Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 76 Tier 2 Creature

Chapter 76 Second-order creature

"Mental shock."

Look at the virtual prompt that pops up in front of you.

Morgan's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly sank into his mind to feel carefully.

As before, there was an extra light cluster shining with pale white light in my mind.

Morgan just touched it slightly with his spirit, and the white light cluster immediately burst and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of picture memories immediately flooded into the depths of my mind and body.

Quietly feel the information in it.

In just a moment, Morgan knew the specific ability and usage of this special skill.

Spiritual Shock: Concentrate the spirit into a bunch of real power and release it instantly.

The stronger the spirit, the stronger the attack power;

"It's not easy. Finally, a special skill that can attack actively appeared."

Feeling the specific ability attributes of the mental shock, Morgan was secretly delighted.

"Body of Rock", "Dragon Might", "Charge".
Almost all of the three special skills comprehended in a row are auxiliary skills.

Morgan didn't notice it at first, only just now.

Although these special skills are very good.

But it would be better if the last one is an attack skill.

Spiritual power, this word sounds very mysterious.

But that was in Morgan's previous life.

In this world, in this fantasy world with gods, demons and ghosts.

The term mental power is not uncommon.

Of course, it is just as unreal to the common people at the bottom of this world.

But it's familiar to wizards like Gandalf.

Because the magic they use is closely related to the spirit.

In the expedition, except Gandalf.

Regardless of the group of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield.

Or Azog, the orc leader Morgan met.

Morgan didn't discover that they had any special abilities other than their normal means of attack.

Of course, maybe they did, but he didn't notice it.

But the pictures in the joint memory plot, and what he saw along the way.

Morgan believed his eyes.

If so.

See you next time with Orc leader Azog.

It is his time of death!


Take a deep breath.

Attention slowly withdraws from the mind.

Morgan's eyes were full of strong confidence.

Although I really want to try a few special skills.

But he also knew that he was at high altitude.

On the back of the giant eagle that carried him, Morgan would not mess around.

After calming down a little bit.

Morgan looked at the data panel in front of him again.

Continuously strengthen the four major attributes of physique, strength, agility and spirit to LV5.

Now there are 4 soul power left in the soul power column.

"4 points of soul power."

Morgan murmured, and suddenly reached out and clicked behind the spirit attribute.

[This strengthening consumes 3 soul power, whether to strengthen it? 】


Look at the virtual prompt data that pops up.

Morgan fully understands that strengthening the four attributes to LV5 is considered a stage.

Before LV5, a little soul power can be upgraded to one level.

After LV5, three points of soul power will be upgraded to one level.

This is similar to the strengthening law of his bow and arrow skills and white crow sword skills.

"There are 4 points of soul power left, and it can be strengthened once."

"Strengthen what?"

Look at the data panel in front of you.

After thinking about it for a while, Morgan clicked on the physique attribute.

[This strengthening consumes 3 soul power, whether to strengthen it? 】


"Physique LV6"

Accompanied by this white light flashed away.

The huge sum of fourteen points of soul power eventually became a lonely point.


Seeing the number in the soul power column change to 1, Morgan was completely relieved.

Although the body is in very good condition because of the heat flow injected every time it is strengthened.

But mentally, Morgan has been hyperactive and tense.

Relaxing now, Morgan only felt extremely relaxed.

After such an unprecedented enhancement, the virtual panel data in front of him has taken on a completely new look.

【Time Traveler: Morgan】

【Race: Human】

[Biology Level: Second Level]

【Soul Power: 1】

[Attributes: Strength LV5; Constitution LV6+; Dexterity LV5; Spirit LV5]

[Abilities: Common Language; Muay Thai LV2; White Crow Sword LV3; Bow and Archery LV3; Body of Rock (special skill); Dragon Power (special skill); Charge (special skill) Spiritual Shock (special skill)]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Skill)]

[Current world exploration progress: 1.03%]



Look at your brand new data panel again.

Morgan suddenly found that in the column of biological level, his biological level changed from the original first level to the second level.

He knew that this should represent his level of strength.

It's now second order.

Obviously, it means that his strength has greatly improved.

that's the truth.

Morgan squeezed his fists, only to feel that his whole body was full of strength, and he was in an unprecedented state.

How could he still fall asleep in such a state.

Waved away the data in front of him.

Morgan immediately rolled over and sat up.

Overhead is a bright blue sky, and beside my ears is the sound of howling wind.

Below is still an endless green forest.

The scenery is magnificent, and the mood is good, listening to the loud snoring brought by the wind ahead.

Morgan grinned, feeling amused, and immediately yelled: "Ah!"

He opened his mouth with a loud roar.

Morgan immediately noticed that the body of the giant eagle under him trembled.

Immediately, the anxious voices of the dwarves came from around.

"Damn it, get up!"

"What's wrong."

"There are enemies"

"Where is the enemy"

"Are the orcs coming?"


The dwarves who had just been awakened from their sleep picked up the weapons beside them and asked loudly.

Then, the howling cold wind immediately awakened the dwarf from his confusion when he woke up.

Then, they saw Morgan sitting on the back of the giant eagle not far away, looking at them seriously.

The dwarf Bofur looked at Morgan suspiciously, and said loudly, "Morgan, was it you just now?"

Morgan shook his head: "What."

Groin, the dwarf who got up angry, also looked at Morgan suspiciously and asked loudly, "You are the guy who made the weird noise just now?"

Morgan continued to shake his head: "I can't understand what you are talking about."

Fili the dwarf, who just woke up from a dream, stared at the innocent Morgan with his bloodshot red eyes and said suspiciously: "Morgan, you don't look like you just woke up, is it you?"

Kili, the dwarf who was riding on the back of a giant eagle with Fili, immediately excused the "teacher" and said: "Morgan is not such a boring person, there must be someone else who makes strange noises, maybe even Bilbo doesn't care. must."

After Kili's words fell, Bilbo was sitting up from the eagle's back, and turned to look at the loud crowd behind him.

Hearing Kili's words, Groin stared at Bilbo with red eyes and an angry face, and asked loudly, "Is that you, Baggins?"

Bilbo, who has been sleeping since he got on the eagle's back, woke up. Bilbo, who thought he would have another quarrel to watch, just turned his head when he saw the bearded and staring dwarf Groin, who was looking at him and asked loudly. road.

Bilbo asked blankly, "What?"

At this moment, it seemed that they also wanted to join in the fun.

The giant eagles carrying the crowd were approaching quietly.

 Thank you "Qinglian Daoge" for another thousand rewards and becoming the first rudder owner of this book, thank you very much, and also thank you "Heavy Dragon Knight, Holy Judgment Knights, Earth Gravity cxm, book friend 20190919223802174" several book friends Reward, thank you very much~~Ps: I also wrote the book mentioned in the comment area, just borrowed a few names, there is no plagiarism; the last few days have been a bit busy, and the update is a bit slow, so sorry~~Bow~ ~(﹏)~~
(End of this chapter)

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