From Shusen University

Chapter 29 Wen Sheng Yan Ruyu

Chapter 29 Wen Sheng Yan Ruyu

Wei Ze's heart sank, and a chill ran up his spinal cord to his brain.

The previous ghost workers were all summoned by him, and they had a contract with him, and they had to obey his orders unconditionally.But judging from the situation of adjusting his position, this Yan Ruyu is free and cannot be manipulated by him.

In other words, if he really wanted to harm the students on this campus, he had no way to restrain him.

Going one step further, if this "literary saint" leaves the campus... can this ancient costumed literary saint be expected to abide by the modern constitution?
He faintly mobilized his spiritual power, staring at the opponent's movements without saying a word, guarding against possible situations.

And at this moment, Yan Ruyu in front of her moved.

He raised a finger, caressed the supporting pillar of the bookstore next to him, and when he looked up, the expression on his indifferent face wrinkled.

"So unclean..."

He flicked off a wisp of ash on his fingertips, and quickly looked around the bookstore again. His eyes glanced at the uneven, upright or vertical books on the bookshelf, and his brows frowned even harder.

"This could it be like this?

He waved his hand, and saw the books with hidden golden light soaring up one after another, spinning in the air and arranged them in order, and put them back on the bookshelf one after another.The height is equal, neat and orderly, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder looks very comfortable.

No wonder the position is a librarian... Wei Ze just thought about it, and the aura of the literary saint in front of him was overwhelmed again.

Yan Ruyu withdrew her hands and swept her eyes. It seemed that she had just spotted Wei Ze next to her at this time. Wei Ze didn't even see the way his footsteps were moving.

"Fellow Daoist, are you the disciple on duty who is in charge of cleaning today?" Yan Ruyu's brows trembled coldly, "Who was in charge of this before? How did this important place of the book pavilion end up in such a state? It's out of order!"

"This..." Wei Ze was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yan Ruyu.

"Although it is said in ancient books that 'a man should live in the world, he should eradicate the world and live in peace', but we disciples who cultivate Taoism seek to have a pure heart. The bookstore is important, and it is placed indiscriminately. This is disrespectful..."

"That's the truth..." Wei Ze wiped off his sweat, "But should we talk about it first..."

"Wait for the old man to finish first!" Yan Ruyu raised her hand solemnly, "Taoist disciples, the place of learning is the place of rules. There are no rules, and books are placed in a mess, which also disturbs the Taoist heart and makes it difficult to break through..."

"What is that, brother..."

"This is not only the case with books, but also with calligraphy and painting." Yan Ruyu's stern lips fluttered up and down, "There is a saying that 'books and paintings are also in the heart'. Between brush and ink, the original is full of human appearance, this is the words are like the person, and the book is like the person , see words as faces..."


Wei Ze finally lost the battle, just watched Yan Ruyu standing at the mouth of the Hanging Liang River, and his theory seemed to flow for thousands of miles.From his discourse on hygiene to persuasion, and finally to the way of being a human being, he was completely selfless in his speech, and he didn't take a breath.

Obviously the two of them were just standing face to face, giving him the feeling of giving an academic report on the spot.

Is this the ancient scriptures?The passion of the speech, the breadth of the quotations, and the few trial lectures of my own are really small compared to them, but...

When will this buddy stop... Wei Ze thought desperately.

The precious on-site teaching of the literati went on for several hours, and when the sunlight from the window was already westward, Yan Ruyu finally cleared her throat and slowed down her speech.

".As the old man said just now, there are thousands of things hidden in the way of internal affairs, and they must not be ignored. Today's situation is inconvenient, so I will only talk about it. If I have any doubts, I will explain it in depth..."

"No, no, what you said is deep enough, really enough." Wei Ze hurriedly interrupted with a sincere face, "I fully understand what you said. This bookstore has been empty for many years, so it's a bit If it's dirty, I'll have someone clean it later."

