From Shusen University

Chapter 3 Is there a Xiuxian University?

Chapter 3 Is there a Xiuxian University?

Wei Ze watched Wu Hao turn and leave.By coincidence, he answered a phone call within a few steps.

"Mom, why did you call... Yes, our school held an admissions promotion meeting today. Don't worry about me, I have already contacted a good university, and I will go for an interview in two days."

"Ah? Score line? This... you don't need to worry about this. In short, the teacher said that my score is enough, and the school must be a good school, unique in the world. When I finish my studies, I will definitely go out with those in the village. Working is different…”

It can be seen that he is not very good at lying, but he just translated the words Wei Ze told him into high-end enhanced Chinese, probably using all the skills of making up in his life, Wei Ze couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Is there such a foolish baby...

That being said, in line with the principle of a teacher's benevolence, Wei Ze sent him away with a smile, and then looked at the panel in his head to increase his popularity.

If you keep this speed, it is not impossible to go directly to 100 to unlock the campus in one afternoon.

Once you have this motivation, you will be motivated to flicker.He seized the opportunity of the promotional meeting right now, and regardless of whether these high school students believed it or not, he stuffed dozens of business cards in one go.

Seeing that his popularity has reached 30 or [-], and his spiritual power is still [-], Wei Ze was just about to exchange a few new business cards with satisfaction, when he saw another figure standing beside the table. When he looked up, he was not a student, but a black man. The face of a middle school employee.

"A student reported that there is some kind of Kunlun University promoting here." She raised the university business card she just took from the student, "We have never invited this kind of school, where are you from?"


It turns out that this is also included in the popularity +1.

Wei Ze, who was exposed, had no choice but to leave as soon as possible, but before he left, he did not forget to ask for the business card in the employee's hand under the pretense of destroying it.

This is worth 1 spiritual power, don't take it if you don't believe me!

Having said that, he could only walk out of No. 30 High School with that business card in hand, and sighed at the remaining [-] spiritual power points, feeling that there was no target.

It was clearly unlocked with less than 20 popularity points, but in the end it got stuck.At this time, even if there are publicity meetings in other middle schools, they should end.

You can't really stand on the street and post small advertisements, right?In that case, even if it can increase the popularity, I am afraid that no serious people will be fooled, and it will also have a bad influence on the reputation of the school after its establishment.

Wei Ze fell into deep thought.


At the same time, at the barbecue restaurant next to the No. [-] Middle School, two No. [-] Middle School students who had just completed the admissions consultation were eating skewers.

"How is it? You watched the admissions meeting today, do you still want to apply to Angong University?" The boy sitting on the left was eating a grilled eggplant and asked his good friend opposite.

"Yeah, there are only a few that I can apply for." The boy on the right took a bite of the meat skewer, "It's not like you, Xiao Youyu, the university god, Qingbei rushes to ask for it, and picks key universities at will. Your grades, this Can you be the champion of the province for the first time?"

"Provincial number one is a little bit awkward, and the city level is about the same." The boy called Xiao Youyu laughed twice, "Scores don't really matter, the so-called focus now is just playing the same old tricks, racking your brains for some funding and academic achievements, It doesn't make any sense to go."

"Fuck, I would like to call you a master of Versailles!" The other party rolled his eyes at him, "Then what kind of school do you want to go to?"

"I can't say that, as long as you can explore the unknown." Xiao Youyu thought for a while, "Look, there have been more and more reports about supernatural phenomena. Last month was a magnetic storm for no reason. Zhou You had a patient who suddenly disappeared in the hospital, and a ball lightning came out three days ago... These are very interesting subjects, but no one in the academic world studies them."

"Aren't these all shocking news to bluff people? Do you really believe it?" The other party swallowed the last bite, "If you want to talk about an interesting school, I ran into an interesting one today-Kunlun University, the recruiting liar It sounds as if it is true, I would have dragged you over to see it."

"Kunlun University?" Xiao Youyu raised his head, "What is that?"

"I took a business card, you can read it for yourself. I don't know how to get into our campus, and they said that we don't go through normal admissions, the only one in the world..."

Xiao Youyu took the business card with moiré pattern, looked at the words "Kunlun University" splashed on it, thoughtful.


On the other side, a girl who is also a senior high school graduate is walking out of No. [-] Middle School.

She reached out to stop a taxi and got in, then took out her mobile phone to make a call, saying something with a heavy face.

Ten minutes later, she got off the car at Ancheng Third Hospital, trotted straight to the inpatient department, and came to the familiar ward.

The doctor and her father stood outside the ward, while her mother suffering from uremia lay in the ward.

"Qingqing is here?" The doctor obviously knew her very well, and tried his best to speak in a normal tone, "I heard from your father that you went to the school's admissions meeting today? How did the consultation go?"

"Fortunately, my points should be enough to report to An Medical University or Chinese Medicine." The girl named Qingqing responded briefly, and then asked eagerly, "Doctor, how is my mother's examination?"

The two adults in front of them looked at each other, the father nodded, and the doctor sighed: "Your mother's PRA (antibody) is too high, so she can't do a kidney transplant. If you rely on dialysis, you may only have a few years to survive." Expect."

"Modern medicine always has its limits. For some things, we can only rely on miracles." Seeing that the girl didn't speak, he continued, "Qingqing, you have to be strong too. Didn't you always say that you should learn how to heal your mother in college? ?maybe…"

"...You also said that medicine has its limits." The girl looked down at the brochure she just got in her hand, "Even if a university can teach people to practice medicine, it can't teach miracles."

She didn't say any more, but turned her head and ran to the other side of the corridor under the worried eyes of the two adults. Her legs softened and she sat on the waiting stool and lowered her head.

At this moment, something fell out of the gap between the materials in her hand. She reached out to pick it up, and then her pupils shrank slightly.

"Extraordinary way, those who are sincere can get it..." She turned over the business card and read out the name on it, "...Kunlun University?"


Similar scenes played out in every corner of Ancheng, and the name of Kunlun University quickly flew to various places related to middle school students, and spread quietly among middle school students.

Some people picked up business cards that others had dropped from the ground.

Some got a few words from their classmates.

Some people who met Wei Ze even mentioned it in the class group, telling it as a joke.

Most people think it's just a scam, but there are also a small number of people who are skeptical, and some sprouts grow quietly.

Wei Ze didn't know about these things, all he could see was the inexplicably increasing numbers on the panel.

[Kunlun University popularity +1]

[Kunlun University popularity +1]


"You can increase your popularity without doing anything?"

Wei Ze didn't know about those connections, so he was a little confused.Compared with his own flickering, this value climbed very slowly, and most of them increased bit by bit, but it took only a few hours of effort to save more than 30 points.

"It hasn't continued to increase for a long time... It seems that people who don't take it seriously have already forgotten about it. This method is considered to be over."

Having said that, Wei Ze is still very excited. With more than 30 points of popularity, it is enough to unlock the campus.

(End of this chapter)

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