Come on." Roger patted Scott on the shoulder, "This story has already fooled too many children in the wizarding world, but except for Ni and Savannah, no one has really seen Merlin."

Roger now also has a full beard, but he looks much stronger than Eddie.

Now he is the owner of a Quidditch club.

"It's also a good thing to let them come to the magic world with beautiful dreams."

Milton looked gently at the group of children who followed Jacob away.

Today, he still has long hair and is dressed exquisitely. No one who sees him will doubt that he is a great artist.

Four middle-aged men were sitting by the fountain, bored, watching the people coming and going, chatting casually.

Although each of them is a person who would cause a sensation when they appear, but at the moment they are like every ordinary wizard in the magic world, but none of the wizards around them pays attention to them.

At this time, Noah had followed Professor Kent in exchange for a gold gallon from the goblin, and was walking on the street with his parents.

Every store around attracted his attention, but because his parents did not allow him, he could only honestly shop according to the list listed on the admission letter.

He bought books, robes, potion materials and utensils, and finally couldn't wait to join the others, and went to the wand shop led by Professor Kent.

"Now we're going to old Diagon Alley."

Professor Kent told them as he walked.

"It used to be the most famous magical business center in the UK. When we built the new Diagon Alley city in the wizarding world, we recreated that old street."

"Other famous shops have set up shop in New Street, but old Ollivander, who makes wands, has never moved."

They crossed a few streets and came to a bar that looked a bit old.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron."

Jacob pushed open the bar door.

"In the past, the pub was in London and people could only go to and from Diagon Alley through it, and we kept that fun."

"Good morning, Jacob."

Inside the bar, the blonde proprietress standing behind the bar greeted loudly.

"Good afternoon, Hannah."

Jacob led a group of people through the noisy crowd of the bar to the backyard.

He took out his wand and tapped on the wall, and the brick wall moved by itself, revealing the scene behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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