From Shusen University

Chapter 22 Schrödinger's Instructor (recommendation)

Chapter 22 Schrödinger's Instructor (recommendation)


While listening to the suspicious voice in his ears, he looked at the panel.

After finishing this sentence, in the [Employee] column, the "Position" column on the [Wuxin] profile has been adjusted to "Military Training Instructor".

It turns out that "adjustable" is not just talk.Does this mean that as long as the brain hole is big enough to develop well, these employees can have additional functions?

He was thinking like this, but he didn't understand at all, so he said, "My lord, what is 'military training'?"

Oh right, I forgot that these employees don’t seem to be modern spirits either…

"It's the training for incoming freshmen every year when the university starts." He thought for a while and explained, "Generally speaking, it's physical training, mainly to exercise their will."

Wu Xin let out a sigh: "So, what does the 'instructor' you mentioned need to do?"

"Give out the password, and then keep an eye on them to make sure they don't cut corners." Wei Ze thought for a while, "To put it simply, you just need to randomly whisper in each student's ear to wake them up. alright."

"Refreshing?" Wuxin's voice seemed to be happy, "Naturally, this is nothing to worry about. Does your lord have any other instructions about the reminder this time?"

"It's nothing special, just make sure they don't be lazy." Wei Ze heard something wrong, "If you let yourself play, what would you say?"

"Although I can't get into the state of mind of adults, those students are still shallow. I can completely eavesdrop on their inner thoughts and capture the methods that can attract their attention." Wuxin said confidently, "So don't worry, my lord, this is exactly what I want to do." What I am good at - let them hear the most refreshing inner voice!"


Two days later, the military training started as scheduled.

Breathing advanced is divided into several items according to the state, the static ones include standing posture, lying posture breathing, etc., and the dynamic ones are walking from walking to running, and the difficulty increases in turn.

For beginners, maintaining the stability of aura in the body is like holding a cup full of water, even if you stand still, you will accidentally spill it, let alone dynamic.It looks simple, but it is actually as difficult as skyrocketing.

On the first day of military training, all freshmen were deeply aware of this.

Originally, they were complacent because they passed the basic test, but they hit a wall at the step of standing posture: in the sitting and lying posture, the aura walks smoothly and lightly, which is quite easy; but when standing up, the sense of blockage increases greatly , the aura can't help but scurry around, it's very difficult to suppress it without being distracted.

Under such circumstances, they can only try their best to keep their whole body motionless, and concentrate all their attention on aura, without daring to breathe, standing in a military posture even more than standing in a military posture.

An hour after the start of the military training, Qiuhuo's bright sun shines on the students in school uniforms who are neatly unfolded on the field.Without exception, they were sweating profusely all over their bodies, and their faces were full of pained expressions like they were holding back their urine.

Among them, Wu Hao's degree of difficulty is unique.

Originally, he only had Wei Ze's help to open up Qi Hai, so his foundation was weak.Although he practiced day and night after the breakthrough, Qi Gathering was still not as proficient as others.This is the case for sitting, let alone standing.

After a while, his breath gradually dissipated, just like a drowning person who instinctively wanted to breathe, and his whole body relaxed uncontrollably.But just as he was about to pull back, there was a thunderclap in his ear.

"Gua Wazi, why don't you settle down!"

The voice seemed to come from the ears, and Wu Hao was so excited that the hairs on his back exploded.

Teacher Wei said before that there will be a dedicated instructor in charge of the military training. Is this the case?Can even catch such a small movement of his, and can it directly transmit the sound to his ear?

And this instructor with this accent is his fellow villager?

Regardless of the eyes of the people next to him, he subconsciously turned his head to look left and right.Just squinting, the rough voice exploded again.

"Still watching? Look at your shovel! Get into meditation!" The shouts shook people's hearts and souls.


Wu Hao was completely awake now, and there was no need to think about it. He just adjusted his breath as if fighting a fire, so as not to be kicked by this invisible instructor.

The students next to him looked at him with such a reaction, and they all showed strange eyes.But after a few minutes, everyone's expressions became unified.

On the surface, the scene remained absolutely quiet, but the students who were still making small movements stretched one after another like a spring.

In their ears, the voice that was born from their minds and only they could hear was roaring, and it was heard by everyone one by one.

"Entering meditation! The grass-mud horse! Adjusting the breath!"

"No energy! No energy at all!"

"Not enough! With such little strength, do you still want to become a cultivator?"

"Okay, very spirited!"


Half an hour later, the freshmen collectively collapsed.

Originally, I thought that Kunlun University was full of out-of-this-world people, and they would never be as straightforward as serious instructors... But why are there still such down-to-earth cultivators? !
Moreover, if the instructor of an ordinary university forced him to stand in a military posture, he would be able to sneak around while the instructor was not paying attention, but this invisible instructor is really evil.

You don’t know if it’s looking at you when you don’t pay attention to it, but it must be looking at you when you hear the sound.So it is between existence and non-existence, if you don't look at it, you look at it, and if you look at it, you don't look at it, so you never know if it is looking at you.

Is this a quantum state... In the corner of the team, Xiao Youyu thought with a twitching face.

But they didn't expect that there was actually more than one "person" watching their situation.

While they were scratching their heads, Wei Ze was also looking at the panel.

[Student [Hao Ruqiu] breathing practice, spiritual power +1]

[Student [Wu Hao] breathing practice, spiritual power +1]

[Student [Sun Qiming] Breathing and training, spiritual power +1]


In the standing posture, the increase rate of spiritual power is obviously slower than that in sitting meditation, which shows that the improvement rate of their cultivation has also slowed down.

This is normal, sitting meditation is the best practice posture recognized by the world of cultivating immortals, otherwise those masters would not have to find a deep mountain and old forest to retreat for decades when they break through.

But Wei Ze knows that the operation of spiritual energy under non-optimal conditions is the normal state of cultivators.If you don't adapt, the following courses cannot be carried out at all.

Let me see your potential... He stood on the top floor of the attic, looking down at the rows of students standing upright, and said to himself.

But at this time, Wuxin left the student team, and his voice rang in Wei Ze's ear again.

"My lord, I have already imitated the refreshing voice in the hearts of your disciples, and the effect is quite good." Wuxin's voice was a little smug, "However, I don't understand something about what they are thinking. ...What do they mean by 'Olige' and 'Jin Kela'? Why do these have a refreshing effect?"

" don't need to know too much about this." Wei Ze twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject. "You can judge for yourself later. If it's too vulgar, don't use it. It will damage the prestige of our school."

"Understood." Wuxin agreed, and then said again, "But I have to say, since this group of students are mortals, and their minds are affected by mortals, some people's wills will definitely be shaken. If that's the case, then I may not be able to help. "

"It doesn't matter." Wei Ze shook his head, "Trust them. There are many things that are different in the world, but the only thing that is will, I don't think it should be divided into immortals and ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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