From Shusen University

Chapter 32 The Nightmare's Wen Dao Lesson

Chapter 32 The Nightmare's Wen Dao Lesson
An ordinary morning in a student dormitory.

Accompanied by the sound of birdsong coming from outside the window, the students on the couch hummed like piglets in a mud puddle, covered their heads with quilts in the gradually bright morning light, wriggling and turning over and over.

"Is it dawn?"

"Brother Song, close the window, it's too noisy..."

"Shut up, it's 07:30!"

Finally, someone lifted the quilt violently, put a chicken nest on it, and woke up the whole dormitory with the momentum of a rooster crowing: "Everyone wake up! It's eight o'clock today!"

The creaking sound became louder, and the people in several bunks were rubbing back and forth on the narrow bed, moaning sleepily.

"Why is it morning class again... What is it?"

"It's the drawing of talismans... No! That's the second session!" The person who started first slapped his face, his expression collapsed in an instant, "Fuck! Today's first session is Wen Dao class, just the new teacher Wen Dao class!"

As soon as these words came out, the students who were squirming like piglets seemed to have heard the slaughter order on the spot.

"Why is it Thursday again?"

"Are you going to listen to that old man Yan Ruyu's literary lecture again today?"

"Help! Why isn't it Teacher Wei..."

"Shhh, maybe that invisible teacher is listening now, be careful of it telling the truth..."

Amidst the wailing, the people in the dormitory finally got up, dressed as if they were ashamed, washed their faces as if they were dead, and finally walked towards the teaching building with resolute steps that were windy and cold.

The spacious classroom is already full of people, and everyone has a dull expression on their faces.When the eight o'clock bell rang for class, Yan Ruyu in a white robe walked into the classroom, coughed a few times, sat cross-legged on the podium, and spoke leisurely.

"Today, the old man continues to talk about the way of cultivating the mind-there is a way that to cultivate immortals, one must first cultivate the mind, and the person who cultivates the mind is a gentleman. There is a saying in 'On the Gentleman', women are gentlemen and Confucians, and those who do nothing are villain Confucians..."

Wu Hao sat in the front seat, tried his best to keep up with Yan Ruyu's speaking speed, memorized with his hands, and he was already sweating profusely after a while.

Beside him, the other students already had stiff expressions and dull eyes. Not to mention taking notes, they even listened to the left ear and out the right ear while sitting there. with.

"Efforts made at the last minute can accumulate earth into mountains...everyone can do it, and if you don't stop doing it, you will become a gentleman...Self-cultivation is for self-cultivation, frugality is for cultivating virtue, and sincerity is for gold and stone...This is the way of a gentleman and the foundation of cultivating the mind. ..."

The sage of literature is worthy of being a sage of literature, with all kinds of classics at his fingertips.Don't talk about lesson plans, you don't even need to take books, just relying on what you have learned in your chest, you can talk endlessly, the content is unconstrained, and it is a heaven and earth with those coquettish bastards who read PPT outside.

If Wei Ze sat here and listened, he would definitely give a good compliment.As a Chinese teacher, he knew from the first time that Yan Ruyu's lectures contained a vast amount of literature, Neo-Confucianism, and even Confucianism and philosophy. Any modern teacher is not worthy of holding shoes in front of him.

However, for these students, especially those with poor grades in high school, listening to this teacher from the Tang Dynasty is no different from listening to the heavenly scriptures.

What Taoism?What gentleman?What Confucianism?They could understand every word, but when put together, it made people doubt their Chinese listening ability.

And the most terrible thing is... because Yan Ruyu didn't prepare the lessons, there wasn't even a textbook to refer to for this lesson!

Therefore, the scene of literature class is often like this: Yan Ruyu, who is old and strong, stands on the stage at the mouth of the hanging beam, and the stunned students are stunned below, unable to learn even if they want to learn.Except for a very few people who forced themselves to concentrate by taking notes, the rest of the students just sat there and felt that they were being tortured.

If it weren't for the existence of ignorance in the ears, so that those who skipped class would have to suffer from the magic sound in their ears, the attendance rate of this class would have dropped below the ground long ago.

Pairs of godless eyes flicked around, looking at the wall clock on the wall every minute, it can be said that the seconds are like years.Seeing that the hour hand was finally approaching the end, the expressions of the students also became lively, and this kind of vitality reached its peak at the moment of the hour.

It's time!
Everyone almost cheered in their hearts, staring at Yan Ruyu's mouth and waiting for him to say the word "end of get out of class".Seeing that Yan Ruyu took a deep breath, she said slowly: "Then finally, this old man will briefly talk about the way of being a king..."

The eyes of the students are talking: "..."


Seeing the wall clock turn half a circle, Mr. Wensheng finally shut up, facing the students with wonderful expressions, and said leisurely: "So far, the way of cultivating the mind has just been completed. What are you puzzled about?"

It was quiet.

Don't roll names, don't call me... The students are secretly praying in their hearts.

"Everyone understands already? Very good, very good." Then Yan Ruyu stood up slowly, flicking her long sleeves, "Then, get out of class is over."

The moment he stepped out of the classroom, the students sitting below were like overturned dominoes, and instantly collapsed, all of them looked ashen, as if recovering from a serious illness.

"Oh my god, it's finally over..."

"Who am I, where am I, and what have I heard?"

"Is this teacher a human being? I dragged him out of the hall for half an hour..."

Listening to the mourners around him, Wu Hao finished copying the last line in sweat, swung his sore wrists, and checked with a troubled expression.

"It's over, it seems that I missed a paragraph at the end..."

He recalled it carefully, and really couldn't remember what Yan Ruyu said, but he had no choice but to place his hopes on others, so he turned around, ready to ask Xiao Youyu who was behind.

"Hey, did you remember the part about 'encouraging learning' just now..."

When he turned his head, Xiao Youyu had a charm on his head, and he was sleeping soundly on the table.

"...Forget it." Wu Hao silently closed the cap of his pen, and began to review the unknown handwriting that he wrote down with difficulty.

It was obviously something he had just written down, but looking at it, he felt that he almost didn't know his own words.

While dizzy, the wails of the surrounding students suddenly quieted down, someone's footsteps entered the classroom, and then a familiar voice came from the front podium.

"Good morning, students. Today, I will first talk about the homework of the fire talisman left in the last class. Is there any student who would like to show it..."

Um?Have you arrived at teacher Wei's talisman class yet?

As soon as he raised his eyes, from the corner of his eye, he saw Xiao Youyu, who was sleeping soundly behind him, bouncing up, and the drowsiness was swept away in the blink of an eye. If it weren't for the finger-shaped red marks on his face, it would be hard to imagine that he was still there a few minutes ago. Sleeping in the dark.

Looking at the students around him, their reactions were similar to his.

With the arrival of Wei Ze, those expressions that were dull and lifeless a few minutes ago were instantly lit up, as if the zombies were revived.All of a sudden, there was the sound of turning pages one after another, and everyone hastily took out the homework done in the previous class - a few stacks of yellow paper for talisman seals, with talismans drawn in ink on them.The pen is like a dragon and a snake, and the momentum is quite good.

"Teacher! I'll check first!"

"Teacher Wei, look at mine first!"

"I raised my hand first!"

(End of this chapter)

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