Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 80 Increased Difficulty

Chapter 80 Increased Difficulty

Inside the huge house.

Gandalf took out his tobacco rod, took out the tobacco pouch, and filled the rod with small balls of tobacco as he rolled it.

While looking at the dwarves in front of him, he said, "Sometimes, Beorn is a big black bear, just like what we just saw."

"Sometimes, he's a mighty giant."

Filled with shredded tobacco and lit the fire, Gandalf took a puff from Meimei, exhaled the smoke ring and continued.

"Being a giant bear is unpredictable and dangerous."

"But when he becomes a giant, he can still communicate"

"But as far as I know, he doesn't seem to like dwarves very much."

"So, don't mess with the things inside, and find a place to sleep first."

"In this house, it should be fairly safe"

Gandalf finished speaking with a pipe in his mouth, and sat down on a place full of hay.

After listening to Gandalf's words, everyone relaxed their vigilance a lot.

For the dwarves, they have already arrived in this house, and there is such a terrifying giant bear outside, as well as the hunting of the orcs.

Whether the owner of the house likes it or not is not so important.

The whole building is very large, but there are many animals such as cattle, sheep and horses tied up in the hall.

The ground is covered with hay, which looks like a small feedlot.

But even in a feedlot, sleeping in the warmth of a feedlot is far more comfortable than sleeping outside in the freezing cold.

Although the taste is a bit unpleasant and smoky.

The crowd quickly dispersed, each found a resting place and sat down.

First, he was overtaken by a half-orc scout team and fought a battle.

Then, in order to avoid the pursuit of the orcs, he ran away for several hours all night.

At this time, everyone is very tired, and no one is in the mood to chat.

Fortunately, because animals such as cattle, sheep and horses are raised here, there is a lot of hay for feeding in the hall.

The dwarves nestled themselves in the warm dry grass, and soon fell asleep when they lay down.

The snoring sounded out one after another.

Morgan found a clean-looking haystack and sat down, took out the precious oak pipe presented by Eldron Lord Eldron, and began to fill it with tobacco and smoke.

Baji took a big puff, exhaled the smoke slowly, and with a slight movement of his mind, he summoned the time traveler system.

Brush brush.
A series of dummy data began to jump and flicker.

【Time Traveler: Morgan】

【Race: Human】

[Biology Level: Second Level]

【Soul Power: 1】

[Attributes: Strength LV5; Constitution LV6+; Dexterity LV5; Spirit LV5]

[Abilities: Common Language; Muay Thai LV2; White Crow Sword LV3; Bow and Archery LV3; Body of Rock (special skill); Dragon Power (special skill); Charge (special skill) Spiritual Shock (special skill)]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Skill)]

[Current world exploration progress: 1.18%]


In the hazy smoke, I looked at the virtual data that kept jumping out, especially when I saw the column of soul power.

Morgan couldn't help but secretly sighed.

After more than half a month ago, after strengthening the backs of the group of giant eagles.

Morgan's soul power has never been moved in the past half a month.

Although I know that my strength has increased a lot compared to before strengthening, I also know that it will be more difficult to obtain soul power in the future.

But Morgan didn't expect it to be this big.

You must know that three days ago, the expedition team walked out of the Misty Mountains.

Because he stepped into the range of activities of the half-orcs, and the wanted order from the chief of the half-orcs, Azog.

The frequency of the expedition team encountering half-orcs has greatly increased.

It was only a few days after they walked out of the Misty Mountains, and they encountered two orc scout teams.

Although the number of half-orcs in the two scout teams is not very large.

But many died in Morgan's hands.

Although the quiver on his back has long been empty, the bow and arrow cannot be used.

But even Thorin Oakenshield couldn't keep up with Morgan's soaring melee strength.

There were two half-orc scout teams, and there were about six half-orcs who died at Morgan's hands.

But in the column of soul power, there is still only a little bit of soul power remaining after the last strengthening.

This made Morgan deeply realize that the difficulty of obtaining soul power next is even higher than he imagined.


He exhaled a long mouthful of smoke.

Morgan felt depressed and didn't have the time to look any further, so he waved away the data bar in front of him.

After the last puff of the cigarette, Morgan knocked the shit out of the pipe and just put away the pipe to go to bed.

Suddenly thought of something, turned his head and carefully extinguished the smoke.

There is hay everywhere here, if the sparks are not extinguished, it should not be too easy to burn.

then it will be in trouble
Make sure that there is no possibility of the smoke droppings igniting at all.

Morgan just lay down.

At this time, he saw Bilbo walking towards this side with his thin blanket in his arms.

Nor did Morgan care; he knew Bilbo hated dwarves who purred too loudly.

They both nodded, and Bilbo slept on the haystack beside him.

Morgan quickly fell asleep in his blanket, purring lightly.

Bilbo, who was not far away, couldn't sleep.

He raised his head to make sure that everyone around him was asleep.

Bilbo took out the pure gold ring he had picked up from the underground goblin kingdom and slowly played with it.

He carefully identified the runes on the inner wall of the pure gold ring, but he understood everything.

Just playing around, Bilbo turned his head to look at Morgan not far away.

After reconfirming that the nearest Morgan was asleep, Bilbo slowly put the ring on his finger.

In just an instant, Bilbo's figure disappeared on the haystack.

At this moment, Morgan, who was sleeping beside him, suddenly opened his eyes.

He turned around as if he was rolling over in sleep, and fell asleep in Bilbo's direction.

Startled by Morgan's turning over, Bilbo immediately took off his middle finger ring and pretended to be asleep.

A slight grunt was heard not far away again.

Then Bilbo took out the ring again and put it on his finger.

When Bilbo's figure disappeared into the haystack again.

Morgan's originally closed eyes slowly opened a crack.

Looking at the figure not far away from time to time disappearing and reappearing from time to time, playing happily.

Only then did Morgan realize that Bilbo had apparently discovered the secret of the One Ring.

But now Morgan no longer covets the Lord of the Rings.

After watching Bilbo play like a monkey for a while.

Morgan soon actually fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

When Morgan opened his eyes, he saw the dwarves gathered together, discussing something anxiously.

Morgan got up and stepped forward, only after hearing the dwarves' comments did he realize that a giant had appeared in the yard outside.

Morgan hurried to the window and looked out.

Sure enough, in the courtyard a little far away, a tall and strong figure with a bare upper body and at least three meters tall was splitting wood with a long-handled axe.

Looking at the tall and mammoth figure in sight, Morgan finally realized why the giant bear last night was so tall.

The gigantic giant bear stood at least five meters tall last night.

Such a colossal creature could easily turn any half-orc into a patty with a single slap.

This is probably why the half-orcs dare not provoke the giant bear.

At this moment, Gandalf's voice sounded in Morgan's ear.

"Morgan, come here too, listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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