"Has there been no one for many years?" Yan Ruyu's eyes changed slightly, as if she realized something was wrong, "So, fellow daoist, what year is it now?"

"21th century AD."


Taking advantage of Yan Ruyu's silence, Wei Ze finally brought the topic to the right path: "You said you were retreating here, so what happened when you entered? Was this university established at that time?"

"When I first entered this university, it was in the first year of Kaiyuan." Yan Ruyu thought for a while, "As for the time of retreat and enlightenment, it should be in the year of Zhonghe."

Kaiyuan, Zhonghe...During the Tang Dynasty!
Wei Ze tried his best to control his expression.If what Yan Ruyu said is true, then the person in front of him is not only an ancient man from more than 1000 years ago, but also lived at least 130 years old.

No wonder this person calls himself "Old Man", it really doesn't match that cold male god face...

Are there people like this in this university?No, it should be said... Those sealed files are all people like this?

"Fellow Daoist, what year is this 21st century? Where does the Holy One come from now?"

Obviously, the literary sage hadn't realized that the times had changed, so he said with a question mark on his face.

Wei Ze took a deep breath, showed his dignity as a liberal arts student, and gave Yan Ruyu a brief introduction to the history and land development of Huaguo in the past few hundred years, and tried his best to explain to him what democracy, harmony and freedom are, and what is the core of the new era. Values, I don't know how much Yan Ruyu has listened to.

"It's a few days in the picture, and it's been thousands of years in the world. Unexpectedly, the old man had a dream in this picture of mountains, rivers and land, and the dynasty has been destroyed." Yan Ruyu seemed to have listened to the setting he said, and sighed, "In that case, fellow daoist, Who is teaching Wen Dao at Kunlun University?"

"Wen Dao?" Wei Ze didn't expect his first reaction to be to ask this, "I don't have this class in my university?"

"No one is teaching?" Yan Ruyu's face suddenly changed, "How is that possible? Before the old man retreated, he clearly told his fellow disciples: As long as this Kunlun University exists, it will teach the world the literature, and it will be like this from generation to generation. Could it be... My literary lineage is broken?"

Wei Ze was even more confused by what he said: "Wen Dao's lineage? Who are you from the same school?"

"The old man got the advice from the Kunlun University, so he started to learn the Tao of literature. After he finished his cultivation, he wandered around to recruit disciples, and brought them into this university." Yan Ruyu thought for a while, "There is a man named Li Taibai, who has a lot of immortal roots. , It's a pity that he is greedy for officialdom and fame, and only understands the way of immortality in his later years. Well, by the way, there is also Wang Mojie, who is very good at landscape..."

He mumbled a few names to himself, completely oblivious to Wei Ze's petrification.

This literary sage has also taught lessons before and accepted disciples?
That's right, judging by the skill of his speech just now, a person who cleans the toilet can pull out the Four Books and Five Classics, he is indeed a more ruthless person than himself.

"A man of literature and Tao conveys Tao with literature, and this Houde Book Pavilion, which carries the spirit of literature, was built for this purpose." Yan Ruyu raised her head and scanned the books on the bookshelf: "Originally, we should be teachers spontaneously. Since Tao A friend said that the Chinese lineage of the university has been extinct, so I am afraid that my literary inheritance has also been terminated. At this time, unsealing the map of Shanhe Sheji... It seems that the old man needs to do it himself."

"Do it yourself?" Wei Ze was taken aback, and then a prompt popped up again on the board.

【【Yan Ruyu】Additional position: Lecturer】

 The author is a student of science, and the foundation of classical Chinese has been returned to the teacher. I may not be able to remember exactly where the sentences appearing in the book come from. Please also ask Haihan, the master of ancient prose, to point out any anachronisms.

  The foreshadowing rhythm of these two chapters is a bit slow. More than 1000 words of content have been deleted. If you compress it again, you can only cut down the description.
(End of this chapter)

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