Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 9 Welcome to the Team

Chapter 9 Welcome to the Team

The arrows shot towards the woods in front of them rapidly.

The moment he loosened his fingers and shot the arrow, Morgan suddenly had a very strong premonition.

"This arrow must hit!"

This is not Morgan's blind metaphysical premonition, but the ability brought by LV2 level archery.

He feels in control of every arrow he shoots.

This is an ability that every archer who has reached level 2 archery can naturally master.

Morgan could clearly feel the moment when he shot the arrow.

The dwarf Qili who was not far away was obviously short of breath.

It should be said that among the people present, the most nervous one should be Morgan himself.

However, Morgan, who was a contestant in his previous life and had experienced all kinds of big scenes, didn't know what it was like to be nervous. When he came to the competition field, he could arouse his fighting spirit and focus more.

Morgan wasn't nervous, naturally it was the young dwarf Kili's turn to be nervous.

Just like in the previous life, no matter what the game was, no matter how good the pre-match slogan said, friendship first and competition second, they actually knew what was going on.

As long as you can win, who the hell cares about friendship.

As long as it is a competition, there is no one who does not want to win.

They were all men, and there were so many people present.

In front of the dwarf king's "uncle" Thorin Oakenshield and a group of dwarf brothers.

In terms of bows and arrows, which he is best at, Qili is naturally unwilling to lose to this human Morgan.

The same is true for Morgan, this competition is a great opportunity to show their strength.

It is not only related to his dignity, but also related to whether he can successfully join the expedition team.

"I gonna go see."

Morgan shot an arrow, which meant that the competition was over, and now it depends on the result.

Among the dwarves behind, those who were more impatient and eager to know the result immediately ran to the woods not far away.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk back with an arrow each.

Both arrows hit the bird, an unlucky bird the size of a man's palm, completely black.

Only one arrow hit a bird.

And the other arrow hit two!

The arrow of this arrow was so powerful that it shot through the bodies of the two birds, just like hanging skewers on a barbecue.

"I'm coming."

"Who loses and who wins?"

"Did Kili win or did Morgan win?"

"Both shot."

"Wow, who is this, who actually shot two birds with one arrow?"

As soon as the two dwarves who picked up birds came back, the dwarves who were watching the fun immediately went up to them and started talking about it.

"Get out of the way, you need to compare the arrows to know who wins and who loses."

The dwarf with the bird came over, and Morgan and Kili followed suit.

At this time, everyone gathered around.

Including Gandalf and Thorin's oak shield who has always been aloof.

Bilbo also followed outside and kept looking out.

Although the length and appearance of arrows and arrows will not differ too much.

But Morgan used bows and arrows forged by humans, and Kili used bows and arrows forged by dwarves.

There is definitely still a difference.

In fact, in the eyes of the two archers, Morgan and Kili, they could recognize the arrows they used almost at a glance.

This is the simplest observation.

But other people who don't know how to use bows and arrows naturally don't understand.

In order to make everyone more clear at a glance, this is the need for comparison.

When two arrows strung with birds were placed in front of the two parties.

With just one glance, Morgan recognized that the arrow that hit two birds with one stone belonged to him, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He used a little caution in the competition before.

With the bow and arrow skills of the two of them, shooting a bird in such an environment is actually nothing.

The higher the attainment of bow and archery, the competition is not just pure archery ability, but more patience.

Morgan's cunning is that he let the dwarf Kili make the first move.

The moment the bird is shot is bound to startle other birds flying around.

This will give him the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Only in this way can he win the competition with an undisputed result.

Otherwise, if both of them only hit one bird, how would they win or lose?

Of course, the premise of this is that Morgan must have sufficient bow and arrow attainments and the ability to kill two birds with one stone.

It's not that a blind cat meets a dead mouse, it's just luck.

"I lost"

"Don't look at it, this one is mine."

Looking at the two arrows, before taking out the arrows from his body for comparison, the dwarf Qili pointed to the arrow that hit a bird, and said very simply.

Morgan could recognize his own arrow, and so could Kili.

As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of dwarves are stubborn and paranoid.

But it is also straightforward, bold and straightforward.

Win is win, lose is lost!
He, Kili, was no dwarf who couldn't afford to lose.

"Morgan's archery skills are indeed better than mine."

Qili looked at Morgan and smiled. Although he was a bit reluctant, he still admitted that he had lost, which was very generous.

"just luck"

"You know, that arrow of yours scared all the birds in the woods away."


Morgan was even more straightforward, not only humbly admitting that it was luck, but also explaining the reasons.

Such a large step was handed over to Qili, and it was difficult for Qili to have any opinion on him.

Sure enough, after Morgan's voice fell, Kili smiled immediately, and the depressed look on his face was obviously relieved.

"Morgan, you don't need to comfort me. In such a night environment, if you want to wear two clothes, you can't just do it by luck."

"I hope to have the opportunity to compete with them again in the future."

Qi Li shook his head and spoke, with a shy smile on his face.

After all, for the young and inexperienced dwarf Qili, it is a bit embarrassing to ask a human being who has just known him for less than half a day about archery.

"There must be a chance."

"We're friends aren't we?"

Brother Morgan patted Keili on the shoulder and laughed.

Not to mention that Morgan is enjoying Kili's adulation.

The two sides of the bet decided the outcome.

The dwarves gathered around to gamble quickly cheered and wailed.

Press Morgan to win and grin.

Did you win the sale batch?

Dwarves have always been straight.

Morgan and Kili won the contest cleanly and neatly, and there was no arrogance after winning.

It's hard to get others to hate it.

It was Thorin Oak Shield, Kili, who was so energetic in chatting with Morgan after losing to Morgan.

I also have to admit that Morgan, a human being, is really good.

He attaches great importance to this expedition to the lonely mountain, almost putting all his eggs in one basket.

For a powerful guy like Morgan, he naturally hoped that the more the better.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the team must be under his control.

Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up.

At this time, you need to come forward.

Thinking of this, Thorin Oak Shield stepped forward, looked at Morgan and said with a smile:

"The misunderstanding just now was my negligence."

"Now, I want to formally invite you to join my team. I wonder if Morgan can give me such an opportunity?"

Looking at Thorin's oak shield with a sincere face.

Morgan suddenly felt that he had some new understanding of the dwarf king.

"Of course, it is my honor, Your Highness."

Morgan rested his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to show respect.

Sarin Oakenshield was very satisfied with Morgan's reaction, he raised Morgan with both hands and said with a hearty smile: "Welcome to the team!"

(End of this chapter)

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